Need another word that means the same as “rocky”? Find 27 synonyms for “rocky” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Rocky” are: rough, bouldered, bouldery, stony, bumpy, jolting, jolty, jumpy, pebbly, shingly, rugged, hard, unsteady, shaky, unstable, wobbly, tottery, rickety, flimsy, difficult, up and down, problematic, precarious, uncertain, unsure, unreliable, undependable
Rocky as an Adjective
Definitions of "Rocky" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “rocky” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Difficult and full of problems.
- Relating to or characteristic of rock music.
- Liable to rock.
- Abounding in rocks or stones.
- Full of hardship or trials.
- Tending to rock or shake; unsteady.
- Causing or characterized by jolts and irregular movements.
- Consisting or full of rock or rocks.

Synonyms of "Rocky" as an adjective (27 Words)
bouldered | Abounding in rocks or stones. |
bouldery | Abounding in rocks or stones. Bouldery beaches. |
bumpy | (of a journey or other movement) involving sudden jolts and jerks. The car jolted on the bumpy road. |
difficult | Hard to control. She had a difficult decision to make. |
flimsy | (of a pretext or account) weak and unconvincing. A flimsy barrier. |
hard | Unfortunate or hard to bear. Hard liquor. |
jolting | Causing or characterized by jolts and irregular movements. |
jolty | Causing or characterized by jolts and irregular movements. |
jumpy | Being in a tense state. He was tired and jumpy. |
pebbly | Abounding in small stones. |
precarious | Fraught with danger. He made a precarious living as a painter. |
problematic | Open to doubt or debate. If you ever get married which seems to be extremely problematic. |
rickety | Lacking bodily or muscular strength or vitality. Rickety limbs and joints. |
rough | Not quite exact or correct. Rough blankets. |
rugged | Very difficult; severely testing stamina or resolution. A rugged coastline. |
shaky | Not safe or reliable; liable to fail or falter. Seemed shaky on her feet. |
shingly | Abounding in small stones. Landed at a shingly little beach. |
stony | Showing unfeeling resistance to tender feelings. Stony steps. |
tottery | Unsteady in gait as from infirmity or old age. A tottery old man. |
uncertain | (of a person) not completely confident or sure of something. Changes of great if uncertain consequences. |
undependable | Not worthy of reliance or trust. An undependable generalization. |
unreliable | Lacking a sense of responsibility. An unreliable trestle. |
unstable | Highly or violently reactive. The unstable cliff tops. |
unsteady | Liable to fall or shake; not steady in position. Nathan pushed the mug into her unsteady hand. |
unsure | Lacking self-confidence. Unsure of himself and his future. |
up and down | In readiness. |
wobbly | (of a person or voice) tending to move out of tone or slightly vary in pitch. The car had a wobbly wheel. |

Usage Examples of "Rocky" as an adjective
- Older types of sash windows are a bit rocky.
- On high rocky heels.
- Hillsides of dry, rocky soil.
- Rocky fields.
- The rocky road to success.
- Rocky and acoustic folk bands.
- A rocky crag above the village.
- The marriage seemingly got off to a rocky start.