Need another word that means the same as “triumphant”? Find 15 synonyms and 30 related words for “triumphant” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Triumphant” are: victorious, exultant, exulting, jubilant, prideful, rejoicing, triumphal, successful, winning, elated, joyful, joyous, delighted, gleeful, proud
Triumphant as an Adjective
Definitions of "Triumphant" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “triumphant” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Having won a battle or contest; victorious.
- Joyful and proud especially because of triumph or success.
- Experiencing triumph.
- Feeling or expressing jubilation after a victory or achievement.

Synonyms of "Triumphant" as an adjective (15 Words)
delighted | Feeling or showing great pleasure. We were delighted to see her. |
elated | Ecstatically happy. Dozens of elated fans welcomed the champions home. |
exultant | Joyful and proud especially because of triumph or success. He waved to the exultant crowds. |
exulting | Joyful and proud especially because of triumph or success. He gave an exulting cry. |
gleeful | Full of high-spirited delight. She gave a gleeful chuckle. |
joyful | Full of high-spirited delight. Make a joyful noise. |
joyous | Full of or characterized by joy. Joyous laughter. |
jubilant | Full of high-spirited delight. A large number of jubilant fans ran on to the pitch. |
prideful | Having an excessively high opinion of oneself. Walked with a prideful swagger. |
proud | Of an event achievement etc causing someone to feel proud. A proud name. |
rejoicing | Joyful and proud especially because of triumph or success. Rejoicing crowds filled the streets on VJ Day. |
successful | Having achieved fame, wealth, or social status. A successful attack on the town. |
triumphal | Joyful and proud especially because of triumph or success. A vast triumphal arch. |
victorious | Experiencing triumph. A victorious army. |
winning | Very attractive; capturing interest. A winning personality. |
Usage Examples of "Triumphant" as an adjective
- A triumphant shout.
- A comic fairy tale about innocence triumphant.
- He couldn't suppress a triumphant smile.
- Two of their triumphant Cup team.
Associations of "Triumphant" (30 Words)
accomplishment | An ability that has been acquired by training. The reduction of inflation was a remarkable accomplishment. |
achieve | To gain with effort. The killings achieved nothing. |
achievement | The action of accomplishing something. To reach this stage is a great achievement. |
acquire | Learn or develop (a skill, habit, or quality. He acquired a reputation for scrupulous honesty. |
acquirement | An ability that has been acquired by training. The acquirement of self control. |
acquisition | The act of contracting or assuming or acquiring possession of something. The acquisition of wealth. |
attain | Succeed in achieving (something that one has worked for. Dolphins can attain speeds in water which man cannot yet emulate. |
attainment | The action or fact of achieving a goal towards which one has worked. The attainment of corporate aims. |
blowout | An easy victory. You can t do a blowout with super wet hair. |
clinch | Fasten a rope or angling line with a clinch knot. Breaking from a clinch he crossed with his right. |
competition | Interaction between animal or plant species, or individual organisms, that are attempting to gain a share of a limited environmental resource. He wanted to know what the competition was doing. |
delighted | Greatly pleased. We were delighted to see her. |
elated | Exultantly proud and joyful; in high spirits. After the concert I felt elated. |
exult | To express great joy. Who cannot exult in Spring. |
exultant | Joyful and proud especially because of triumph or success. He waved to the exultant crowds. |
exultation | A feeling of triumphant elation or jubilation; rejoicing. She laughs in exultation. |
feat | A notable achievement. The new printing presses were considerable feats of engineering. |
gain | Earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages. She gained 20 pounds when she stopped exercising. |
happy | Having a sense of trust and confidence in (a person, arrangement, or situation. I can t say they looked too happy about it but a deal s a deal. |
joyful | Feeling, expressing, or causing great pleasure and happiness. Joyful music. |
jubilant | Feeling or expressing great happiness and triumph. A large number of jubilant fans ran on to the pitch. |
jubilation | A feeling of extreme joy. Unbelievable scenes of jubilation. |
rejoice | Used ironically to draw attention to a strange characteristic, especially a name. The guard rejoiced in the name of Blossom. |
rejoicing | Joyful and proud especially because of triumph or success. Rejoicing crowds filled the streets on VJ Day. |
succeed | Take over a throne, office, or other position from. The management and business skills you need to succeed. |
success | An attainment that is successful. Overall the fair was a great success. |
triumph | A successful ending of a struggle or contest. The agreement was a triumph for common sense. |
victory | An act of defeating an enemy or opponent in a battle, game, or other competition. A narrow victory. |
win | Be the winner in a contest or competition be victorious. You will find it difficult to win back their attention. |
winner | A person or thing that wins something. Anyone taking out a fixed rate mortgage could be on to a winner. |