STOKED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for STOKED?

Need another word that means the same as “stoked”? Find 30 related words for “stoked” in this overview.

Associations of "Stoked" (30 Words)

aflameIn flames; burning.
Pour brandy over the steaks and then set aflame.
blazeIndicate by marking trees with blazes.
The horse had a blaze between its eyes.
burnBurn sear or freeze tissue using a hot iron or electric current or a caustic agent.
He was burning to try out his new skies.
burningThe act of burning something.
The burning of leaves was prohibited by a town ordinance.
combustUndergo combustion.
The professor combusted when the student didn t know the answer to a very elementary question.
combustibleA combustible substance.
A combustible gas.
combustionThe act of burning something.
Combustion grew until revolt was unavoidable.
crucibleA situation of severe trial, or in which different elements interact, leading to the creation of something new.
The crucible tipped and the mould filled with liquid metal.
drossSomething regarded as worthless; rubbish.
Alchemists tried to create gold from dross.
eruptErupt or intensify suddenly.
Hot lava erupted from the crust.
ferventCharacterized by intense emotion.
A fervent admirer.
fieryVery intense.
A fiery desert wind.
fireA fireplace in which a relatively small fire is burning.
If I were to hear anyone speak slightingly of you I should fire up in a moment.
flameBe in flames or aflame.
A sheet of flame blocked my escape.
flammableEasily ignited.
The use of highly flammable materials.
flareBecome flared and widen usually at one end.
Tempers flared at the meeting.
furnaceUsed to describe a very hot place.
Her car was a furnace.
hotMake or become hot.
The environment has become a very hot issue.
igneousLike or suggestive of fire.
Igneous fusion is fusion by heat alone.
igniteArouse or inflame (an emotion or situation.
The words ignited new fury in him.
impassionedCharacterized by intense emotion.
She made an impassioned plea for help.
incandescenceThe phenomenon of light emission by a body as its temperature is raised.
incinerateDestroy (something, especially waste material) by burning.
Waste packaging is to be incinerated rather than buried in landfills.
inflameBecome inflamed get sore.
Her sister was inflamed with jealousy.
rekindleRevive (something lost or lapsed.
Rekindle hopes.
smeltExtract a metal from ore by smelting.
Coal was used to smelt the steel for the tinplate.
smoulderSmoke coming from a smouldering fire.
The smoulder suddenly became a blaze.
torridFull of passion arising from sexual love.
Torrid jazz bands.

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