Need another word that means the same as “single out”? Find 30 related words for “single out” in this overview.
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Associations of "Single out" (30 Words)
alone | Isolated from others. She is alone much of the time. |
apart | No longer living together or close emotionally. Two stone gateposts some thirty feet apart. |
detached | Aloof and objective. Detached houses. |
forlorn | Marked by or showing hopelessness. Forlorn figures at bus stops. |
hermit | A hummingbird found in the shady lower layers of tropical forests, foraging along a regular route. |
homesick | Experiencing a longing for one’s home during a period of absence from it. He was homesick for America after five weeks in Europe. |
isolate | A person or thing that has been or become isolated. The best way to isolate sick fish is to set up a hospital tank. |
isolated | Single; exceptional. Isolated instances of rebellion. |
isolation | Denoting a hospital or ward for patients with infectious diseases. He opposed a policy of American isolation. |
lone | (of a place) unfrequented and remote. I approached a lone drinker across the bar. |
lonely | Lacking companions or companionship. A lonely country lane. |
lonesome | Marked by dejection from being alone. A lonesome pine. |
outsider | A person who is not accepted by or who isolates themselves from society. She felt that his friends despised her as an outsider. |
privacy | The state of being free from public attention. A law to restrict newspapers freedom to invade people s privacy. |
recluse | One who lives in solitude. He s a bit of a recluse. |
remote | A remote control device. Remote stars. |
seclude | Keep (someone) away from other people. I secluded myself up here for a life of study and meditation. |
secluded | Hidden from general view or use. The gardens are quiet and secluded. |
seclusion | The act of secluding yourself from others. They enjoyed ten days of peace and seclusion. |
separated | Separated at the joint. A separated shoulder. |
sequester | Requisition forcibly, as of enemy property. He sequestered himself in his study to write a book. |
sole | Put a new sole on to a shoe. A big blister on each heel and sole. |
solitary | (of a flower or other part) borne singly. A solitary traveler. |
times | An arithmetic operation that is the inverse of division; the product of two numbers is computed. You times the six by four to get twenty four. |
troglodyte | One who lives in solitude. |
unappreciated | Not likely to be rewarded. She had been brought up in a family where she felt unappreciated and undervalued. |
uniquely | So as to be unique. Uniquely shaped buildings. |
unrewarding | Not rewarding or satisfying. It was dull unrewarding work. |
unshared | Not shared. Most of those placed in hostels would prefer unshared independent accommodation. |
unsung | Having value that is not acknowledged. Harvey is one of the unsung heroes of the industrial revolution. |