SPINNING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SPINNING?

Need another word that means the same as “spinning”? Find 30 related words for “spinning” in this overview.

Associations of "Spinning" (30 Words)

circleSomething in the shape of a circle.
He calculated the circumference of the circle.
cocoonRetreat as if into a cocoon as from an unfriendly environment.
Americans are spending more time cocooning at home.
coilA single ring in a coil.
A coil of blue smoke rose from the tip of her cigarette.
convoluteRolled longitudinally upon itself.
A convolute petal.
convolutionA function derived from two given functions by integration which expresses how the shape of one is modified by the other.
The convolutions of farm policy.
convolveCombine (one function or series) with another by forming their convolution.
flipThe act of flipping a coin.
With a flip of the wrist.
gyrateTo wind or move in a spiral course.
The young people gyrated on the dance floor.
gyroscopeA device consisting of a wheel or disc mounted so that it can spin rapidly about an axis which is itself free to alter in direction The orientation of the axis is not affected by tilting of the mounting so gyroscopes can be used to provide stability or maintain a reference direction in navigation systems automatic pilots and stabilizers.
helicalHaving the shape or form of a helix; spiral.
Helical molecules.
helixA curve on a conical or cylindrical surface which would become a straight line if the surface were unrolled into a plane.
pinwheelSomething shaped or rotating like a pinwheel.
He spun the pinwheel and it stopped with the pointer on Go.
precessionThe slow movement of the axis of a spinning body around another axis due to a torque (such as gravitational influence) acting to change the direction of the first axis. It is seen in the circle slowly traced out by the pole of a spinning gyroscope.
purlKnit with a purl stitch.
The water was purling.
reelDance a reel.
The two reeled out of the bar arm in arm.
revolveConsider (something) repeatedly and from different angles.
The Earth revolves around the Sun.
ringletA round shape formed by a series of concentric circles (as formed by leaves or flower petals.
Her hair fell loose in ringlets.
rollA document typically an official record historically kept in scroll form.
The hills rolled past.
rotaryA rotary machine engine or device.
There is an output level rotary for overall volume setting.
rotateGrow (different crops) in succession on a particular piece of land to avoid exhausting the soil.
Ballet dancers can rotate their legs out by 90 degrees.
somersaultDo a somersault.
Paula s stomach turned a somersault.
spiralA spiral curve shape pattern or object.
The path spirals up the mountain.
spiralingIn the shape of a coil.
swirlA twisting or spiralling movement or pattern.
Swirls of colour.
swivelTurn around a point or axis or on a swivel.
He swivelled in the chair.
tachometerMeasuring instrument for indicating speed of rotation.
turnA place where a road meets or branches off another a turning.
He has these funny turns.
whirl(of the head, mind, or senses) seem to spin round.
Kate made her way back to the office her mind whirling.
whorlA complete circle in a fingerprint.
Shelley drew larger and larger dark whorls on her notepad.

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