SET OUT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SET OUT?

Need another word that means the same as “set out”? Find 30 related words for “set out” in this overview.

Associations of "Set out" (30 Words)

arrangedDeliberately arranged for effect.
Haphazardly arranged interlobular septa.
awayAn away match or win.
We have had patients from as far away as Wales.
campA group of people living together in a camp.
The whole camp laughed at his mistake.
coordinatedBeing dexterous in the use of more than one set of muscle movements- Mary McCarthy.
A coordinated program.
coterieAn exclusive circle of people with a common purpose.
A coterie of friends and advisers.
downstairsSituated downstairs.
The tenants live downstairs.
emancipationThe fact or process of being set free from legal, social, or political restrictions; liberation.
The early struggle for emancipation from slavery.
emendMake corrections and revisions to (a text.
These studies show him collating manuscripts and emending texts.
equippedCarrying weapons.
A ship equipped with every mechanical aid to navigation.
establishInstitute enact or establish.
Establish the location with a wide shot.
exhaleGive off (vapour or fumes.
He exhaled the smoke towards the ceiling.
fixingThe ingredients necessary to make a dish or meal.
Problems in need of fixing.
furnished(of accommodation) available to be rented with furniture.
A furnished apartment.
She got an in with the promising new artist.
kinshipA close connection marked by community of interests or similarity in nature or character.
They felt a kinship with architects.
layLocate an episode in a play novel etc in a particular place.
The lay of the surrounding countryside.
locatedSituated in a particular spot or position.
Valuable centrally located urban land.
matchThe score needed to win a match.
When a match is found an entry is made in the notebook.
matchingEqual in number or amount; equivalent.
A blue jacket and matching skirt.
mateSouth American tea like drink made from leaves of a South American holly called mate.
Successful males may mate with many females.
orderedMarked by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts.
An ordered sequence.
organizedMethodical and efficient in arrangement or function.
Without rules an organized society cannot hold together.
pairThe second member of a pair in relation to the first.
Three pairs of shoes.
pitchSet to a certain pitch.
You ve pitched the melody very high.
placeTake a place in a competition often followed by an ordinal.
Your place or mine.
putPut into a certain place or abstract location.
He was put in charge of civil defence.
The petty sessions area in which it is situate.
situatedSituated in a particular spot or position.
Nicely situated on a quiet riverbank.
townshipAn administrative division of a county.
A Johannesburg township.
twinA twin engined aircraft.
The twin problems of economic failure and social disintegration.

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