Need another word that means the same as “sensitive”? Find 28 synonyms and 30 related words for “sensitive” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Sensitive” are: raw, sore, tender, sensible, responsive to, quick to respond to, reactive to, sentient of, delicate, fragile, tactful, careful, thoughtful, diplomatic, subtle, kid-glove, thin-skinned, touchy, oversensitive, hypersensitive, defensive, private, personal, intimate, privileged, quiet, medium, spiritualist
Sensitive as a Noun
Definitions of "Sensitive" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “sensitive” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- Someone who serves as an intermediary between the living and the dead.
- A person who is believed to respond to paranormal influences.

Synonyms of "Sensitive" as a noun (2 Words)
medium | The middle quality or state between two extremes; a reasonable balance. These cells are grown in a nutrient rich medium. |
spiritualist | Someone who serves as an intermediary between the living and the dead. He became an ardent spiritualist attending seances and insisting on their authenticity. |

Sensitive as an Adjective
Definitions of "Sensitive" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “sensitive” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Hurting.
- Being susceptible to the attitudes, feelings, or circumstances of others.
- Of or pertaining to classified information or matters affecting national security.
- Quick to detect or respond to slight changes, signals, or influences.
- Responsive to physical stimuli.
- Having or displaying a quick and delicate appreciation of others' feelings.
- Able to feel or perceive.
- (of photographic materials) prepared so as to respond rapidly to the action of light.
- Easily damaged, injured, or distressed by slight changes.
- (of a market) unstable and liable to quick changes of price because of outside influences.
- Kept secret or with restrictions on disclosure to avoid endangering security.
- Easily offended or upset.

Synonyms of "Sensitive" as an adjective (26 Words)
careful | Full of cares or anxiety-Luke 10.41. A careful consideration of the facts. |
defensive | Intended or appropriate for defending against or deterring aggression or attack. A poor defensive record. |
delicate | Developed with extreme delicacy and subtlety. Almost undetectable with even the most delicate instruments. |
diplomatic | Using or marked by tact in dealing with sensitive matters or people. He tried his best to be diplomatic. |
fragile | Easily destroyed or threatened. You have a fragile grip on reality. |
hypersensitive | Easily hurt, worried, or offended. Hypersensitive to pollen. |
intimate | Having or fostering a warm or friendly and informal atmosphere. Intimate friends. |
kid-glove | Showing skill and sensitivity in dealing with people. |
oversensitive | (especially of a person or an instrument) excessively sensitive. Bentley was oversensitive to criticism. |
personal | Concerning or affecting a particular person or his or her private life and personality. He rejected the notion of a personal God. |
private | Concerning things deeply private and personal. Private lessons. |
privileged | Having been granted a special honour. In the nineteenth century only a privileged few had the vote. |
quick to respond to | Accomplished rapidly and without delay. |
quiet | (of the sun) characterized by a low level of surface phenomena, such as sunspots. The street below was quiet little traffic braving the snow. |
raw | Brutally unfair or harsh. There were a number of errors in the raw data. |
reactive to | Reacting to a stimulus. |
responsive to | Readily reacting or replying to people or events or stimuli; showing emotion. |
sensible | Showing reason or sound judgment. The sensible universe. |
sentient of | Consciously perceiving- W.A.White. |
sore | (of a part of one’s body) painful or aching. I didn t even know they were sore at us. |
subtle | (of a mixture or effect) delicately complex and understated. He tried a more subtle approach. |
tactful | Showing skill and sensitivity in dealing with people. A tactful remark eased her embarrassment. |
tender | Hurting. Tender loving care. |
thin-skinned | Quick to take offense. |
thoughtful | Taking heed giving close and thoughtful attention. How very thoughtful of you. |
touchy | Difficult to handle; requiring great tact. She s a little touchy about her age. |

Usage Examples of "Sensitive" as an adjective
- The committee called for improved protection of wildlife in environmentally sensitive areas.
- I suppose I shouldn't be so sensitive.
- The new method of protein detection was more sensitive than earlier ones.
- Sensitive skin.
- The Japanese were successfully entering many of the most sensitive markets.
- A sensitive voltmeter.
- Sensitive to light.
- I pay tribute to the Minister for his sensitive handling of the bill.
- Sensitive to the local community and its needs.
- He was suspected of passing sensitive information to other countries.
- A mimosa's leaves are sensitive to touch.
- Spiders are sensitive to vibrations on their web.

Associations of "Sensitive" (30 Words)
adaptability | The capacity to be modified for a new use or purpose. This is a good example of the adaptability of listed buildings. |
agility | Ability to move quickly and easily. Though he was without formal training as dancer or athlete his physical agility was inexhaustible. |
answer | Give the correct answer or solution to. He said he would return to Spain to answer all charges. |
answering | Replying. An answering smile. |
cognizant | Having or showing knowledge or understanding or realization or perception. Statesmen must be cognizant of the political boundaries within which they work. |
considerate | Showing careful thought. Friends considerate enough to leave us alone. |
contemplative | A person devoted to the contemplative life. She regarded me with a contemplative eye. |
dedicated | Solemnly dedicated to or set apart for a high purpose. A chapel dedicated to the dead of World War II. |
delicate | A delicate fabric or garment. A delicate sweet flavour. |
flexibility | The quality of bending easily without breaking. I enjoyed the flexibility of the schedule. |
impressionable | Easily impressed or influenced. An impressionable age. |
labile | Liable to change. The breakage of labile bonds. |
meditative | Deeply or seriously thoughtful. Meditative techniques. |
pensive | Showing pensive sadness. A pensive mood. |
poll | Vote in an election at a polling station. Over half of those polled do not believe the prime minister usually tells the truth. |
react | Show a response or a reaction to something. Many babies react to soy based formulas. |
reaction | An analogous transformation of atomic nuclei or other particles. The work of these painters was a reaction against Fauvism. |
reactive | Reacting to a stimulus. Sodium is a reactive metal. |
receptiveness | Willingness or readiness to receive (especially impressions or ideas. He was testing the government s receptiveness to reform. |
reflective | Produced by reflection. Reflective clothing. |
reply | A statement either spoken or written that is made to reply to a question or request or criticism or accusation. Clough scored the first goal and Speed hit a late reply. |
respondent | The codefendant especially in a divorce proceeding who is accused of adultery with the corespondent. The respondent defendant. |
responsive | (of a section of liturgy) using responses. Children are often the quickest and most responsive members of the audience. |
responsiveness | Responsive to stimulation. The responsiveness of the vehicle. |
susceptible | (often followed by `of’ or `to’) yielding readily to or capable of. The problem is not susceptible of a simple solution. |
thoughtful | Taking heed giving close and thoughtful attention. Her work is thoughtful and provocative. |
touched | Being excited or provoked to the expression of an emotion. Very touched by the stranger s kindness. |
touchy | (of an issue or situation) requiring careful handling; delicate. She s a little touchy about her age. |
unstable | Likely to give way; not stable. Everything was unstable following the coup. |
vulnerable | Capable of being wounded or hurt. An argument vulnerable to refutation. |