SEEN: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SEEN?

Need another word that means the same as “seen”? Find 30 related words for “seen” in this overview.

Associations of "Seen" (30 Words)

beholdSee with attention.
Behold your lord and prince.
beholderA person who becomes aware (of things or events) through the senses.
The building and landscape can elicit imaginative responses from the beholder.
discoveredDiscovered or determined by scientific observation.
Discovered differences in achievement.
experimenterA person who performs a scientific procedure, especially in a laboratory, to determine something.
Early experimenters with structure and harmony.
eyeThe region of the face surrounding the eyes.
His sharp eyes had missed nothing.
findGet or find back recover the use of.
Water finds its own level.
lookOf a building or room have an outlook in a specified direction.
Let me get a closer look.
lookoutA person stationed to keep watch for danger or trouble.
What if he gets fits It s a bad lookout in that case.
macroscopicLarge enough to be visible with the naked eye.
microscopyThe use of the microscope.
observantAdhering strictly to the rules of a particular religion, especially Judaism.
Her observant eye took in every detail.
observationThe act of making and recording a measurement.
His powers of observation.
observatoryA structure commanding a wide view of its surroundings.
observeObserve with care or pay close attention to.
A tribunal must observe the principles of natural justice.
observerA person who watches or notices something.
Some observers expect interest rates to rise.
observingQuick to notice; showing quick and keen perception.
opticalRelating to sight, especially in relation to the action of light.
Integrated optical circuits.
percipientA person who becomes aware (of things or events) through the senses.
A percipient author.
phantasmA ghostly appearing figure.
The cart seemed to glide like a terrible phantasm.
sightTake aim by looking through the sights of a gun.
A sight test.
spectacleA blunder that makes you look ridiculous used in the phrase make a spectacle of yourself.
The acrobatic feats make a good spectacle.
spectatorA woman’s pump with medium heel; usually in contrasting colors for toe and heel.
The spectators applauded the performance.
telescopeMake smaller or shorter.
My hiking sticks telescope and can be put into the backpack.
telescopicHaving or consisting of concentric tubular sections designed to slide into one another.
Telescopic lenses.
viewerA device for looking at film transparencies or similar photographic images.
Our presenters are role models for young viewers.
visibilityThe distance one can see as determined by light and weather conditions.
That candidate does not have sufficient visibility to win an election.
visibleVisible imports or exports.
Visible stars.
visualRelating to or using sight.
Visual perception.
watchSee or watch.
I guess I can rest a while with you here to watch over me.
witnessBe a witness to.
A key witness at the trial.

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