Need another word that means the same as “stupidity”? Find 32 synonyms and 30 related words for “stupidity” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Stupidity” are: betise, folly, foolishness, imbecility, lack of intelligence, denseness, ignorance, mindlessness, dullness, slow-wittedness, slowness, vacancy, silliness, idiocy, senselessness, irresponsibility, injudiciousness, ineptitude, inanity, irrationality, absurdity, ridiculousness, fatuousness, fatuity, asininity, pointlessness, meaninglessness, futility, fruitlessness, madness, insanity, lunacy
Stupidity as a Noun
Definitions of "Stupidity" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “stupidity” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A poor ability to understand or to profit from experience.
- Behaviour that shows a lack of good sense or judgement.
- A stupid mistake.
- The quality of being stupid or unintelligent.

Synonyms of "Stupidity" as a noun (32 Words)
absurdity | The quality or state of being ridiculous or wildly unreasonable. Duncan laughed at the absurdity of the situation. |
asininity | The quality of being asinine; stupidity combined with stubbornness. |
betise | A stupid mistake. |
denseness | The spatial property of being crowded together. |
dullness | Lack of interest or excitement. Dullness of comprehension. |
fatuity | A ludicrous folly. |
fatuousness | A ludicrous folly. |
folly | A theatrical revue with glamorous female performers. Trying to drive through a blizzard is the height of folly. |
foolishness | Lack of good sense or judgement; stupidity. Adjusting to an insane society is total foolishness. |
fruitlessness | A lack of creative imagination. |
futility | Uselessness as a consequence of having no practical result. The horror and futility of war. |
idiocy | Extreme mental retardation. The idiocy of decimating yew forests. |
ignorance | Lack of knowledge or information. He acted in ignorance of basic procedures. |
imbecility | Retardation more severe than a moron but not as severe as an idiot. |
inanity | A nonsensical remark or action. He commented on the breathtaking inanity of the board s decision. |
ineptitude | Having no qualities that would render it valuable or useful. The officials displayed remarkable ineptitude. |
injudiciousness | The trait of being injudicious. |
insanity | Relatively permanent disorder of the mind. It might be pure insanity to take this loan. |
irrationality | The quality of being illogical or unreasonable. The irrationality of square roots. |
irresponsibility | A form of untrustworthiness; the trait of lacking a sense of responsibility and not feeling accountable for your actions. The economic ills are a consequence of greed and irresponsibility. |
lack of intelligence | The state of needing something that is absent or unavailable. |
lunacy | The state of being a lunatic; insanity (not in technical use. It has been suggested that originality demands a degree of lunacy. |
madness | The state of having a serious mental illness. In his madness he destroyed the work of years. |
meaninglessness | A message that seems to convey no meaning. He resented the meaninglessness of the tasks they assigned him. |
mindlessness | The trait of acting rashly and without prudence. |
pointlessness | Total lack of meaning or ideas. |
ridiculousness | A message whose content is at variance with reason. I recognize the sheer ridiculousness of being afraid of something the size of my thumbnail. |
senselessness | Total lack of meaning or ideas. |
silliness | Lack of common sense or judgement; foolishness. She had to laugh at her own silliness. |
slow-wittedness | The quality of being mentally slow and limited. |
slowness | The quality of taking a long time. He was mocked for his slowness in class. |
vacancy | An empty area or space. Vacancy vanity and inane deception. |

Usage Examples of "Stupidity" as a noun
- One of the stupidities of our age.
- A comedy of infantile stupidity.
- I can't believe my own stupidity.

Associations of "Stupidity" (30 Words)
airhead | A flighty scatterbrained simpleton. She s a total airhead. |
arrogance | The quality of being arrogant. The arrogance of this man is astounding. |
benighted | Lacking enlightenment or knowledge or culture. Benighted or nighted travelers hurrying toward home. |
dullard | A person who evokes boredom. He was caricatured as a dupe and a dullard. |
dumb | Make dumb or unheard silence. Struck dumb. |
fatuity | A ludicrous folly. |
fatuous | Silly and pointless. A fatuous comment. |
folly | A costly ornamental building with no practical purpose, especially a tower or mock-Gothic ruin built in a large garden or park. An act of sheer folly. |
fool | Make a fool or dupe of. That damn fool waiter. |
foolery | Silly or foolish behaviour. We endured his foolery all afternoon. |
greed | Excessive desire to acquire or possess more (especially more material wealth) than one needs or deserves. The colonists greed for African land. |
haughtiness | Overbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner toward inferiors. Her air of haughtiness. |
hubris | (in Greek tragedy) excessive pride towards or defiance of the gods, leading to nemesis. The self assured hubris among economists was shaken in the late 1980s. |
idiot | A person of low intelligence. |
idiotic | Having a mental age of three to seven years. An idiotic idea. |
ignorance | Lack of knowledge or information. He acted in ignorance of basic procedures. |
imbecile | Having a mental age of three to seven years. Try not to make imbecile remarks. |
imbecility | A stupid mistake. |
inability | Lack of ability (especially mental ability) to do something. His inability to accept new ideas. |
insanity | Extreme foolishness or irrationality. It might be pure insanity to take this loan. |
lunacy | Foolish or senseless behavior. It has been suggested that originality demands a degree of lunacy. |
patsy | A person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of. There is a mischievous sparkle in his eyes that suggests he is no patsy. |
powerlessness | Lack of ability, influence, or power. The feeling of powerlessness due to poverty. |
silly | Ludicrous, foolish. Knocked silly by the impact. |
sucker | Of a plant produce suckers. If suckers will actually pay to do the work more fool them. |
twit | Aggravation by deriding or mocking or criticizing. |
vacuity | Total lack of meaning or ideas. He denounced what he considered the frivolity or vacuity of much contemporary painting. |
vanity | Low table with mirror or mirrors where one sits while dressing or applying makeup. The vanity of human wishes. |