Need another word that means the same as “turn into”? Find 30 related words for “turn into” in this overview.
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Associations of "Turn into" (30 Words)
anticlockwise | In the direction opposite to the rotation of the hands of a clock. An anticlockwise direction. |
bend | A kind of knot used to join two ropes together or to tie a rope to another object e g a carrick bend. A bend in the river. |
bent | Sharply curved or having an angle. Bent on going to the theater. |
crimp | A small connecting piece for crimping wires or lines together. Crimp hair. |
curve | Form a curl curve or kink. Her dress twisted tightly round her generous curves. |
deviate | A person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior. You must not deviate from the agreed route. |
distorted | Giving a misleading or false account or impression; misrepresented. Distorted guitars. |
flip | Glib or flippant. A flip answer to serious question. |
garble | A garbled account or transmission. Upon winning a race a driver spews out a litany of commercial garble. |
kink | Form a curl curve or kink. A kink in the road. |
pervert | Corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality. He was charged with conspiring to pervert the course of justice. |
revolve | Move in a circle on a central axis. Their whole lives revolved around the company. |
rotate | Change the position of (tyres) on a motor vehicle to distribute wear. The job of chairing the meeting rotates. |
rotation | The passing of a privilege or responsibility to each member of a group in a regularly recurring order. It has become common for senior academics to act as heads of department in rotation. |
slew | Of an electronic device undergo slewing. I was assaulted by the thump and slew of the van. |
somersault | Perform a somersault or make a similar movement accidentally. Paula s stomach turned a somersault. |
spin | Spin dry clothes. A spin around town. |
spiraling | In the shape of a coil. |
swerve | The act of turning aside suddenly. Do not make sudden swerves particularly around parked vehicles. |
swivel | Turn around a point or axis or on a swivel. She swivelled her eyes round. |
twist | The act of winding or twisting. Barrels with a 1 24 inch twist. |
twisted | Forced out of its natural or proper shape; crumpled. The crash left a trail of twisted metal across the carriageway. |
veer | Change direction suddenly. The conversation eventually veered away from theatrical things. |
warped | Bent or twisted out of shape, typically as a result of the effects of heat or damp. The floors were warped and cracked. |
whirl | Fly around. He was caught up in a whirl of work. |
wind | A scent carried by the wind indicating the presence or proximity of an animal or person. Wind players. |
winding | The act of winding or twisting. Winding roads are full of surprises. |
worm | The threaded cylinder in a worm gear. She ate so much so often that I thought she had worms. |
wrench | Turn something especially a nut or bolt with a wrench. You will need a wrench to tighten it in position. |
wrest | Obtain by seizing forcibly or violently, also metaphorically. Wrest power from the old government. |