Need another word that means the same as “dissect”? Find 20 synonyms and 30 related words for “dissect” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Dissect” are: analyse, analyze, break down, take apart, anatomize, cut up, cut open, lay open, dismember, examine, study, inspect, scrutinize, probe, explore, pore over, investigate, sift, delve into, go over with a fine-tooth comb
Dissect as a Verb
Definitions of "Dissect" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “dissect” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Cut open or cut apart.
- Make a mathematical, chemical, or grammatical analysis of; break down into components or essential features.
- Analyse (a text or idea) in minute detail.
- Methodically cut up (a body or plant) in order to study its internal parts.

Synonyms of "Dissect" as a verb (20 Words)
analyse | Psychoanalyse someone. This DNA can be analysed by various methods including full base sequencing. |
analyze | Break down into components or essential features. Analyze your real motives. |
anatomize | Examine and analyse in detail. Successful comedy is notoriously difficult to anatomize. |
break down | Break down literally or metaphorically. |
cut open | Hit (a ball) with a spin so that it turns in the opposite direction. |
cut up | Pass through or across. |
delve into | Turn up, loosen, or remove earth. |
dismember | Cut off the limbs of (a person or animal. He watched a doctor dismember the body. |
examine | Question or examine thoroughly and closely. A doctor examined me and said I might need a caesarean. |
explore | Surgically examine (a wound or part of the body) in detail. He sets out to explore fundamental questions. |
go over with a fine-tooth comb | Be awarded; be allotted. |
inspect | Examine carefully for accuracy with the intent of verification. Please inspect your father s will carefully. |
investigate | Investigate scientifically. Let s investigate the syntax of Chinese. |
lay open | Put in a horizontal position. |
pore over | Direct one’s attention on something. |
probe | Examine physically with or as if with a probe. What right had he to probe into her personal life. |
scrutinize | To look at critically or searchingly, or in minute detail. Customers were warned to scrutinize the small print. |
sift | Put (a fine or loose substance) through a sieve so as to remove lumps or large particles. The fourth stage involves sifting through the data and evaluating it. |
study | Be a student follow a course of study be enrolled at an institute of learning. He spent his time listening to the radio rather than studying. |
take apart | Develop a habit. |

Usage Examples of "Dissect" as a verb
- Dissect the bodies for analysis.
- An animal's eye can be easily dissected.
- He dissected the Prime Minister's statement and revealed the truth behind it.

Associations of "Dissect" (30 Words)
adhere | Believe in and follow the practices of. I do not adhere to any organized religion. |
analyze | Break down into components or essential features. Analyze a specimen. |
anatomical | Relating to bodily structure. Anatomical features. |
anatomy | A study of the structure or internal workings of something. Human anatomy. |
autopsy | Perform an autopsy on a body or organ. On autopsy it was established that he had suffered from a rare brain condition. |
break | The act of breaking something. A break with the past. |
cadaver | The dead body of a human being. The cadaver was intended for dissection. |
cleave | Separate or cut with a tool, such as a sharp instrument. Cleave the bone. |
collate | Verify the number and order of (the sheets of a book). All the information obtained is being collated. |
corpse | The dead body of a human being. The corpse of a man lay there. |
deconstruct | Interpret a text or an artwork by the method of deconstructing. I want to deconstruct this myth that poverty breeds crime. |
dismember | Divide into pieces. The winning powers of World War I set out to dismember the Ottoman Empire. |
dissatisfy | Fail to satisfy (someone. What is it about these words that dissatisfies you? |
dissection | The action of dissecting a body or plant to study its internal parts. The dissection of animals for scientific research. |
evaluate | Evaluate or estimate the nature quality ability extent or significance of. How do you evaluate this grant proposal. |
examine | Question or examine thoroughly and closely. A doctor examined me and said I might need a caesarean. |
fracture | A diphthong substituted by fracture. Ground movements could cause fracture of the pipe. |
inquest | A judicial inquiry to ascertain the facts relating to an incident. An inquest by New York newspapers into a subway fire. |
moiety | A distinct part of a large molecule. The enzyme removes the sulphate moiety. |
morgue | Used in reference to a place that is quiet, gloomy, or cold. A full time obituaries editor in charge of the morgue. |
parse | Analyse (a string or text) into logical syntactic components. I asked a couple of students to parse these sentences for me. |
partition | The act of dividing or partitioning separation by the creation of a boundary that divides or keeps apart. Partition a room off. |
piece | To join or unite the pieces of. Daniel had pieced the story together from the radio. |
postmortem | Occurring or done after death. Postmortem changes. |
rend | Tear (something) into pieces. The speculation and confusion which was rending the civilized world. |
rive | Split or tear apart violently. The wood was riven with deep cracks. |
segmentation | (embryology) the repeated division of a fertilised ovum. The segmentation of society means that often we don t have arguments across the political divide. |
sort | Arrange or order by classes or categories. Frank was a genuinely friendly sort. |
split | A thing that is divided or split. He was winning until he got a split in the tenth frame. |