SHOT IN THE ARM: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SHOT IN THE ARM?

Need another word that means the same as “shot in the arm”? Find 30 related words for “shot in the arm” in this overview.

Associations of "Shot in the arm" (30 Words)

ammunitionAny nuclear or chemical or biological material that can be used as a weapon of mass destruction.
These figures provide ammunition to the argument for more resources.
armsDistinctive emblems or devices originally borne on shields in battle and now forming the heraldic insignia of families, corporations, or countries.
Arms and ammunition.
artilleryAn army unit that uses big guns.
Each corps included two regiments of field artillery.
bombardA cannon of the earliest type, which fired a stone ball or large shot.
The governor was bombarded with requests to grant a pardon to the convicted killer.
bulletA high-speed passenger train.
All afternoon he threw bullets at the other team s batters.
caliberDiameter of a tube or gun barrel.
An executive of low caliber.
cannonFire a cannon.
His shot cannoned off the crossbar.
cartridgeAmmunition consisting of a cylindrical casing containing an explosive charge and a bullet; fired from a rifle or handgun.
He loaded a cartridge of fresh tape into the tape deck.
catapultMove suddenly or at great speed as though hurled by a catapult.
Their music catapulted them to the top of the charts.
firearmA portable gun.
He wore his firearm in a shoulder holster.
firingThe act of firing weapons or artillery at an enemy.
The deliberate firing of 600 oil wells.
fusilladeAttack with fusillade.
The Mahdi s adherents fusilladed his palace at Khartoum.
grenadeA glass receptacle containing chemicals which are released when the receptacle is thrown and broken, used for testing drains and extinguishing fires.
gunA gunman.
A hired gun.
hammockA small natural hill.
ignitionThe mechanism for bringing about ignition in an internal combustion engine typically activated by a key or switch.
A small amount of diesel fuel must be injected to allow ignition.
immunizeLaw: grant immunity from prosecution.
The vaccine is used to immunize children against measles.
munitionSupply with munitions.
Munition factories.
musketA muzzle-loading shoulder gun with a long barrel; formerly used by infantrymen.
A volley of musket fire.
Unexploded ordnance.
pistolShoot someone with a pistol.
When we first met he was a pistol full of ideals and a natural leader.
revolverA door consisting of four orthogonal partitions that rotate about a central pivot; a door designed to equalize the air pressure in tall buildings.
rifleA shoulder firearm with a long barrel and a rifled bore.
A hunting rifle.
salvoAn outburst resembling the discharge of firearms or the release of bombs.
There was a salvo of approval.
shootOf a plant or seed send out buds or shoots germinate.
A ball pitching on that spot would sometimes shoot.
shootingThe sport or pastime of shooting with a gun.
20 000 fatal shootings a year.
slingHold or carry in a sling.
I wasn t slinging off at your religion.
triggerRelease or pull the trigger on.
An allergy can be triggered by stress or overwork.
turretA rotating holder for tools, especially on a lathe.
A castle with fairy tale turrets.
weaponA thing designed or used for inflicting bodily harm or physical damage.
He used all his conversational weapons.

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