TIGHT KNIT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for TIGHT KNIT?

Need another word that means the same as “tight knit”? Find 30 related words for “tight knit” in this overview.

Associations of "Tight knit" (30 Words)

barbThe pointed part of barbed wire.
His barb hurt more than she cared to admit.
buckleFasten with a buckle or buckles.
A weaker person might have buckled under the strain.
compactMake more compact by or as if by pressing.
A wide selection of films is available for your 35 mm compact.
compressedReduced in volume by pressure.
Compressed air.
constrictInhibit or restrict.
He felt his throat constrict.
constrictedInhibited; restricted.
A constricted blood vessel.
corsetDress with a corset.
cottonSoft silky fibers from cotton plants in their raw state.
A cotton reel.
crochetCrocheted fabric or items.
She sat there crocheting all day.
embroideryDecorative needlework.
The bazaars stock a wide variety of embroidery.
hoopBind or fasten with a hoop.
Spin the hoop around your waist or around your hips.
interweaveWeave or become woven together.
The rugs are made by tightly interweaving the strands.
knotA particular method of making a knot.
You need to master two knots the clove hitch and the sheet bend.
looselyIn a way that is not strict or exact.
You shouldn t speak loosely outside the group.
needlePrick or pierce with or as if with a needle.
He needled her with his sarcastic remarks.
needlepointEmbroider in needlepoint.
needleworkWork (such as sewing or embroidery) that is done with a needle.
Exhibits include Eastern needlework.
netThe internet.
Rabbits can be netted all the year round.
packedFilled to capacity.
Packed snow.
pressedCompacted by ironing.
Immaculately pressed trousers.
ribbonExtend or move in a long narrow strip like a ribbon.
His medal ribbons were bright as a rainbow.
samplerAn observation station that is set up to make sample observations of something.
A sampler of French poets.
sewJoin fasten or repair something by making stitches with a needle and thread or a sewing machine.
She could sew the veil on properly in the morning.
spangleDecorate with spangles.
Beads spangled the skirt all the way to the hem.
stitchMake mend or join something with stitches.
Stitch a plain seam with right sides together.
stringProvide with strings.
The D string broke.
thimbleAs much as a thimble will hold.
threadA programming structure or process formed by linking a number of separate elements or subroutines especially each of the tasks executed concurrently in multithreading.
Thread the buttons on to a length of cotton.
warpIn weaving arrange yarn so as to form the warp of a piece of cloth.
Crew and passengers helped warp the vessels through the shallow section.

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