Need another word that means the same as “tirelessly”? Find 2 synonyms and 30 related words for “tirelessly” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Tirelessly” are: indefatigably, inexhaustibly
Tirelessly as an Adverb
Definitions of "Tirelessly" as an adverb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “tirelessly” as an adverb can have the following definitions:
- With indefatigable energy.
- With great effort or energy.

Synonyms of "Tirelessly" as an adverb (2 Words)
indefatigably | With indefatigable energy. She watched the show indefatigably. |
inexhaustibly | With indefatigable energy. |
Usage Examples of "Tirelessly" as an adverb
- He worked tirelessly to promote environmental awareness.
Associations of "Tirelessly" (30 Words)
ambitious | Requiring full use of your abilities or resources. An ambitious enterprise. |
ardent | Glowing or shining like fire- Alexander Pope. The ardent flames. |
arduous | Difficult to accomplish; demanding considerable mental effort and skill. The arduous work of preparing a dictionary. |
assiduity | Great and constant diligence and attention. The assiduity with which he could wear down his opponents. |
cheerily | In a happy and optimistic way. The children were waving cheerily. |
diligence | Careful and persistent work or effort. Few party members challenge his diligence as an MP. |
diligent | Having or showing care and conscientiousness in one’s work or duties. A diligent detective investigates all clues. |
eager | A high wave (often dangerous) caused by tidal flow (as by colliding tidal currents or in a narrow estuary. Young intellectuals eager for knowledge. |
effort | Use of physical or mental energy; hard work. Contributed to the war effort. |
endeavor | A purposeful or industrious undertaking (especially one that requires effort or boldness. Wished him luck in his endeavor. |
energetic | Showing or involving great activity or vitality. Energetic X rays. |
enterprising | Marked by imagination, initiative, and readiness to undertake new projects. Some enterprising teachers have started their own recycling programmes. |
enthusiasm | Something that arouses enthusiasm. Few expressed enthusiasm about the current leaders. |
exertion | The application of a force, influence, or quality. A well earned rest after their exertions. |
fervent | Hot, burning, or glowing. A fervent supporter of the revolution. |
hard | Causing great damage or hardship. It was raining hard. |
indefatigable | Showing sustained enthusiastic action with unflagging vitality. An indefatigable defender of human rights. |
industrious | Working hard to promote an enterprise. An industrious people striving to make their country prosperous. |
inexhaustible | Incapable of being entirely consumed or used up. His inexhaustible energy. |
pains | An effortful attempt to attain a goal. |
painstaking | Characterized by extreme care and great effort. He is a gentle painstaking man. |
steady | Make or become steady. Steady nerves. |
strenuous | Taxing to the utmost; testing powers of endurance- F.D.Roosevelt. Strenuous exercise. |
striving | An effortful attempt to attain a goal. |
submerse | Put under water. Pellets were then submersed in agar. |
torrid | Very hot and dry. Hot trumpets and torrid rhythms. |
try | An act of trying something new or different to see if it is suitable effective or pleasant. You are trying my patience. |
unflagging | Showing sustained enthusiastic action with unflagging vitality. Unflagging pursuit of excellence. |
vigorous | Strong and active physically or mentally. A tall vigorous and muscular man. |
zealotry | Excessive intolerance of opposing views. He expressed concern about religious zealotry playing an increasing role in politics. |