Need another word that means the same as “speedy”? Find 12 synonyms and 30 related words for “speedy” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Speedy” are: rapid, quick, swift, fast, prompt, immediate, expeditious, express, brisk, sharp, unhesitating, high-speed
Speedy as an Adjective
Definitions of "Speedy" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “speedy” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Characterized by speed; moving with or capable of moving with high speed.
- Moving quickly.
- Done or occurring quickly.
- Accomplished rapidly and without delay.

Synonyms of "Speedy" as an adjective (12 Words)
brisk | Quick and energetic. She adopted a brisk businesslike tone. |
expeditious | Marked by speed and efficiency. An expeditious investigation. |
express | Not tacit or implied. Her express wish. |
fast | Engaging in or involving activities characterized by excitement, extranvagance, and risk-taking. The fast life she led in London. |
high-speed | Operating at high speed. |
immediate | Immediately before or after as in a chain of cause and effect. His immediate superior in the department. |
prompt | According to schedule or without delay; on time. She would have died but for the prompt action of two ambulancemen. |
quick | Moving quickly and lightly. He was always quick to point out her faults. |
rapid | Happening in a short time or at a great rate. The country s rapid economic decline. |
sharp | Of a key having a sharp or sharps in the signature. C sharp. |
swift | Moving very fast. The swiftest horse in his stable. |
unhesitating | Characterized by quickness and firmness. His reply was unhesitating. |

Usage Examples of "Speedy" as an adjective
- A speedy winger.
- A speedy car.
- He has a right to a speedy trial.
- A speedy errand boy.
- Hoped for a speedy resolution of the problem.
- A speedy recovery.

Associations of "Speedy" (30 Words)
abrupt | Steep; precipitous. An abrupt change in the weather. |
acceleration | The act of accelerating; increasing the speed. The three litre model has spectacular acceleration. |
airspeed | The speed of an aircraft relative to the air through which it is moving. |
briskness | Liveliness and eagerness. |
fastness | The quality of being fixed in place as by some firm attachment. The dyes differ in their fastness to light. |
hastily | With excessive speed or urgency; hurriedly. He hastily changed the subject. |
hurried | Moving rapidly or performed quickly or in great haste. I ate a hurried breakfast. |
hurriedly | In a quick or rushed manner. The way they buried him so hurriedly was disgraceful. |
hurry | A condition of urgency making it necessary to hurry. Hurry it s late. |
instantaneous | Occurring with no delay. Modern methods of instantaneous communication. |
nimble | Quick and light in movement or action; agile. With a deft motion of her nimble fingers. |
overhasty | Excessively hasty. Hard times are showing up overhasty mergers. |
overrun | Spread over or occupy (a place) in large numbers. The pilot thinks he is braking as hard as possible but has the risk of an overrun. |
proliferate | Increase rapidly in number; multiply. Pizza parlors proliferate in this area. |
prompt | The time limit for the payment of an account stated on a prompt note. I set off at three thirty prompt. |
promptitude | The quality of acting quickly and without delay. He arranges everything with extraordinary promptitude and foresight. |
promptly | In a punctual manner. He paid the fine promptly. |
quick | At a fast rate quickly. His quick reaction prevented an accident. |
quickly | At a fast speed; rapidly. He works quickly. |
rapid | (of an action) characterized by great speed. The country s rapid economic decline. |
rapidly | With speed. The problem is rapidly worsening. |
rush | Cause to move fast or to rush or race. A rewritten textbook was rushed out last autumn. |
rushed | (of a person) short of time; hurrying. I m too rushed to do it. |
scramble | A motorcycle race over rough and hilly ground. Maybe the alcohol has scrambled his brains. |
speedily | Quickly or promptly. Your claim will be dealt with as speedily as possible. |
spry | Moving quickly and lightly. The old dog was so spry it was halfway up the stairs before we could stop it. |
suddenly | Quickly and without warning. He stopped suddenly. |
swift | Swiftly. Swift flight of an arrow. |
swiftly | At high speed; quickly. She got up and walked swiftly to the door. |