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TOMFOOLERY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for TOMFOOLERY?

Need another word that means the same as “tomfoolery”? Find 17 synonyms for “tomfoolery” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Tomfoolery” are: craziness, folly, foolery, indulgence, lunacy, silliness, fooling, clowning, antics, pranks, tricks, buffoonery, nonsense, horseplay, mischief, foolishness, stupidity

Tomfoolery as a Noun

Definitions of "Tomfoolery" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “tomfoolery” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • Foolish or senseless behavior.
  • Foolish or silly behaviour.

Synonyms of "Tomfoolery" as a noun (17 Words)

anticsFoolish, outrageous, or amusing behaviour.
The antics of our political parties.
buffooneryBehaviour that is ridiculous but amusing.
The film is full of wordplay and buffoonery.
clowningActing like a clown or buffoon.
crazinessMad, wild, or erratic behaviour or nature.
The craziness of the parties.
follyThe quality of being rash and foolish.
An act of sheer folly.
fooleryFoolish or senseless behavior.
We endured his foolery all afternoon.
foolingA person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of.
foolishnessLack of good sense or judgement; stupidity.
Adjusting to an insane society is total foolishness.
horseplayRowdy or boisterous play.
This ridiculous horseplay has gone far enough.
indulgenceIn the Roman Catholic Church a grant by the Pope of remission of the temporal punishment in purgatory still due for sins after absolution The unrestricted sale of indulgences by pardoners was a widespread abuse during the later Middle Ages.
Too much indulgence spoils a child.
lunacyFoolish or senseless behavior.
It has been suggested that originality demands a degree of lunacy.
mischiefPlayfulness that is intended to tease or create trouble.
She ll make sure Danny doesn t get into mischief.
nonsenseA message that seems to convey no meaning.
The law is a nonsense.
pranksActing like a clown or buffoon.
sillinessAn impulsive scatterbrained manner.
He spouted the same sillinesses I hear all too often.
stupidityBehaviour that shows a lack of good sense or judgement.
A comedy of infantile stupidity.
tricksIn a single round, the sequence of cards played by all the players; the high card is the winner.
That offer was a dirty trick.

Usage Examples of "Tomfoolery" as a noun

  • The tomfoolery of MPs at question time.

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