Need another word that means the same as “reminiscing”? Find 30 related words for “reminiscing” in this overview.
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Associations of "Reminiscing" (30 Words)
anecdote | Short account of an incident (especially a biographical one. His wife s death has long been the subject of rumour and anecdote. |
boyhood | The state or time of being a boy. He has been passionate about cars since boyhood. |
catchy | Likely to attract attention. Catchy pop melodies. |
conjure | Call (an image) to the mind. She conjured him to return. |
evocative | Bringing strong images, memories, or feelings to mind. The building s cramped interiors are highly evocative of past centuries. |
evoke | Evoke or provoke to appear or occur. The Green Paper evoked critical reactions from various bodies. |
fallibility | The tendency to make mistakes or be wrong. Studies on the fallibility of memory and perception. |
implore | Call upon in supplication; entreat. I implore mercy. |
meditate | Reflect deeply on a subject. I set aside time every day to write and meditate. |
memoir | An account of the author’s personal experiences. A revealing passage from Khrushchev s memoirs. |
memory | An electronic memory device. He had a good memory when he was younger. |
mindful | Bearing in mind; attentive to. The judge said that he was not mindful to postpone the eviction again. |
nostalgic | A nostalgic person. He remained nostalgic about the good old days. |
psyche | A beautiful princess loved by Cupid who visited her at night and told her she must not try to see him; became the personification of the soul. Their childhood made them want to understand the human psyche and to help others. |
reawaken | (with reference to a feeling or state) emerge or cause to emerge again; awaken again. A sense of community started to reawaken in the 1970s. |
recall | An act or instance of officially recalling someone or something. The recall of our ambassador. |
recollect | Recall knowledge from memory have a recollection. He could not quite recollect the reason. |
recollection | Something recalled to the mind. To the best of my recollection no one ever had a bad word to say about him. |
redolent | Strongly smelling of. A campaign redolent of machine politics. |
remember | Bear (someone) in mind by making them a gift or making provision for them. We remembered the 50th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. |
remembrance | A recognition of meritorious service. I went through the papers and remembrances in his drawers. |
remind | Cause (someone) to remember someone or something. You had an accident he reminded her. |
reminder | A letter sent to remind someone of an obligation, especially to pay a bill. He ignored his wife s reminders. |
reminiscence | A characteristic of one thing that is suggestive of another. His first works are too full of reminiscences of earlier poetry. |
reminiscent | Absorbed in or suggesting absorption in memories. The sights were reminiscent of my childhood. |
retention | The act of retaining something. The children s retention of facts. |
retentive | Serving to keep something in place. Soils retentive of moisture. |
retrospect | Look back upon (a period of time, sequence of events); remember. A full retrospect of the battle. |
think | An instance of deliberate thinking. I need to give it a good think. |
vividly | In an intensely deep or bright manner. Flowers of different hues shining vividly in the bright sunshine. |