Need another word that means the same as “split”? Find 103 synonyms and 30 related words for “split” in this overview.
- Split as a Noun
- Definitions of "Split" as a noun
- Synonyms of "Split" as a noun (27 Words)
- Usage Examples of "Split" as a noun
- Split as a Verb
- Definitions of "Split" as a verb
- Synonyms of "Split" as a verb (73 Words)
- Usage Examples of "Split" as a verb
- Split as an Adjective
- Definitions of "Split" as an adjective
- Synonyms of "Split" as an adjective (3 Words)
- Usage Examples of "Split" as an adjective
- Associations of "Split" (30 Words)
The synonyms of “Split” are: carve up, dissever, divide, separate, split up, break, break up, part, cleave, rive, break open, burst, chop, cut, hew, lop, break apart, fracture, rupture, fissure, snap, come apart, splinter, part company, become estranged, reach a parting of the ways, fork, divide in two, bifurcate, go in different directions, diverge, branch, share, share out, divide up, apportion, allocate, allot, distribute, parcel out, measure out, disunite, sever, savage, racking, searing, stabbing, raging, tormenting, inform against, inform on, tell tales on, give away, sell out, stab in the back, leave, depart, go, go away, go off, take one's leave, take oneself off, withdraw, absent oneself, say one's goodbyes, quit, make an exit, exit, break camp, decamp, retreat, beat a retreat, retire, rent, rip, snag, tear, stock split, schism, crack, cleft, crevice, breach, slash, slit, division, rift, partition, separation, severance, alienation, estrangement, parting, parting of the ways, disconnected, disunited, fragmented
Split as a Noun
Definitions of "Split" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “split” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A bottle containing half the usual amount.
- The time taken to complete a recognized part of a race, or the point in the race where such a time is measured.
- An instance or act of splitting or being split; a division.
- An increase in the number of outstanding shares of a corporation without changing the shareholders' equity.
- (in gymnastics and dance) an act of leaping in the air or sitting down with the legs straight and at right angles to the body, one in front and the other behind, or one at each side.
- (tenpin bowling) a divided formation of pins left standing after the first bowl.
- (in tenpin bowling) a formation of standing pins after the first ball in which there is a gap between two pins or groups of pins, making a spare unlikely.
- A separation into parties or within a party; a schism.
- An old Croatian city on the Adriatic Sea.
- A dessert of sliced fruit and ice cream covered with whipped cream and cherries and nuts.
- A split osier used in basketwork.
- A lengthwise crack in wood.
- Extending the legs at right angles to the trunk (one in front and the other in back.
- An ending of a marriage or other relationship.
- A single thickness of split hide.
- Half a bottle of champagne.
- A split-level house.
- A bun, roll, or cake that is split or cut in half.
- A drawn match or series.
- Each strip of steel or cane that makes up the reed in a loom.
- A thing that is divided or split.
- A promised or claimed share of loot or money.
- An opening made forcibly as by pulling apart.
- A tear, crack, or fissure in something, especially down the middle or along the grain.
- A divided formation of pins left standing after the first bowl.
- Division of a group into opposing factions.
- The act of rending or ripping or splitting something.

Synonyms of "Split" as a noun (27 Words)
alienation | The state or experience of being alienated. The power of alienation is an essential ingredient of ownership. |
breach | A break in relations. A widening breach between government and Church. |
break | The act of breaking something. The magazine has been published without a break since 1950. |
cleft | A split or indentation in something (as the palate or chin. |
crevice | A long narrow opening. Many creatures hide in crevices in the rock. |
cut | The style in which a garment is cut. His cut in the lining revealed the hidden jewels. |
division | Biology a group of organisms forming a subdivision of a larger category. A gene that helps regulate cell division. |
estrangement | The fact of no longer being on friendly terms or part of a social group. The growing estrangement of the police from their communities. |
fissure | A state of incompatibility or disagreement. A fissure between philosophy and reality. |
fracture | A diphthong substituted by fracture. It was a nasty fracture. |
parting | The act of departing politely. Parting is such sweet sorrow. |
parting of the ways | The actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group. |
partition | The act of dividing or partitioning separation by the creation of a boundary that divides or keeps apart. This takes a copy of hard disk partition information during installation. |
rent | The act of rending or ripping or splitting something. The rise in council house rents. |
rift | A major fault separating blocks of the earth s surface a rift valley. The wind had torn open a rift in the clouds. |
rip | A fraud or swindle a rip off. There was a rip in his pants. |
rupture | An instance of breaking or bursting suddenly and completely. The patient died after rupture of an aneurysm. |
schism | A split or division between strongly opposed sections or parties, caused by differences in opinion or belief. Another schism like that and they will wind up in bankruptcy. |
separation | The state in which a couple remain married but live apart. Use two transmitters for full stereo separation. |
severance | Dismissal or discharge from employment. A complete severance of links with the Republic. |
slash | A wound made by cutting. Gary went upstairs for a slash. |
slit | A narrow fissure. Arrow slits. |
snag | A rent or tear in fabric caused by a snag. She had snags in her stockings. |
split up | A divided formation of pins left standing after the first bowl. |
stock split | Liquid in which meat and vegetables are simmered; used as a basis for e.g. soups or sauces. |
tear | The act of tearing. His story brought tears to her eyes. |

Usage Examples of "Split" as a noun
- Splits appeared in the decaying planks.
- He demanded his split before they disbanded.
- A 75–25 split of proceeds.
- A much-publicized split with his wife.
- The accusations caused a split in the party.
- He was winning until he got a split in the tenth frame.
- The split between the rich and the poor.
- They announced a two-for-one split of the common stock.
- Light squeezed through a small split in the curtain.
- He inserted the wedge into a split in the log.
- I could never do the splits before.

Split as a Verb
Definitions of "Split" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “split” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Remove or be removed by breaking, separating, or dividing.
- Go one's own way; move apart.
- Divide and share (something, especially resources or responsibilities.
- Come open suddenly and violently, as if from internal pressure.
- (of one's head) suffer great pain from a headache.
- Separate into parts or portions.
- Divide or cause to divide into parts or elements.
- Cause the fission of (an atom.
- End a marriage or an emotional or working relationship.
- Leave a place, especially suddenly.
- (of an issue) cause (a group) to be divided because of opposing views.
- Separate or cut with a tool, such as a sharp instrument.
- Betray the secrets of or inform on someone.
- Break or cause to break forcibly into parts, especially into halves or along the grain.
- Discontinue an association or relation; go different ways.
- (with reference to a group of people) divide into two or more groups.

Synonyms of "Split" as a verb (73 Words)
absent oneself | Go away or leave. |
allocate | Distribute according to a plan or set apart for a special purpose. Students are allocated accommodation on a yearly basis. |
allot | Give or apportion (something) to someone. I was allotted a little room in the servants block. |
apportion | Give out as one’s portion or share. They did not apportion blame or liability to any one individual. |
beat a retreat | Avoid paying. |
become estranged | Enter or assume a certain state or condition. |
bifurcate | Divide into two branches or forks. The trail was bifurcated by a mountain stream. |
branch | Divide into two or more branches so as to form a fork. The branching heads of large yellow daisies. |
break | Undergo breaking. The management are out to break the union. |
break apart | Curl over and fall apart in surf or foam, of waves. |
break camp | Fracture a bone of nicecutisours. |
break open | Make a rupture in the ranks of the enemy or one’s own by quitting or fleeing. |
break up | Reduce to bankruptcy. |
burst | Cause to burst. He was bursting with joy and excitement. |
carve up | Engrave or cut by chipping away at a surface. |
chop | Form or shape by chopping. Benson chopped the ball on to the stumps. |
cleave | Split or sever (something), especially along a natural line or grain. The egg cleaves to form a mulberry shaped cluster of cells. |
come apart | Develop into. |
cut | Cut and assemble the components of. The pain in her voice cut him deeply. |
decamp | Leave suddenly. Now he has decamped to Hollywood. |
depart | Wander from a direct or straight course. He departed from the precedent set by many. |
dissever | Separate into parts or portions. A European tradition which had not been willing to dissever reason from the law of nature. |
distribute | Distribute or disperse widely. The function distributes the values evenly. |
disunite | Force, take, or pull apart. The depiction of the protesters is designed to discredit and disunite the movement. |
diverge | Depart from (a set course or standard. Suddenly he diverged from his text. |
divide | Separate or be separated into parts. The last years of her life were divided between Bermuda and Paris. |
divide in two | Force, take, or pull apart. |
divide up | Force, take, or pull apart. |
exit | Move out of or depart from. Queues of vehicles tried to exit the airfield. |
fissure | Break into fissures or fine cracks. The dry years had cracked and fissured the cliffs. |
fork | Lift with a pitchfork. She forked her fingers. |
fracture | Sustain a fracture of a bone. The movement had fractured without his leadership. |
give away | Place into the hands or custody of. |
go | Go through in search of something search through someone s belongings in an unauthorized way. Ready set go. |
go away | Have a particular form. |
go in different directions | Be ranked or compare. |
go off | Have a turn; make one’s move in a game. |
hew | Strike with an axe; cut down, strike. He had hewn down the famous elm tree. |
inform against | Impart knowledge of some fact, state or affairs, or event to. |
inform on | Act as an informer. |
leave | Go and leave behind either intentionally or by neglect or forgetfulness. The parts he disliked he would alter and the parts he didn t dislike he d leave. |
lop | Cut off from a whole. The new rail link lops an hour off journey times. |
make an exit | Assure the success of. |
measure out | Have certain dimensions. |
parcel out | Cover with strips of canvas. |
part | Force take or pull apart. At that moment the mist parted. |
part company | Force, take, or pull apart. |
quit | Go away or leave. Hippies finally quit two sites in Hampshire last night. |
racking | Put on a rack and pinion. |
raging | Behave violently, as if in state of a great anger. |
reach a parting of the ways | To exert much effort or energy. |
retire | Make someone retire. She retired into the bathroom. |
retreat | Make a retreat from an earlier commitment or activity. His proposals were clearly unreasonable and he was forced to retreat. |
rive | Separate or cut with a tool, such as a sharp instrument. The party was riven by disagreements over Europe. |
rupture | Separate or cause to separate abruptly. The impact ruptured both fuel tanks. |
savage | Subject to a vicious verbal attack; criticize brutally. The press savaged the new President. |
say one's goodbyes | Recite or repeat a fixed text. |
searing | Make very hot and dry. |
sell out | Be approved of or gain acceptance. |
separate | Become separated into pieces or fragments. The two pieces that we had glued separated. |
sever | Set or keep apart. The head was severed from the body. |
share | Give out as one s portion or share. We shared the cake. |
share out | Have in common. |
snap | Put in play with a snap. He snapped indignantly. |
splinter | Divide into slivers or splinters. He crashed into a fence splintering the wooden barricade. |
split up | Go one’s own way; move apart. |
stab in the back | Stab or pierce. |
stabbing | Stab or pierce. |
take one's leave | Take into one’s possession. |
take oneself off | Be seized or affected in a specified way. |
tell tales on | Let something be known. |
tormenting | Treat cruelly. |
withdraw | Withdraw from active participation. Both countries agreed to withdraw their troops. |

Usage Examples of "Split" as a verb
- Split and toast the muffins.
- My head is splitting.
- Splitting water into oxygen and hydrogen.
- The party was deeply split over its future direction.
- My friend and I split up.
- After the band split up Tex became a railway clerk.
- The river had split into a number of channels.
- It could ultimately prove as significant an achievement as splitting the atom.
- The ice cracked and split.
- Let's split up and find the other two.
- I told him I wouldn't split on him.
- They met up and split the booty.
- A group of Nottinghamshire miners split away to create a separate union.
- ‘Let's split,’ Harvey said.
- Once again the family was split up.

Split as an Adjective
Definitions of "Split" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “split” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Having been divided; having the unity destroyed-Samuel Lubell- E.B.White.
- Having been divided; having the unity destroyed.
- (especially of wood) cut or ripped longitudinally with the grain.
- Cut or ripped longitudinally with the grain.

Synonyms of "Split" as an adjective (3 Words)
disconnected | Music marked by or composed of disconnected parts or sounds cut short crisply. I drove away feeling disconnected from the real world. |
disunited | Having been divided; having the unity destroyed-Samuel Lubell- E.B.White. A disunited nation. |
fragmented | Having been divided; having the unity destroyed. A fragmented coalition. |

Usage Examples of "Split" as an adjective
- A split group.
- We bought split logs for the fireplace.

Associations of "Split" (30 Words)
asunder | Apart. Those whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder. |
bifurcate | Divide into two branches or forks. Just below Cairo the river bifurcates. |
cleave | Split (a molecule) by breaking a particular chemical bond. The water is going to cleave a channel into the rock. |
cleft | A long narrow opening. A cleft stick. |
cloven | (used of hooves) split, divided. |
detach | Cause to become detached or separated take off. The screen detaches from the keyboard. |
dichotomy | Repeated branching into two equal parts. A rigid dichotomy between science and mysticism. |
disjoin | Make disjoint separated or disconnected undo the joining of. They asked that their parish be disjoined from Lewis and added to Harris. |
dissect | Make a mathematical, chemical, or grammatical analysis of; break down into components or essential features. Dissect the bodies for analysis. |
diverge | Move or draw apart. Their ways had diverged at university. |
divergent | Diverging from another or from a standard. Divergent thinking. |
divide | Force, take, or pull apart. Consumer magazines can be divided into a number of categories. |
divided | Split into parts; separated. The deputy came back carrying a divided metal plate and a cup. |
division | Biology a group of organisms forming a subdivision of a larger category. A gene that helps regulate cell division. |
fissure | Break into fissures or fine cracks. A fissure between philosophy and reality. |
moiety | A part or portion, especially a lesser share. The enzyme removes the sulphate moiety. |
partible | (of e.g. property) capable of being parted or divided. A partible estate. |
partition | Divide a room into smaller rooms or areas by erecting partitions. Partition chromatography. |
rend | Cause great emotional pain to. The speculation and confusion which was rending the civilized world. |
rip | A fraud or swindle a rip off. Countries ripped apart by fighting. |
rive | (of wood or stone) split or crack. The party was riven by disagreements over Europe. |
rupture | Suffer an abdominal hernia. The rupture with his father would never be healed. |
schism | The formal separation of a church into two churches or the withdrawal of one group over doctrinal differences. The widening schism between Church leaders and politicians. |
segmentation | The act of dividing or partitioning; separation by the creation of a boundary that divides or keeps apart. Segmentation of the road network. |
separate | Become separated into pieces or fragments. He regards the study of literature as quite separate from life. |
separated | Separated at the joint. The separated spacecraft will return to their home bases. |
separation | The termination of employment (by resignation or dismissal. Legal grounds for divorce or separation. |
sever | Cut off from a whole. Sever a relationship. |