Need another word that means the same as “thought out”? Find 30 related words for “thought out” in this overview.
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Associations of "Thought out" (30 Words)
artistic | Satisfying aesthetic standards and sensibilities. A denial of artistic freedom. |
brainstorming | A group problem-solving technique in which members spontaneously share ideas and solutions. Brainstorming can generate some wonderful ideas. |
commonsensical | Exhibiting native good judgment. Unlearned and commonsensical countryfolk were capable of solving problems that beset the more sophisticated. |
conceivable | Capable of being imagined or grasped mentally. In every conceivable way that action was entirely wrong. |
conceive | Have the idea for. A brilliantly conceived and executed robbery. |
conceptualize | Have the idea for. Sex was conceptualized as an overpowering force in the individual. |
creative | A person whose job involves creative work. The most important people in the mix will be creatives and direct marketing specialists. |
creativity | The ability to create. Firms are keen to encourage creativity. |
defeatist | A person who expects or is excessively ready to accept failure. We have a duty not to be so defeatist. |
exclude | Prevent from entering; keep out. The unruly student was excluded from the game. |
extrapolation | The action of estimating or concluding something by assuming that existing trends will continue or a current method will remain applicable. Caution is advised in the interpretation and extrapolation of results. |
genius | Someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field. Boucher s paintings did not suit the austere genius of neoclassicism. |
groundbreaking | The ceremonial breaking of the ground to formally begin a construction project. Groundbreaking research into fertility problems. |
idea | A mental impression. He has an idea that we don t like him. |
imagery | Visually descriptive or figurative language, especially in a literary work. Tennyson uses imagery to create a lyrical emotion. |
imaginable | Capable of being imagined. The most spectacular views imaginable. |
imaginative | Marked by independence and creativity in thought or action- Lewis Mumford. He was imaginative beyond all other architects. |
innovative | (of a product, idea, etc.) featuring new methods; advanced and original. Stylistically innovative works. |
inventive | Having the ability to create or design new things or to think originally. Had an inventive turn of mind. |
judiciousness | The trait of forming opinions by distinguishing and evaluating. |
mentality | Mental ability. Machines can possess mentality. |
minded | Interested in or enthusiastic about a particular thing. Career minded. |
notion | (usually plural) small personal articles or clothing or sewing items. Children have different notions about the roles of their parents. |
objectively | In a way that is not dependent on the mind for existence; actually. The researchers are objectively assessing risk factors. |
philosophical | Characterized by the attitude of a philosopher; meeting trouble with level-headed detachment. Philosophical writing. |
reasoning | Endowed with the capacity to reason. He explained the reasoning behind his decision at a media conference. |
resourceful | Having inner resources; adroit or imaginative. You will become stronger and more resourceful in the face of adversity. |
sagacity | The mental ability to understand and discriminate between relations. A man of great political sagacity. |
think | An act of thinking. I think that he is her boyfriend. |
thinking | The process of using your mind to consider something carefully. The selectors have some thinking to do before the match. |