Need another word that means the same as “overwhelm”? Find 54 synonyms and 30 related words for “overwhelm” in this overview.
The synonyms of “Overwhelm” are: deluge, flood out, drown, submerge, overcome, overpower, overtake, sweep over, whelm, overmaster, swamp, engulf, bury, flood, inundate, overload, overrun, snow under, move, stir, affect, touch, impress, sweep someone off their feet, strike, stun, make emotional, dumbfound, shake, disturb, devastate, take aback, daze, spellbind, dazzle, floor, leave speechless, take someone's breath away, stagger, defeat, defeat easily, defeat heavily, defeat utterly, trounce, rout, beat, beat hollow, conquer, vanquish, be victorious over, gain a victory over, prevail over, get the better of, triumph over
Overwhelm as a Verb
Definitions of "Overwhelm" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “overwhelm” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Overcome, as with emotions or perceptual stimuli.
- Give too much of something to; inundate.
- Charge someone with too many tasks.
- Have a strong emotional effect on.
- Bury or drown beneath a huge mass of something, especially water.
- Cover completely or make imperceptible.
- Be too strong for; overpower.
- Overcome by superior force.
- Defeat completely.

Synonyms of "Overwhelm" as a verb (54 Words)
affect | Have an effect upon. Will the new rules affect me. |
be victorious over | Be identical to; be someone or something. |
beat | Shape by beating. Her heart beat faster with panic. |
beat hollow | Be a mystery or bewildering to. |
bury | Place in the earth and cover with soil. I tried to bury these unpleasant memories. |
conquer | To put down by force or authority. The Beatles were to leave Liverpool and conquer the world. |
daze | Overcome as with astonishment or disbelief. She was dazed by his revelations. |
dazzle | Amaze or bewilder, as with brilliant wit or intellect or skill. I was dazzled by the beauty and breadth of the exhibition. |
defeat | Render null and void; annul. She was defeated by the last steep hill. |
defeat easily | Win a victory over. |
defeat heavily | Win a victory over. |
defeat utterly | Thwart the passage of. |
deluge | Fill quickly beyond capacity; as with a liquid. He has been deluged with offers of work. |
devastate | Destroy or ruin. He was devastated by his grief when his son died. |
disturb | Change the arrangement or position of. Take the rollers out carefully so as not to disturb the curls too much. |
drown | Deliberately kill a person or animal by drowning. She drowned her trouble in alcohol. |
dumbfound | Greatly astonish or amaze. I was dumbfounded by the low prices there. |
engulf | Flow over or cover completely. Europe might be engulfed by war. |
flood | Cover or submerge an area with water in a flood. She flooded the room with light. |
flood out | Supply with an excess of. |
floor | Provide a room or area with a floor. I was floored when I heard that I was promoted. |
gain a victory over | Increase (one’s body weight. |
get the better of | Move into a desired direction of discourse. |
impress | Impress positively. They immediately impressed the judges. |
inundate | Fill or cover completely, usually with water. We ve been inundated with complaints from listeners. |
leave speechless | Go away from a place. |
make emotional | Carry out or commit. |
move | Move so as to change position perform a nontranslational motion. The school moved over to the new course in 1987. |
overcome | Overcome as with emotions or perceptual stimuli. You must overcome all difficulties. |
overload | Become overloaded. The wiring had been overloaded. |
overmaster | Overcome; conquer. He was overmastered by events. |
overpower | Defeat or overcome with superior strength. They were overpowered by the fumes. |
overrun | Seize the position of and defeat. The Mediterranean has been overrun by tourists. |
overtake | Catch up with and possibly overtake. Germany rapidly overtook Britain in industrial output. |
prevail over | Continue to exist. |
rout | Defeat and cause to retreat in disorder. In a matter of minutes the attackers were routed. |
shake | Shake or vibrate rapidly and intensively. My faith has been shaken. |
snow under | Conceal one’s true motives from especially by elaborately feigning good intentions so as to gain an end. |
spellbind | Put into a trance. The singer held the audience spellbound. |
stagger | Arrange (events, payments, hours, etc.) so that they do not occur at the same time. The treasury staggered from one crisis to the next. |
stir | Stir feelings in. As the thunder started the sleeping children began to stir. |
strike | Undertake strike action against an employer. There is no better surface for the spat to strike on than another oyster. |
stun | Knock unconscious or into a dazed or semi-conscious state. The news stunned her. |
submerge | Sink below the surface; go under or as if under water. Houses had been flooded and cars submerged. |
swamp | Drench or submerge or be drenched or submerged. A huge wave swamped the canoes. |
sweep over | To cover or extend over an area or time period. |
sweep someone off their feet | Win an overwhelming victory in or on. |
take aback | Travel or go by means of a certain kind of transportation, or a certain route. |
take someone's breath away | Lay claim to; as of an idea. |
touch | Tamper with. There s no one who can touch him at lightweight judo. |
triumph over | Be ecstatic with joy. |
trounce | Beat severely with a whip or rod. Insider dealing has been roundly trounced. |
vanquish | Defeat thoroughly. He successfully vanquished his rival. |
whelm | Well up or flow. A swimmer whelmed in a raging storm. |

Usage Examples of "Overwhelm" as a verb
- Floodwaters overwhelmed hundreds of houses.
- The Stilton doesn't overwhelm the flavour of the trout.
- They were overwhelmed by farewell messages.
- The Irish side was overwhelmed 15–3 by Scotland.
- I was overwhelmed with guilt.

Associations of "Overwhelm" (30 Words)
absorb | Take in or soak up (energy or a liquid or other substance) by chemical or physical action. He absorbed the knowledge or beliefs of his tribe. |
awash | Level with the surface of water so that it just washes over. The city was awash with journalists. |
cloudburst | A heavy rain. |
crush | The act of crushing. You can crush a pill between two spoons. |
curb | An edge between a sidewalk and a roadway consisting of a line of curbstones usually forming part of a gutter. Plans to introduce tougher curbs on insider dealing. |
deluge | Overwhelm with a flood. A deluge of complaints. |
destruction | A cause of someone’s ruin. The destruction of the rainforest. |
dive | A sudden movement in a specified direction. She made a dive for the fridge to quench her thirst. |
downpour | A heavy rain. A sudden downpour had filled the gutters and drains. |
drop | An instance of falling or dropping. They only just avoided the drop last season. |
drown | Deliberately kill a person or animal by drowning. Good pizza is not eight inches thick and drowned in tomato sauce. |
flood | The biblical flood brought by God upon the earth because of the wickedness of the human race Gen 6 ff. Congratulatory messages flooded in. |
flowage | The act of flooding; filling to overflowing. Rock fracture and rock flowage are different types of geological deformation. |
freshet | A rush of fresh water flowing into the sea. |
immerse | Cause to be immersed. She was still immersed in her thoughts. |
inundate | Fill or cover completely, usually with water. We ve been inundated with complaints from listeners. |
inundation | Flooding. Areas were at risk of inundation. |
oppress | Cause distress or anxiety to. A system which oppressed working people. |
overawe | Subdue, restrain, or overcome by affecting with a feeling of awe; frighten (as with threats. The eleven year old was overawed by the atmosphere. |
overflow | Overflow with a certain feeling. Her hair overflowed her shoulders. |
overpower | Be too intense for; overwhelm. They were overpowered by the fumes. |
plunge | Immerse briefly into a liquid so as to wet, coat, or saturate. He plunged his hands into his pockets. |
rainstorm | A storm with heavy rain. |
sink | Fall or sink heavily. This pledge could sink the government. |
submerge | Fill or cover completely, usually with water. The U boat had had time to submerge. |
sunken | Having a sunken area. Her face was white with sunken cheeks. |
surround | Surround with a wall in order to fortify. The country the flat agricultural surround. |
swimmer | A trained athlete who participates in swimming meets. Red flags to warn swimmers of dangerous currents. |
torrent | A strong and fast-moving stream of water or other liquid. Rain poured down in torrents. |
underwater | Beneath the surface of water. Underwater photography. |