Need another word that means the same as “tardy”? Find 17 synonyms and 30 related words for “tardy” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Tardy” are: belated, late, behind time, behind schedule, behind, behindhand, slow, unhurried, unpunctual, lax, slack, sluggish, sluggardly, lazy, idle, indolent, slothful
Tardy as an Adjective
Definitions of "Tardy" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “tardy” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Slow in action or response; sluggish.
- Delaying or delayed beyond the right or expected time; late.
- After the expected or usual time; delayed.

Synonyms of "Tardy" as an adjective (17 Words)
behind | Having the lower score or lagging position in a contest. Behind by two points. |
behind schedule | Having the lower score or lagging position in a contest. |
behind time | Having the lower score or lagging position in a contest. |
behindhand | Behind schedule. You are miserably behindhand Mr Cole gave me a hint of it six weeks ago. |
belated | Coming or happening later than should have been the case. A belated birthday card. |
idle | (of a person) not working; unemployed. He did not want to waste valuable time in idle chatter. |
indolent | (of a disease or condition) causing little or no pain. An indolent ulcer. |
late | Of a later stage in the development of a language or literature used especially of dead languages. Late 18th century. |
lax | Of a speech sound especially a vowel pronounced with the vocal muscles relaxed. Muscles have more potential energy when they are stretched than when they are lax. |
lazy | Disinclined to work or exertion. Too lazy to wash the dishes. |
slack | (of a tide) neither ebbing nor flowing. Slack sails. |
slothful | Lazy. Fatigue made him slothful. |
slow | At a slow tempo. The slow lane of traffic. |
sluggardly | Slow-moving. Sluggardly pedestrians. |
sluggish | (of business) not active or brisk. A sluggish market. |
unhurried | Moving, acting, or taking place without haste or urgency. Spoke in a calm and unhurried voice. |
unpunctual | Not happening or doing something at the agreed or proper time. The trains into Tbilisi were notoriously unpunctual. |

Usage Examples of "Tardy" as an adjective
- Please forgive this tardy reply.
- Tardy children are sent to the principal.
- Always tardy in making dental appointments.
- This makes the car feel tardy in quick manoeuvres.

Associations of "Tardy" (30 Words)
andantino | A movement or passage marked to be performed andantino. The slow movement is marked andantino. |
belated | Coming or happening later than should have been the case. A belated birthday card. |
deceased | Recently dead. The judge inferred that the deceased was confused as to the extent of his assets. |
dilatory | Wasting time. They resorted to dilatory tactics forcing a postponement of peace talks. |
drawl | A slow speech pattern with prolonged vowels. Drawl one s vowels. |
dullness | Lack of sensibility. Flowery options to brighten up the dullness of autumn. |
easygoing | Not hurried or forced. At a leisurely or easygoing pace. |
gradual | (of a slope) not steep or abrupt. A gradual increase in prices. |
idler | A pulley that transmits no power but guides or stretches a belt or rope. |
inactive | (chemistry) not participating in a chemical reaction; chemically inert. Inactive machinery. |
indolence | Inactivity resulting from a dislike of work. My failure is probably due to my own indolence. |
inert | Unable to move or resist motion. An inert political system. |
laggard | A person who makes slow progress and falls behind others. A bell to summon laggard children to school. |
late | Later than usual or than expected. Had a late breakfast. |
lazy | Showing a lack of care. Lazy white clouds. |
lethargic | Affected by lethargy; sluggish and apathetic. Bullfrogs became lethargic with the first cold nights. |
lifeless | Not having the capacity to support life. Dull and lifeless hair. |
lingering | The act of tarrying. There are still some lingering doubts in my mind. |
loosen | (with reference to the bowels) make or become relaxed prior to excretion. Loosen the necktie. |
oafish | Rough or clumsy and unintelligent. Oafish behaviour. |
piecemeal | In an unsystematic way, through partial measures taken over a period of time. Some can only be had as part of a package while others can be installed piecemeal. |
ponderous | Having great mass and weight and unwieldiness. A swarthy ponderous giant of a man. |
procrastination | The act of procrastinating; putting off or delaying or defering an action to a later time. Your first tip is to avoid procrastination. |
relax | Cause to feel relaxed. Relax the leg by bringing the knee towards the chest. |
slacken | Make slack as by lessening tension or firmness. The rope slackened. |
sloth | Apathy and inactivity in the practice of virtue (personified as one of the deadly sins. The pair had been attacked by a sloth of bears. |
slow | Become slow or slower. I wasn t feeling well and had to slow down. |
sluggish | Lacking energy or alertness. A sluggish market. |
sulky | Morose, bad-tempered, and resentful; refusing to be cooperative or cheerful. She had a sultry sulky mouth. |
torpid | Mentally or physically inactive; lethargic. The animal need not lie around in a torpid state vulnerable to attack. |