TORN: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for TORN?

Need another word that means the same as “torn”? Find 3 synonyms and 30 related words for “torn” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Torn” are: lacerate, lacerated, mangled

Torn as an Adjective

Definitions of "Torn" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “torn” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Disrupted by the pull of contrary forces.
  • Having edges that are jagged from injury.

Synonyms of "Torn" as an adjective (3 Words)

lacerateHaving edges that are jagged from injury.
Lacerate leaves.
lacerated(of flesh or skin) torn or deeply cut.
He suffered a lacerated hand and arm.
mangledHaving edges that are jagged from injury.

Usage Examples of "Torn" as an adjective

  • Torn by religious dissensions.
  • Torn by conflicting loyalties.
  • Torn between love and hate.

Associations of "Torn" (30 Words)

browAn eyebrow.
His brows lifted in surprise.
cleaveSplit (a molecule) by breaking a particular chemical bond.
The water is going to cleave a channel into the rock.
cryBring into a particular state by crying.
A cry of rage.
cryingShedding tears.
A crying need.
divide(of a number) be contained in a number without a remainder.
Symbolically the difference of sex is a divide.
fluidA substance that is fluid at room temperature and pressure.
Liquid or fluid assets.
glandA structure resembling a gland especially a lymph node.
Symptoms include swollen glands.
lacerateDeeply hurt the feelings of; distress.
Lacerate leaves.
lachrymalConcerned with the secretion of tears.
That hysterical then lachrymal then guilt ridden hour.
lachrymoseTearful or given to weeping.
A lachrymose children s classic.
lavatoryA room, building, or cubicle containing a toilet or toilets.
She flushed the lavatory.
mournObserve the customs of mourning after the death of a loved one.
She is mourning her dead child.
perspirationThe process of sweating.
Perspiration ran down his forehead.
perspireExcrete perspiration through the pores in the skin.
Will was perspiring heavily.
purificationThe process of making something spiritually or ceremonially clean.
The goal of the religious fast is purification of the soul.
rendCause great emotional pain to.
Snapping teeth that would rend human flesh to shreds.
ripThe act of rending or ripping or splitting something.
The skirt of her frock ripped.
riveSplit or crack (wood or stone.
He was riven with guilt.
secrete(of a cell, gland, or organ) produce and discharge (a substance.
Secrete digestive juices.
secretionA substance discharged by secretion.
Hormonal secretions.
seepA place where petroleum or water oozes slowly out of the ground.
Water began to seep through the soles of his boots.
severPut an end to (a connection or relationship); break off.
Sever a relationship.
sniffleA head cold causing a running nose and sniffing.
He was restraining his sniffles rather well.
soluble(of a problem) able to be solved.
The poison is soluble in alcohol.
spewBe poured or forced out in large quantities.
Buses were spewing out black clouds of exhaust.
splitA split osier used in basketwork.
My friend and I split up.
sweatGet rid of something from the body by exuding sweat.
He was sweating profusely.
weepA fit or period of weeping.
Sit down and have a weep.
whinnyOf a horse make a whinny.
The pony whinnied and tossed his head happily.
wipeA cinematographic effect in which an existing picture seems to be wiped out by a new one as the boundary between them moves across the screen.
I discovered all of my hard drives had been wiped.

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