TO BEGIN WITH: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for TO BEGIN WITH?

Need another word that means the same as “to begin with”? Find 30 related words for “to begin with” in this overview.

Associations of "To begin with" (30 Words)

afreshIn a new or different way.
She left the job to start afresh.
anewIn a new or different and typically more positive way.
Tears filled her eyes anew.
beginningThe background or origins of a person or organization.
The ending of one relationship and the beginning of another.
comingThe temporal property of becoming nearer in time.
Work is due to start in the coming year.
commenceTake the first step or steps in carrying out an action.
His design team commenced work.
emanateProceed or issue forth, as from a source.
Water emanates from this hole in the ground.
germinalSeventh month of the Revolutionary calendar (March and April); the month of buds.
A germinal idea.
inauguralAn address delivered at an inaugural ceremony especially by a United States president.
His inaugural concert as Music Director.
inaugurateAdmit (someone) formally to office.
The new President will be inaugurated on January 20.
initiateA person who has been initiated into an organization or activity.
It is very familiar to the initiate.
initiativeServing to set in motion.
A new initiative against car crime.
innovateMake changes in something established, especially by introducing new methods, ideas, or products.
The company s failure to diversify and innovate competitively.
Bills can be introduced in either House of Parliament.
introductoryServing as a base or starting point.
Began the slide show with some introductory remarks.
launchAn act or instance of launching something.
A chair was launched at him.
mountA mounting consisting of a piece of metal as in a ring or other jewelry that holds a gem in place.
Fluorescent lights are mounted on the ceiling.
newNewly recently.
This would be her new home.
officiallyWith official authorization.
There is a possibility he was murdered officially he died in a car smash.
originateHave a specified beginning.
The flight originates in Calcutta.
pioneerOpen up a road or terrain as a pioneer.
They went west as pioneers with only the possessions they could carry with them.
preambleThe introductory part of a statute or deed, stating its purpose, aims, and justification.
I gave him the bad news without preamble.
profileRepresent in profile by drawing or painting.
A sleep profile for someone on a shift system.
punditSomeone who has been admitted to membership in a scholarly field.
Political pundits were tipping him for promotion.
resumeBegin again or continue after a pause or interruption.
The painting resumed its old condition when we restored it.
savantA learned person, especially a distinguished scientist.
startA line indicating the location of the start of a race or a game.
I started to chat to him.
startingA turn to be a starter (in a game at the beginning.
Hands in the starting position.
stirringCapable of arousing enthusiasm or excitement.
Stirring events such as wars and rescues.
summarizeGive a brief statement of the main points of (something.
I will now summarize.
trailblazerA person who makes a new track through wild country.
He was a trailblazer for many ideas that are now standard fare.

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