Need another word that means the same as “irresistible”? Find 13 synonyms and 30 related words for “irresistible” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Irresistible” are: resistless, tempting, enticing, alluring, inviting, seductive, uncontrollable, overwhelming, overpowering, compelling, compulsive, irrepressible, ungovernable
Irresistible as an Adjective
Definitions of "Irresistible" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “irresistible” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Impossible to resist; overpowering.
- Too powerful or convincing to be resisted.
- Overpoweringly attractive.
- Too attractive and tempting to be resisted.

Synonyms of "Irresistible" as an adjective (13 Words)
alluring | Powerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating; seductive. An alluring prospect. |
compelling | Not able to be refuted; inspiring conviction. His eyes were strangely compelling. |
compulsive | Irresistibly interesting or exciting; compelling. A compulsive liar. |
enticing | Highly attractive and able to arouse hope or desire. Difficult to say no to an enticing advertisement. |
inviting | Attractive and tempting. The sea down there looks so inviting. |
irrepressible | Not able to be controlled or restrained. A great shout of irrepressible laughter. |
overpowering | Extremely strong or intense; overwhelming. A feeling of overpowering sadness. |
overwhelming | So strong as to be irresistible. His party won overwhelming support. |
resistless | Offering no resistance. Irresistible or resistless impulses. |
seductive | Tending to entice into a desired action or state. A seductive voice. |
tempting | Very pleasantly inviting. A tempting repast. |
uncontrollable | Incapable of being controlled or managed. Her brother had an uncontrollable temper. |
ungovernable | Incapable of being controlled. An ungovernable impulse to run away. |
Usage Examples of "Irresistible" as an adjective
- What happens when an irresistible force meets an immovable object?
- Irresistible beauty.
- She felt an irresistible urge to object.
- Irresistible (or resistless) impulses.
- He found the delicious-looking cakes irresistible.
Associations of "Irresistible" (30 Words)
absorbing | Capable of arousing and holding the attention. An absorbing account of their marriage. |
amusing | Providing enjoyment; pleasantly entertaining. An amusing fellow. |
attractive | Pleasing to the eye or mind especially through beauty or charm. An attractive personality. |
bestseller | A book that has had a large and rapid sale. The bestseller list. |
bulk | Stick out or up. Your shares will be bulked with others and sold at the best prices available. |
charming | Very pleasant or attractive. He was a charming affectionate colleague. |
delightful | Greatly pleasing or entertaining. A delightful secluded garden. |
diverting | Entertaining or amusing. Fans of these actors will find this book a diverting read. |
dominance | The predominance of one or more species in a plant or animal community. Her apparent dominance of her husband was really her attempt to make him pay attention to her. |
enchanting | Capturing interest as if by a spell. Enchanting music. |
engrossing | Absorbing all one’s attention or interest. The most engrossing parts of the book. |
entertaining | Providing amusement or enjoyment. Films should be entertaining. |
enthralling | Capturing and holding one’s attention; fascinating. An enthralling best seller. |
entrancing | Capable of attracting and holding interest; charming. An entrancing smile. |
exciting | Creating or arousing excitement. An exciting novel. |
fascinating | Extremely interesting. A fascinating book. |
funny | Causing laughter or amusement; humorous. There was something funny going on. |
intense | Extremely sharp or intense. Intense anxiety. |
interesting | Arousing or holding the attention. It will be very interesting to see what they come up with. |
intriguing | Arousing one’s curiosity or interest; fascinating. The food is an intriguing combination of German and French. |
irresistibly | In a way that is too attractive and tempting to be resisted. Their eyes were drawn irresistibly back to the house. |
overwhelming | Very strong; urgently felt. Overwhelming joy. |
riveting | Completely engrossing; compelling. The book is a riveting account of the legendary freedom fighter. |
salient | (of an animal) standing on its hind legs with the forepaws raised, as if leaping. Salient traits. |
stardom | The state or status of being a very famous or talented entertainer or sports player. Her rise to stardom has been meteoric. |
super | Superfine fabric or manufacture. A super experiment. |
thrilling | Causing quivering or shivering as by cold or fear or electric shock. A thrilling performer to watch. |
unbearably | In a way that is impossible or extremely hard to endure. The men and their families have suffered unbearably. |
vast | An immense space. The vast accumulation of knowledge which we call civilization. |