TRIES: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for TRIES?

Need another word that means the same as “tries”? Find 21 synonyms and 30 related words for “tries” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Tries” are: render, strain, stress, assay, attempt, essay, seek, sample, taste, try out, examine, prove, test, try on, adjudicate, judge, hear, effort, endeavor, endeavour

Tries as a Noun

Definitions of "Tries" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “tries” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • Earnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something.

Synonyms of "Tries" as a noun (4 Words)

attemptEarnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something.
Karakozov made an attempt on the Tsar s life.
effortA force exerted by a machine or in a process.
The book was her finest effort.
endeavorEarnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something.
Wished him luck in his endeavor.
endeavourAn enterprise or undertaking.
A portfolio of business endeavours.

Usage Examples of "Tries" as a noun

  • She gave it a good try.

Tries as a Verb

Definitions of "Tries" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “tries” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Put on trial or hear a case and sit as the judge at the trial of.
  • Examine or hear (evidence or a case) by judicial process.
  • Take a sample of.
  • Put to the test, as for its quality, or give experimental use to.
  • Give pain or trouble to.
  • Melt (fat or lard) in order to separate out impurities.
  • Test the limits of.
  • Make an effort or attempt.
  • Put on a garment in order to see whether it fits and looks nice.

Synonyms of "Tries" as a verb (17 Words)

adjudicateBring to an end; settle conclusively.
We asked him to adjudicate at the local flower show.
assayMake an effort or attempt.
I assayed a little joke of mine on him.
attemptMake an effort or attempt.
Troops shot civilians who attempted to flee.
essayAttempt or try.
The infant had essayed a few wobbly steps.
examineQuestion or examine thoroughly and closely.
This forced us to examine every facet of our business.
hearExamine or hear evidence or a case by judicial process.
He did not hear very well.
judgePut on trial or hear a case and sit as the judge at the trial of.
It is hard to judge whether such opposition is justified.
proveProve formally demonstrate by a mathematical formal proof.
The scheme has proved a great success.
renderTo surrender someone or something to another.
He would render income tax returns at the end of the year.
sampleTake a sample or samples of something for analysis.
Bone marrow cells were sampled.
seekSearch for and find someone or something.
They came here to seek shelter from biting winter winds.
strainSeparate by passing through a sieve or other straining device to separate out coarser elements.
Strain the custard into a bowl.
stressPut stress on utter with an accent.
She was anxious to stress that her daughter s safety was her only concern.
tastePerceive by the sense of taste.
The spinach tastes delicious.
testJudge or measure someone s proficiency or knowledge by means of a test.
The teacher tests us every week.
try onPut on trial or hear a case and sit as the judge at the trial of.
try outMake an effort or attempt.

Usage Examples of "Tries" as a verb

  • You are trying my patience!
  • Try the yak butter.

Associations of "Tries" (30 Words)

assayAnalyze (chemical substances.
I assayed a little joke of mine on him.
attemptMake an effort or attempt.
The expedition was the first to attempt Everest.
conscientiouslyIn a thorough and responsible way.
A conscientiously detailed legislative history.
contributeContribute to some cause.
He contributed articles to the magazine.
difficult(of a person) not easy to please or satisfy; awkward.
A difficult child.
effortA vigorous or determined attempt.
He got an A for effort.
endeavorAttempt by employing effort.
Wished him luck in his endeavor.
endeavourA purposeful or industrious undertaking (especially one that requires effort or boldness.
An endeavour to reduce serious injury.
exertionUse of physical or mental energy; hard work.
A well earned rest after their exertions.
impossible(of a person) very unreasonable.
A seemingly impossible task.
impracticableNot capable of being carried out or put into practice.
Refloating the sunken ship proved impracticable because of its fragility.
inconceivableTotally unlikely.
They behaved with inconceivable cruelty.
instigationThe verbal act of urging on.
The Domesday Survey was compiled at the instigation of William I.
missionA group of people sent on a mission.
A confidential mission to London.
overexertionExcessive exertion; so much exertion that discomfort or injury results.
painsAn effortful attempt to attain a goal.
renderTo surrender someone or something to another.
The estate renders some revenue for the family.
strenuousTaxing to the utmost; testing powers of endurance- F.D.Roosevelt.
Strenuous exercise.
striveStruggle or fight vigorously.
We must strive to secure steady growth.
strivingAn effortful attempt to attain a goal.
strugglingEngaged in a struggle to overcome especially poverty or obscurity.
A struggling actor.
taxingPhysically or mentally demanding.
They find the work too taxing.
toilExhausting physical labour.
A life of toil.
travailWork hard.
A woman in travail.
unacceptableNot adequate to give satisfaction.
A word unacceptable in polite society.
unbelievableNot able to be believed; unlikely to be true.
Unbelievable or not it happened.
unimaginableDifficult or impossible to imagine or comprehend.
Lives of almost unimaginable deprivation.
unlikelyNot likely to be true or to occur or to have occurred.
A butcher is unlikely to preach vegetarianism.
unthinkableIncapable of being conceived or considered.
It was unthinkable that John could be dead.
workmanlikeShowing efficient competence but not inspiration.
The book is a workmanlike job with chronology and bibliography and index.

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