TAKE INTO ACCOUNT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for TAKE INTO ACCOUNT?

Need another word that means the same as “take into account”? Find 30 related words for “take into account” in this overview.

Associations of "Take into account" (30 Words)

acquireWin something through one’s efforts.
I ve acquired a taste for whisky.
acquirementAn ability that has been acquired by training.
The acquirement of self control.
acquisitionAn ability that has been acquired by training.
There were many acquisitions among travel agents.
annuitantA person who receives an annuity.
bankAn elevation in the seabed or a riverbed a mudbank or sandbank.
I banked the eight ball off two cushions.
billSend a bill to someone.
We were billed for 4 nights in the hotel although we stayed only 3 nights.
compensationThe action or process of awarding compensation.
He is seeking compensation for injuries suffered at work.
confiscationThe action of taking or seizing someone’s property with authority; seizure.
A court ordered the confiscation of her property.
contributionThe part played by a person in bringing about a result.
Local historians are requesting contributions for a forthcoming book on the history of the community.
debitEnter as debit.
10 000 was debited from their account.
dueA payment that is due e g as the price of membership.
Talks are due to adjourn tomorrow.
expenditureThe use of energy, time, or other resources.
Cuts in public expenditure.
feeMoney paid as part of a special transaction, for example for a privilege or for admission to something.
They were faced with legal fees of 3000.
forfeitureSomething that is lost or surrendered as a penalty.
Magistrates ordered the forfeiture of his computer.
holderA smallholder.
An umbrella holder.
incomeThe financial gain (earned or unearned) accruing over a given period of time.
Figures showed an overall increase in income this year.
installmentA part of a published serial.
levyAn act of levying a tax fee or fine.
There were no goods to levy upon.
outlayMoney paid out; an amount spent.
A modest outlay on local advertising.
payConvey, as of a compliment, regards, attention, etc.; bestow.
Pay a call.
payableA liability account showing how much is owed for goods and services purchased on credit.
Interest is payable on the money owing.
propertyShares or investments in property.
Rights of property.
purchaseSomething acquired by purchase.
She made her purchases carefully.
receivableAwaiting payment.
Accounts receivable.
resignedlyWith resignation and acceptance; in a resigned manner.
sequestrateSet apart from others.
The power of courts to sequestrate the assets of unions.
taxImpose a tax on someone or something.
They will have to pay tax on interest earned by savings.
taxable(of goods or funds) subject to taxation.
Taxable income.
titheExact a tithe from.
He tithed his income to the Church.
vatPlace or treat in a vat.
A vat of hot tar.

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