Need another word that means the same as “spread out”? Find 30 related words for “spread out” in this overview.
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Associations of "Spread out" (30 Words)
asunder | Widely separated especially in space. As wide asunder as pole from pole. |
broad | Broad in scope or content. Broad daylight. |
diffuse | Spread or diffuse through. Oxygen molecules diffuse across the membrane. |
diffusion | The property of being diffused or dispersed. The rapid diffusion of ideas and technology. |
dispel | To cause to separate and go in different directions. The brightness of the day did nothing to dispel Elaine s dejection. |
dispersal | The act of dispersing or diffusing something. Colleges had made large dispersals and the shops were filled with books. |
disperse | Denoting a phase dispersed in another phase as in a colloid. The crowds dispersed. |
dispersed | Distributed or spread over a considerable extent. Has ties with many widely dispersed friends. |
dispersion | The state of being dispersed. The dispersion of the troops. |
disseminate | Spread (something, especially information) widely. There is a subset of these low grade tumours that can disseminate and migrate. |
dissemination | The act of dispersing or diffusing something. The dissemination of public information. |
dissipate | Move away from each other. The cloud of smoke dissipated. |
distract | Divert (attention) from something. Don t allow noise to distract you from your work. |
diversify | Vary in order to spread risk or to expand. New plants will diversify the habitat. |
effluence | A substance that flows out from something. |
imbue | Fill soak or imbue totally. His works are invariably imbued with a sense of calm and serenity. |
intersperse | Introduce one’s writing or speech with certain expressions. The debate was interspersed with angry exchanges. |
permeate | Spread throughout (something); pervade. Water permeates sand easily. |
pervade | Spread or diffuse through. A smell of stale cabbage pervaded the air. |
pervasiveness | The quality of filling or spreading throughout. The pervasiveness of violence on television. |
proliferate | Cause (cells, tissue, structures, etc.) to reproduce rapidly. Electromagnetic radiation can only proliferate cancers already present. |
proliferation | A rapid increase in number (especially a rapid increase in the number of deadly weapons. We attempted to measure cell proliferation. |
propagate | Cause to propagate as by grafting or layering. This great civilization was propagated throughout the land. |
scatter | The act of scattering. Scatter the coconut over the icing. |
scattered | (of a person) distracted or disorganized. A scattered clifftop community. |
spray | An act of spraying something. Spray water on someone. |
spreading | The opening of a subject to widespread discussion and debate. |
strew | Spread by scattering ( is archaic. A small room with newspapers strewn all over the floor. |
suffuse | Cause to spread or flush or flood through, over, or across. The first half of the poem is suffused with idealism. |
unfold | Spread out or open from a closed or folded state. There was a fascinating scene unfolding before me. |