Need another word that means the same as “riveting”? Find 4 synonyms and 30 related words for “riveting” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Riveting” are: absorbing, engrossing, fascinating, gripping
Riveting as an Adjective
Definitions of "Riveting" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “riveting” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Completely engrossing; compelling.
- Capable of arousing and holding the attention.

Synonyms of "Riveting" as an adjective (4 Words)
absorbing | Capable of arousing and holding the attention. An absorbing account of their marriage. |
engrossing | Capable of arousing and holding the attention. The most engrossing parts of the book. |
fascinating | Capable of arousing and holding the attention. A fascinating woman. |
gripping | Capable of arousing and holding the attention. A gripping TV thriller. |

Usage Examples of "Riveting" as an adjective
- The book is a riveting account of the legendary freedom fighter.

Associations of "Riveting" (30 Words)
absorbing | Capable of arousing and holding the attention. An absorbing account of their marriage. |
amusing | Providing enjoyment; pleasantly entertaining. An amusing speaker. |
attractive | Having qualities or features which arouse interest. The attractive force between the magnets and the metal plate. |
bestseller | A book that has had a large and rapid sale. The bestseller list. |
charming | Pleasing or delighting. He was a charming affectionate colleague. |
delightful | Causing delight; charming. A delightful surprise. |
diverting | Entertaining or amusing. A diverting story. |
enchanting | Delightfully charming or attractive. Dinah looked enchanting. |
engrossing | Absorbing all one’s attention or interest. The most engrossing parts of the book. |
entertaining | Agreeably diverting. A charming and entertaining companion. |
enthralling | Capturing interest as if by a spell. An enthralling best seller. |
entrancing | Capturing interest as if by a spell. I find you entrancing. |
exciting | Stimulating interest and discussion. An exciting account of her trip. |
fascinating | Extremely interesting. A fascinating woman. |
fun | A source of fun. She s full of fun. |
funny | An account of an amusing incident (usually with a punch line. A very funny writer. |
humorous | Full of or characterized by humor. A humorous and entertaining talk. |
intense | Extremely sharp or intense. Enemy fire was intense. |
interesting | Arousing or holding the attention. It will be very interesting to see what they come up with. |
intriguing | Disturbingly provocative. An intriguing smile. |
irresistible | Too attractive and tempting to be resisted. Irresistible or resistless impulses. |
meteoric | Relating to meteors or meteorites. Meteoric iron. |
nice | Exhibiting courtesy and politeness. A nice point. |
overwhelming | Very great in amount. His party won overwhelming support. |
pleasantness | The feeling caused by agreeable stimuli; one pole of a continuum of states of feeling. The pleasantness of a cool breeze on a hot summer day. |
salient | (military) the part of the line of battle that projects closest to the enemy. The salient object in my view. |
stardom | The status of being acknowledged as a star. Her rise to stardom has been meteoric. |
super | An extra unwanted or unimportant person a supernumerary. A super party. |
thrilling | Causing a surge of emotion or excitement. A thrilling adventure. |