Need another word that means the same as “tapestry”? Find 2 synonyms and 30 related words for “tapestry” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Tapestry” are: arras, tapis
Tapestry as a Noun
Definitions of "Tapestry" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “tapestry” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- Something that resembles a tapestry in its intricacy.
- A wall hanging of heavy handwoven fabric with pictorial designs.
- Used in reference to an intricate or complex sequence of events.
- A wall hanging of heavy handwoven fabric often with pictorial designs.
- Something that resembles a tapestry in its complex pictorial designs.
- A piece of thick textile fabric with pictures or designs formed by weaving coloured weft threads or by embroidering on canvas, used as a wall hanging or soft furnishing.
- A heavy textile with a woven design; used for curtains and upholstery.

Synonyms of "Tapestry" as a noun (2 Words)
arras | A wall hanging of heavy handwoven fabric with pictorial designs. He pulled back the arras on the far wall and went into his secret chamber. |
tapis | A tapestry or richly decorated cloth, used as a hanging or a covering. |

Usage Examples of "Tapestry" as a noun
- The loopiness of the Commons adds to life's rich tapestry.
- Tapestry bags.
- Panelled walls hung with old tapestries.
- The tapestry of European history.
- Motifs and compositions used in Indian tapestry.

Associations of "Tapestry" (30 Words)
barb | A fleshy filament at the mouth of some fish such as barbel and catfish. His barb hurt more than she cared to admit. |
cocoon | Wrap in or as if in a cocoon as for protection. We felt cold even though we were cocooned in our sleeping bags. |
cotton | Cotton wool. A cargo of cotton and wheat. |
crochet | Create by looping or crocheting. Her mother had stopped crocheting. |
embroidery | The art or pastime of embroidering cloth. The bazaars stock a wide variety of embroidery. |
fibre | A substance formed of fibres. There were degenerative changes in muscle fibres. |
floral | A fabric with a floral design. Faunal and floral evolution. |
hoop | Bind or fasten with a hoop. Henry s father played hoops for Kansas. |
interweave | Blend closely. The branches met and interwove above his head. |
knit | A basic knitting stitch. Disparate regions had begun to knit together under the king. |
knitting | The craft or action of knitting. I put down my knitting. |
linen | Articles such as sheets or clothes made or originally made of linen. The linen cupboard. |
loosely | In a way that is not rigidly organized. A loosely organized group of collectors. |
needle | Prick or pierce with or as if with a needle. She wound the gramophone and lowered the needle on to the record. |
needlepoint | Embroider in needlepoint. |
needlework | The art or practice of sewing or embroidery. I took up needlework. |
ribbon | Extend or move in a long narrow strip like a ribbon. Slice the peppers into ribbons lengthways. |
sampler | A person or device that takes and analyses samples. A sampler of French poets. |
sew | Make a garment by sewing. She could sew the veil on properly in the morning. |
silk | Garments made from silk especially as worn by a jockey in the colours of a particular horse owner. Some were dressed in racing silks. |
spangle | Cover with spangles or other small sparkling objects or lights. The star spangled banner. |
stitch | Make mend or join something with stitches. Nymphs with come hither looks and not a stitch on. |
string | Work as a stringer in journalism. The village team held Rangers second string to a 0 0 draw. |
thimble | As much as a thimble will hold. |
thread | Thread on or as if on a string. He threaded the rope through a pulley. |
warp | In weaving arrange yarn so as to form the warp of a piece of cloth. Rugby is woven into the warp and weft of South African society. |
weaver | Finch-like African and Asian colonial birds noted for their elaborately woven nests. |
weft | (in weaving) the crosswise threads on a loom that are passed over and under the warp threads to make cloth. Weft threads. |
yarn | Tell or spin a yarn. He never let reality get in the way of a good yarn. |