UNCONTROLLABLE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for UNCONTROLLABLE?

Need another word that means the same as “uncontrollable”? Find 24 synonyms and 30 related words for “uncontrollable” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Uncontrollable” are: indocile, ungovernable, unruly, irrepressible, unmanageable, uncorrectable, out of control, wild, disorderly, recalcitrant, refractory, obstreperous, turbulent, intractable, incorrigible, disobedient, delinquent, insubordinate, defiant, undisciplined, irresistible, unstoppable, unquenchable, uncontainable

Uncontrollable as an Adjective

Definitions of "Uncontrollable" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “uncontrollable” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Difficult to solve or alleviate.
  • Incapable of being controlled.
  • Not controllable.
  • Incapable of being controlled or managed.
  • Of persons.
  • Impossible to repress or control.

Synonyms of "Uncontrollable" as an adjective (24 Words)

defiantBoldly resisting authority or an opposing force.
A defiant gesture.
delinquentFailing in one’s duty.
A delinquent account.
disobedientRefusing to obey rules or someone in authority.
Disobedient children.
disorderlyInvolving or contributing to a breakdown of peaceful and law-abiding behaviour.
A disorderly pile of clothes.
incorrigibleImpervious to correction by punishment.
An incorrigible mess.
indocileOf persons.
insubordinateDefiant of authority; disobedient to orders.
An insubordinate attitude.
intractableHard to control or deal with.
Intractable metal.
irrepressibleNot able to be controlled or restrained.
An irrepressible chatterbox.
irresistibleToo attractive and tempting to be resisted.
Irresistible or resistless impulses.
obstreperousNoisy and difficult to control.
The boy is cocky and obstreperous.
out of controlNo longer fashionable.
recalcitrantHaving an obstinately uncooperative attitude towards authority or discipline.
The University suspended the most recalcitrant demonstrators.
refractory(of a person or animal) resistant to infection.
Healing of previously refractory ulcers.
turbulent(of air or water) moving unsteadily or violently.
Turbulent rapids.
uncontainable(especially of an emotion) very strong.
His uncontainable enthusiasm.
uncorrectableIncapable of being controlled or managed.
An uncorrectable habit.
undisciplinedLacking in discipline or control.
Undisciplined soldiers.
ungovernableIncapable of being controlled.
An ungovernable impulse to run away.
unmanageableIncapable of being controlled or managed.
An unmanageable situation.
unquenchableNot able to be quenched.
His enthusiasm was unquenchable.
unrulyNoisy and lacking in restraint or discipline.
A group of unruly children.
unstoppableImpossible to stop or prevent.
As unstoppable as the wind.
wildProduced from wild animals or plants without cultivation.
Wild talk.

Usage Examples of "Uncontrollable" as an adjective

  • Uncontrollable children.
  • Uncontrollable pain.
  • Uncontrollable laughter.
  • Her brother had an uncontrollable temper.

Associations of "Uncontrollable" (30 Words)

agogHighly excited by eagerness, curiosity, etc.
Papa was agog with curiosity.
balkyStopping short and refusing to go on.
A balky mule.
barbaricUnrestrained and crudely rich.
The barbaric splendour he found in civilizations since destroyed.
boisterousNoisy, energetic, and cheerful.
A group of boisterous lads.
disorderlyLacking organization; untidy.
His life was as disorderly as ever.
fanaticA person filled with excessive and single-minded zeal, especially for an extreme religious or political cause.
His eyes had a fanatic iciness.
feral(especially of an animal) in a wild state, especially after escape from captivity or domestication.
His teeth were bared in a feral snarl.
fierceHaving or displaying an intense or ferocious aggressiveness.
Fierce fighting.
incorrigibleAn incorrigible person.
She s an incorrigible flirt.
insubordinateNot submissive to authority.
Insubordinate boys.
intractableHard to control or deal with.
Intractable metal.
invadeEnter (a place, situation, or sphere of activity) in large numbers, especially with intrusive effect.
Demonstrators invaded the Presidential Palace.
irrepressibleNot able to be controlled or restrained.
An irrepressible rogue.
obstreperousNoisy and difficult to control.
The boy is cocky and obstreperous.
rambunctiousNoisy and lacking in restraint or discipline.
A rambunctious tyke.
rampageViolently angry and destructive behavior.
Several thousand demonstrators rampaged through the city.
recalcitrantHaving an obstinately uncooperative attitude towards authority or discipline.
A class of recalcitrant fifteen year olds.
refractory(of a substance) resistant to heat; hard to melt or fuse.
A refractory case of acne.
resistiveAble to withstand the action or effect of something.
savageWithout civilizing influences.
The mother of one of the victims has described his assailants as savages.
tempestuousAs if showing violent anger.
A tempestuous wind.
uncivilizedImpolite; bad-mannered.
Children are basically uncivilized.
ungovernableImpossible to control or govern.
An ungovernable impulse to run away.
unrulyNoisy and lacking in restraint or discipline.
The little boy s parents think he is spirited but his teacher finds him unruly.
untamedIn a natural state; not tamed or domesticated or cultivated.
Nepal was stunning with its wild untamed landscape.
vehemenceThe property of being wild or turbulent.
The vehemence of his reaction.
vehementMarked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions; inclined to react violently; fervid.
A vehement defense.
violentMarked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions inclined to react violently fervid.
Violent passions.
wildProduced from wild animals or plants without cultivation.
Performing in Hollywood was beyond my wildest dreams.

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