TAP INTO: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for TAP INTO?

Need another word that means the same as “tap into”? Find 30 related words for “tap into” in this overview.

Associations of "Tap into" (30 Words)

bangLeap jerk bang.
I went to answer a bang on the front door.
botchAn embarrassing mistake.
He was accused of botching the job.
bungleMake a mess of, destroy or ruin.
It emerged that forensic police had bungled in gathering the evidence.
caressTouch or stroke lightly in a loving or endearing manner.
She caressed the girl s forehead.
crackleHaving the surface decorated with a network of fine cracks as in crackleware.
A crackle glaze.
dabA brief application of a piece of absorbent material to a surface.
The catalogue is being dusted for your dabs.
dingGo ding dong like a bell.
Cash registers were dinging softly.
doorA doorway.
He stuck his head in the doorway.
encouragedInspired with confidence.
frictionA state of conflict between persons.
A considerable amount of friction between father and son.
fumbleDo or handle something clumsily.
Just one fumble during a tyre change could separate the winners from the losers.
hearExamine or hear evidence or a case by judicial process.
We heard nothing from our son for five years.
hearingThe act of hearing attentively.
They condemned him without a hearing.
hitHit with a missile from a weapon.
He hit her hard in the face.
interceptAn act or instance of intercepting something.
A second prism can be swung in to intercept the light beam.
jingleA comic verse of irregular measure.
The jingle of a bridle.
knockThe sound of knocking as on a door or in an engine or bearing.
She knocked her knee painfully on the table.
lightningA flash or discharge of lightning.
A lightning cure for his hangover.
onomatopoeiaThe use of onomatopoeia for literary effect.
pangA sudden sharp pain or painful emotion.
A pang of conscience.
patPat or squeeze fondly or playfully especially under the chin.
He patted him consolingly on the shoulder.
pingHit with a pinging noise.
Ping your machine in the office.
rapGenre of African American music of the 1980s and 1990s in which rhyming lyrics are chanted to a musical accompaniment several forms of rap have emerged.
We could be here all night rapping about spiritualism.
rubAn act of rubbing.
He rubbed a finger round the rim of his mug.
slamDance the slam dance.
A stellar 12 months saw her win two slams and two Olympic gold medals and retain the number one ranking.
spoilThe act of spoiling something by causing damage to it.
Her spoiling my dress was deliberate.
strikeUndertake strike action against an employer.
Small conifers will strike from cuttings.
touchAn act of touching someone or something.
Her touch on his shoulder was hesitant.
wiretapTap a telephone or telegraph wire to get information.
The government illegally wiretapped the lawyers.

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