SOMBER ANTONYM: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SOMBER ANTONYM?

Need another word that means the same as “somber antonym”? Find 30 related words for “somber antonym” in this overview.

Associations of "Somber antonym" (30 Words)

alphabetThe basic elements in a system which combine to form complex entities.
DNA s 4 letter alphabet.
blueBlue clothes or material.
The dark blue of his eyes.
cheerlessGloomy; depressing.
Something cheerless about the room.
dejectedAffected or marked by low spirits.
He stood in the street looking dejected.
depressedLower than previously.
A depressed fracture of the skull.
despairingArising from or marked by despair or loss of hope.
He gave a despairing little shrug.
despondentWithout or almost without hope.
She grew more and more despondent.
dictionaryA reference book containing an alphabetical list of words with information about them.
The dictionary definition of smile.
dingyDiscolored by impurities; not bright and clear is often used in combination.
A dirty or dingy white.
diphthongA digraph representing the sound of a diphthong or single vowel as in feat.
dismalCausing a mood of gloom or depression.
The dismal weather made the late afternoon seem like evening.
dispiritedMarked by low spirits; showing no enthusiasm.
She was determined to appear unworried in front of her dispirited family.
downcastFilled with melancholy and despondency.
You mustn t be downcast.
drearyDepressingly dull and bleak or repetitive.
The dreary round of working eating and trying to sleep.
etymologyThe origin of a word and the historical development of its meaning.
The decline of etymology as a linguistic discipline.
gloomyFilled with melancholy and despondency.
A gloomy corridor badly lit by oil lamps.
grammarA book on grammar.
Chomskyan grammar.
grimCausing dejection.
Grim laughter.
joylessNot giving or feeling any pleasure or satisfaction; grim or dismal.
She had to face the thought of a joyless future.
melancholyA humor that was once believed to be secreted by the kidneys or spleen and to cause sadness and melancholy.
A dark melancholy young man with deep set eyes.
orthographyThe study of spelling and how letters combine to represent sounds and form words.
A spoken language which has as yet no sanctioned orthography.
parseAn act of parsing a string or a text.
A failed parse was retried.
saddenCause to feel sorrow; make unhappy.
The news of her death saddened me.
sorryIn a poor or pitiful state.
Sorry I was trying not to make a noise.
spellingForming words with letters according to the principles underlying accepted usage.
The books and spelling in my class were too simple.
sulkyExpressing or suggesting gloom and bad temper.
Disappointment was making her sulky.
sullenA sulky or depressed mood.
A sullen sunless sky.
syntaxA set of rules for or an analysis of the syntax of a language.
Generative syntax.
The unhappy or sad news.
vocabularyA listing of the words used in some enterprise.
The term became part of business vocabulary.

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