STABILIZE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for STABILIZE?

Need another word that means the same as “stabilize”? Find 15 synonyms and 30 related words for “stabilize” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Stabilize” are: stabilise, brace, steady, strengthen, make stronger, make secure, secure, make stable, reinforce, fortify, tighten, harden, stiffen, cement, enhance

Stabilize as a Verb

Definitions of "Stabilize" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “stabilize” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Make or become unlikely to change, fail, or decline.
  • Become stable or more stable.
  • Make or become unlikely to give way or overturn.
  • Support or hold steady and make steadfast, with or as if with a brace.
  • Make stable and keep from fluctuating or put into an equilibrium.

Synonyms of "Stabilize" as a verb (15 Words)

braceSupport or hold steady and make steadfast with or as if with a brace.
Brace your elbows while working on the potter s wheel.
cementCover or coat with cement.
Wooden posts were cemented into the ground.
enhanceMake better or more attractive.
This will enhance your enjoyment.
fortifyProvide (a place) with defensive works as protection against attack.
The girl was fortified by her religious faith.
hardenCause to accept or become hardened to habituate.
She hardened her heart.
make secureConstitute the essence of.
make stableHave a bowel movement.
make strongerCalculate as being.
reinforceStrengthen (a military force) with additional personnel or equipment.
The next few months reinforced my opinion of Vince as a man of his word.
secureSeek to guarantee repayment of (a loan) by having a right to take possession of an asset in the event of non-payment.
Pins secure the handle to the main body.
stabiliseMake stable and keep from fluctuating or put into an equilibrium.
steadyMake steady.
I took a deep breath to steady my nerves.
stiffenBecome stiff or stiffer.
The regime s resistance stiffened.
strengthenMake or become stronger.
The wind won t strengthen until after dark.
tightenMake or become tight or tighter.
Central government has tightened control over local authority spending.

Usage Examples of "Stabilize" as a verb

  • His condition appears to have stabilized.
  • Stabilize prices.
  • The drug stabilized her blood pressure.
  • The craft was stabilized by throwing out the remaining ballast.
  • The economy stabilized.
  • An emergency program designed to stabilize the economy.

Associations of "Stabilize" (30 Words)

algaePrimitive chlorophyll-containing mainly aquatic eukaryotic organisms lacking true stems and roots and leaves.
balancedKeeping or showing a balance; in good proportions.
A balanced personality.
bivalve(of a mollusc or other aquatic invertebrate) having a hinged double shell.
carapaceHard outer covering or case of certain organisms such as arthropods and turtles.
I don t blame him for building a carapace around his true self.
clamFlesh of either hard shell or soft shell clams.
The beaches are ideal for beachcombing clamming and observing wildlife.
conchA conch shell blown like a trumpet to produce a hollow sounding musical note often depicted as played by Tritons.
coralThe pinkish red colour of red coral.
Coral beads.
crabFish for crabs.
George crabbed the plane into the wind.
crayfishSmall freshwater decapod crustacean that resembles a lobster.
crustaceanRelating to or denoting crustaceans.
crustaceousRelating to or denoting crustaceans.
Africa is a theme close to my otherwise crustaceous heart.
decapodRelating to or denoting decapods.
freshwaterOf or found in fresh water; not of the sea.
Freshwater and marine fish.
guppyA small live-bearing freshwater fish widely kept in aquaria. Native to tropical America, it has been introduced elsewhere to control mosquito larvae.
keepStore or keep customarily.
The guidance system keeps the machine on course.
lobsterA deep red colour typical of a cooked lobster.
She ordered lobster and a glass of white wine.
maintainMaintain by writing regular records.
Agricultural prices will have to be maintained.
marineA member of the United States Marine Corps.
A contingent of 2 000 marines.
molluscInvertebrate having a soft unsegmented body usually enclosed in a shell.
molluskInvertebrate having a soft unsegmented body usually enclosed in a shell.
octopusTentacles of octopus prepared as food.
oysterGather oysters dig oysters.
As a kid he crabbed and oystered for fun.
scallopFish for scallops.
The spaces between the frets are scalloped out to form concavities.
seafoodEdible fish (broadly including freshwater fish) or shellfish or roe etc.
Local seafood.
seahorseSmall fish with horse-like heads bent sharply downward and curled tails; swim in upright position.
shellBombard with shells.
He was a shell of the man he had been previously.
shellfishShellfish as food.
They plied me with enormous platters of fresh shellfish.
shrimpFish for shrimp.
At Trebetherick you paddle on Daymer Bay or shrimp off Gully.
stabilizationThe act of making something (as a vessel or aircraft) less likely to overturn.
He worked for price stabilization for farm products.
starfishA marine echinoderm (invertebrate) with five or more radiating arms. The undersides of the arms bear tube feet for locomotion and, in predatory species, for opening the shells of molluscs.

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