Need another word that means the same as “remote”? Find 49 synonyms and 30 related words for “remote” in this overview.
- Remote as a Noun
- Definitions of "Remote" as a noun
- Synonyms of "Remote" as a noun (1 Word)
- Usage Examples of "Remote" as a noun
- Remote as an Adjective
- Definitions of "Remote" as an adjective
- Synonyms of "Remote" as an adjective (48 Words)
- Usage Examples of "Remote" as an adjective
- Associations of "Remote" (30 Words)
The synonyms of “Remote” are: distant, removed, outback, outside, faraway, far, far off, far removed, isolated, out of the way, outlying, off the beaten track, secluded, in the depths of …, hard to find, lonely, in the back of beyond, in the hinterlands, off the map, in the middle of nowhere, godforsaken, obscure, inaccessible, unreachable, irrelevant to, unrelated to, unconcerned with, not pertinent to, immaterial to, inappropriate to, unlikely, improbable, implausible, doubtful, dubious, aloof, detached, impersonal, withdrawn, reserved, uncommunicative, unforthcoming, unapproachable, unresponsive, indifferent, unconcerned, preoccupied, abstracted, remote control
Remote as a Noun
Definitions of "Remote" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “remote” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A device that can be used to control a machine or apparatus from a distance.
- A remote control device.

Synonyms of "Remote" as a noun (1 Word)
remote control | A device that can be used to control a machine or apparatus from a distance. |

Usage Examples of "Remote" as a noun
- Universal remotes which let you operate all your audio/video components from one handset.
- He lost the remote for his TV.

Remote as an Adjective
Definitions of "Remote" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “remote” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Far apart in relevance or relationship or kinship.
- Having very little connection with or relationship to.
- Very unlikely.
- Distantly related.
- (of an electronic device) operating or operated at a distance by means of radio or infrared signals.
- Separate or apart in time.
- (of a place) situated far from the main centres of population; distant.
- Aloof and unfriendly in manner.
- Inaccessible and sparsely populated.
- Located far away spatially.
- Distant in time.
- Inaccessible and sparsely populated.
- (of a chance or possibility) unlikely to occur.
- Denoting a device which can only be accessed by means of a network.

Synonyms of "Remote" as an adjective (48 Words)
abstracted | Lost in thought; showing preoccupation. She seemed abstracted and unaware of her surroundings. |
aloof | Conspicuously uninvolved. They were courteous but faintly aloof. |
detached | Lacking affection or warm feeling. He is a detached observer of his own actions. |
distant | Remote or far apart in resemblance or relationship. She and my father were distant with each other. |
doubtful | Unsettled in mind or opinion. They were doubtful that the cord would hold. |
dubious | Fraught with uncertainty or doubt. He holds the dubious distinction of being relegated with every club he has played for. |
far | Distant from a point seen as central; extreme. Far corners of the earth. |
far off | Being the animal or vehicle on the right or being on the right side of an animal or vehicle. |
far removed | Beyond a norm in opinion or actions. |
faraway | Seeming remote from one’s immediate surroundings. She had a faraway look in her eyes. |
godforsaken | Lacking any merit or attraction. What are you doing in this godforsaken place. |
hard to find | Dried out. |
immaterial to | Not consisting of matter. |
impersonal | Having no personal preference. An impersonal corporation. |
implausible | (of an argument or statement) not seeming reasonable or probable; failing to convince. This is a blatantly implausible claim. |
improbable | Too improbable to admit of belief. This account of events was seen by the jury as most improbable. |
in the back of beyond | Currently fashionable. |
in the depths of … | Holding office. |
in the hinterlands | Directed or bound inward. |
in the middle of nowhere | Currently fashionable. |
inaccessible | Unable to be used. The city centre is inaccessible to traffic in most places. |
inappropriate to | Not in keeping with what is correct or proper. |
indifferent | Marked by no especial liking or dislike or preference for one thing over another. Whether you choose to do it or not is a matter that is quite immaterial or indifferent. |
irrelevant to | Having no bearing on or connection with the subject at issue. |
isolated | Not close together in time. Tiny isolated villages remote from centers of civilization. |
lonely | Devoid of creatures. A lonely fisherman stood on a tuft of gravel. |
not pertinent to | Having precise or logical relevance to the matter at hand. |
obscure | Remote and separate physically or socially. An obscure turn of phrase. |
off the beaten track | Below a satisfactory level. |
off the map | In an unpalatable state. |
out of the way | Not worth considering as a possibility. |
outback | Inaccessible and sparsely populated. |
outlying | Relatively far from a center or middle. Outlying settlements. |
outside | Leading to or from the outside. The outside world. |
preoccupied | Having or showing excessive or compulsive concern with something. Got no help from his wife who was preoccupied with the children. |
removed | Separate or apart in time. A cousin once removed. |
reserved | Kept specially for a particular person. He is a reserved almost taciturn man. |
secluded | Providing privacy or seclusion. The gardens are quiet and secluded. |
unapproachable | Not welcoming or friendly. An unapproachable chalet high in the mountains. |
uncommunicative | Not inclined to talk or give information or express opinions. He had always been quiet and uncommunicative having few friends. |
unconcerned | Showing a lack of worry or interest, especially when this is surprising or callous. The average American is unconcerned that his or her plight is the result of a complex of personal and economic and governmental actions beyond the normal citizen s comprehension and control. |
unconcerned with | Not occupied or engaged with. |
unforthcoming | (of a person) not willing to divulge information. The sergeant seemed unforthcoming so he enquired at the gate. |
unlikely | Having a probability too low to inspire belief. A butcher is unlikely to preach vegetarianism. |
unreachable | Inaccessibly located or situated. The doctor had left the hospital and was unreachable. |
unrelated to | Lacking a logical or causal relation. |
unresponsive | Not susceptible to suggestion or influence. Was unresponsive to her passionate advances. |
withdrawn | Withdrawn from society seeking solitude. When her husband died she became very withdrawn. |

Usage Examples of "Remote" as an adjective
- A golden age in the remote past.
- A remote possibility.
- A remote cousin.
- She seemed remote and patronizing.
- Chances of a lasting peace became even more remote.
- Remote stars.
- Considerations entirely removed (or remote) from politics.
- A remote contingency.
- The theory seems rather intellectual and remote from everyday experience.
- The valley is remote from the usual tourist routes.
- A remote Welsh valley.
- A second feature allows pagers to be alerted from remote alarm sensors.
- A remote relative.
- The remote past or future.

Associations of "Remote" (30 Words)
alienate | Make (someone) feel isolated or estranged. They defended the Masai against attempts to alienate their land. |
alone | Used to emphasize that only one factor out of several is being considered and that the whole is greater or more extreme. This theory is altogether alone in its penetration of the problem. |
apart | (of two or more people or things) separated by a specified distance in time or space. Wrestlers were a breed apart. |
cloistered | Kept away from the outside world; sheltered. A cloistered upbringing. |
detached | (of a house or other building) not joined to another on either side. A detached garage. |
distant | (of a person) not closely related. The star is 30 000 light years distant from Earth. |
estrange | Cause (someone) to be no longer on friendly terms with someone. Years of boarding school estranged the child from her home. |
faraway | Seeming remote from one’s immediate surroundings. She had a faraway look in her eyes. |
hermit | A hummingbird found in the shady lower layers of tropical forests, foraging along a regular route. |
isolate | A person or thing that has been or become isolated. Engineers isolated the gas supply to the house. |
isolated | Marked by separation of or from usually contiguous elements- Scientific Monthly. Isolated incidents of student unrest. |
isolation | Denoting a hospital or ward for patients with infectious diseases. Isolation from family and friends may also contribute to anxiety. |
lone | Characterized by or preferring solitude. A lonesome pine. |
lonely | Characterized by or preferring solitude. A lonely country lane. |
out-of-town | The people living in a municipality smaller than a city. |
outback | The remote and usually uninhabited inland districts of Australia. The outback of Ontario. |
outlying | Situated far from a centre; remote. An outlying village. |
seclude | Keep (someone) away from other people. I secluded myself up here for a life of study and meditation. |
secluded | (of a place) not seen or visited by many people; sheltered and private. The gardens are quiet and secluded. |
seclusion | The state of being private and away from other people. They enjoyed ten days of peace and seclusion. |
segregate | Someone who is or has been segregated. Experiments show clearly that genes segregate. |
separated | Separated at the joint. His parents are separated. |
sequester | Isolate or hide away. The estate was sequestered. |
sole | Put a new sole on to a shoe. A big blister on each heel and sole. |
solitary | (of a flower or other part) borne singly. A solitary traveler. |
solitude | A solitary place. The battle to preserve beloved solitudes flared up all over the country. |
troglodyte | (especially in prehistoric times) a person who lived in a cave. |
underpopulated | Having a lower population density than normal or desirable. The richly endowed but underpopulated Ivory Coast. |
unrewarding | Not rewarding; not providing personal satisfaction. It was dull unrewarding work. |
yon | Distant but within sight yon is dialectal. Scattered here and yon. |