Need another word that means the same as “triumph”? Find 59 synonyms and 30 related words for “triumph” in this overview.
The synonyms of “Triumph” are: victory, win, conquest, success, jubilation, exultation, elation, rejoicing, delight, joy, joyfulness, happiness, glee, pride, satisfaction, tour de force, masterpiece, coup, feather in one's cap, wonder, sensation, master stroke, crow, gloat, rejoice, wallow, prevail, exuberate, exult, jubilate, succeed, be successful, come first, be the victor, be victorious, gain a victory, carry the day, carry all before one, take the crown, take the honours, take the prize, come out on top, defeat, beat, conquer, trounce, vanquish, best, worst, overcome, overpower, overwhelm, get the better of, gain ascendancy over, gain mastery of, swagger, brag, boast
Triumph as a Noun
Definitions of "Triumph" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “triumph” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A successful ending of a struggle or contest.
- The exultation of victory.
- The processional entry of a victorious general into ancient Rome.
- A great victory or achievement.
- Joy or satisfaction resulting from a success or victory.
- A highly successful example of something.
- The state of being victorious or successful.

Synonyms of "Triumph" as a noun (22 Words)
conquest | The overcoming of a problem or weakness. The conquest of inflation. |
coup | A sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government. It was a major coup to get such a prestigious contract. |
delight | A cause or source of great pleasure. His delight to see her was obvious to all. |
elation | A feeling of joy and pride. Richard s elation at regaining his health was short lived. |
exultation | The utterance of sounds expressing great joy. She laughs in exultation. |
feather in one's cap | Turning an oar parallel to the water between pulls. |
glee | Great delight, especially from one’s own good fortune or another’s misfortune. His face lit up with impish glee. |
happiness | State of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. Tom s heart swelled with happiness. |
joy | A thing that causes joy. You ll get no joy out of her. |
joyfulness | The emotion of great happiness. |
jubilation | A feeling of extreme joy. Unbelievable scenes of jubilation. |
master stroke | An officer who is licensed to command a merchant ship. |
masterpiece | A piece of work by a craftsman accepted as qualification for membership of a guild as an acknowledged master. A great literary masterpiece. |
pride | Confidence and self-respect as expressed by members of a group, typically one that has been socially marginalized, on the basis of their shared identity, culture, and experience. The males in the pride are very tolerant towards all the cubs. |
rejoicing | Great joy; jubilation. The ban was lifted in 1990 amid general rejoicing. |
satisfaction | Christ’s atonement for sin. I looked round with satisfaction. |
sensation | The capacity to have physical sensations. His arrest for poisoning caused a sensation. |
success | An attainment that is successful. The president had some success in restoring confidence. |
tour de force | A time for working (after which you will be relieved by someone else. |
victory | An act of defeating an enemy or opponent in a battle, game, or other competition. Clinched a victory. |
win | A victory (as in a race or other competition. He was happy to get the win. |
wonder | A thing or a quality of something that causes wonder. We all eat cakes from Gisella she s a wonder. |

Usage Examples of "Triumph" as a noun
- A garden built to celebrate Napoleon's many triumphs.
- ‘Here it is!’ Helen's voice rose in triumph.
- The king returned home in triumph.
- The agreement was a triumph for common sense.
- The marriage had been a triumph of togetherness.

Triumph as a Verb
Definitions of "Triumph" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “triumph” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Be ecstatic with joy.
- Prove superior.
- To express great joy.
- (of a Roman general) ride into ancient Rome after a victory.
- Achieve a victory; be successful.
- Dwell on with satisfaction.
- Rejoice or exult at a victory or success.

Synonyms of "Triumph" as a verb (37 Words)
be successful | Happen, occur, take place. |
be the victor | Have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun. |
be victorious | Have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun. |
beat | Give a beating to subject to a beating either as a punishment or as an act of aggression. We beat the competition. |
best | Outwit or get the better of (someone. She refused to allow herself to be bested. |
boast | Wear or display in an ostentatious or proud manner. She boasted about her many conquests. |
brag | Say something in a boastful manner. He bragged that he was sure of victory. |
carry all before one | Transfer (a number, cipher, or remainder) to the next column or unit’s place before or after, in addition or multiplication. |
carry the day | Bear (a crop. |
come first | To be the product or result. |
come out on top | Extend or reach. |
conquer | Climb (a mountain) successfully. Conquer one s desires. |
crow | Express pleasure verbally. She crowed with joy. |
defeat | Render null and void; annul. Garibaldi defeated the Neapolitan army. |
exuberate | To express great joy. |
exult | Feel or show triumphant elation or jubilation. Exulting in her escape Lisa closed the door behind her. |
gain a victory | Increase or develop. |
gain ascendancy over | Increase (one’s body weight. |
gain mastery of | Reach a destination, either real or abstract. |
get the better of | Overcome or destroy. |
gloat | Gaze at or think about something with great self-satisfaction, gratification, or joy. His enemies gloated over his death. |
jubilate | Show great happiness; rejoice. Sing and jubilate aloud before God. |
overcome | Overcome usually through no fault or weakness of the person that is overcome. You must overcome all difficulties. |
overpower | Defeat or overcome with superior strength. They were overpowered by the fumes. |
overwhelm | Be too strong for; overpower. They were overwhelmed by farewell messages. |
prevail | Be larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance. A friendly atmosphere prevailed among the crowds. |
rejoice | Feel happiness or joy. I love to rejoice their poor Hearts at this season. |
succeed | Attain fame, wealth, or social status. We succeeded in getting tickets to the show. |
swagger | Discourage or frighten with threats or a domineering manner; intimidate. He swaggered along the corridor. |
take the crown | Remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract. |
take the honours | To get into a position of having, e.g., safety, comfort. |
take the prize | Make a film or photograph of something. |
trounce | Defeat heavily in a contest. The children were severely trounced. |
vanquish | Defeat thoroughly. He successfully vanquished his rival. |
wallow | Delight greatly in. Wallow in your success. |
win | Win something through one s efforts. Many lived to win the great cave. |
worst | Get the better of; defeat. This was not the time for a deep discussion she was tired and she would be worsted. |

Usage Examples of "Triumph" as a verb
- They had no chance of triumphing over the Nationalists.
- She stopped triumphing over Mrs Ward's failure.

Associations of "Triumph" (30 Words)
accomplish | To gain with effort. Once this form has been accomplished the applicant needs to secure supporting documents. |
accomplishment | Skill or ability in an activity. The accomplishment of planned objectives. |
achieve | To gain with effort. The killings achieved nothing. |
achievement | A thing done successfully with effort, skill, or courage. Assessing ability in terms of academic achievement. |
achiever | A person who achieves a high or specified level of success. His children are achievers destined to follow an exacting academic route. |
acquire | Come to have (a particular reputation) as a result of one’s behaviour or activities. I acquired a strong aversion to television. |
acquisition | The cognitive process of acquiring skill or knowledge. There were many acquisitions among travel agents. |
attain | Find unexpectedly. Dolphins can attain speeds in water which man cannot yet emulate. |
attainment | An ability that has been acquired by training. The attainment of independence. |
blowout | An occasion when a tyre on a vehicle bursts or an electric fuse melts. As a result of the blowout we lost all the lights. |
clinch | Fasten a rope or angling line with a clinch knot. The Texan wanted to impress him to clinch a business deal. |
competition | The person or people over whom one is attempting to establish one’s supremacy or superiority; the opposition. I walked round to check out the competition. |
delighted | Feeling or showing great pleasure. A delighted smile. |
elated | Exultantly proud and joyful; in high spirits. Dozens of elated fans welcomed the champions home. |
exult | Feel extreme happiness or elation. Exulting in her escape Lisa closed the door behind her. |
exultant | Joyful and proud especially because of triumph or success. He waved to the exultant crowds. |
exultation | A feeling of triumphant elation or jubilation; rejoicing. She laughs in exultation. |
gain | Reach or arrive at (a destination. The stock market gained 24 points today. |
happy | Marked by good fortune. A happy turn of phrase. |
joyful | Feeling, expressing, or causing great pleasure and happiness. A joyful occasion. |
jubilant | Feeling or expressing great happiness and triumph. A large number of jubilant fans ran on to the pitch. |
jubilation | A feeling of great happiness and triumph. Unbelievable scenes of jubilation. |
rejoicing | A feeling of great happiness. Rejoicing crowds filled the streets on VJ Day. |
succeed | Take over a throne, office, or other position from. The enterprise succeeded. |
success | A person with a record of successes. His success in the marathon was unexpected. |
triumphant | Feeling or expressing jubilation after a victory or achievement. He couldn t suppress a triumphant smile. |
victor | A person who defeats an enemy or opponent in a battle, game, or other competition. Congratulations to the victors. |
victory | A successful ending of a struggle or contest. Clinched a victory. |
win | Win something through one s efforts. A 3 0 win over Birmingham. |
winner | A goal or shot that wins a match or point. Anyone taking out a fixed rate mortgage could be on to a winner. |