Need another word that means the same as “twinkling”? Find 8 synonyms and 30 related words for “twinkling” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Twinkling” are: blink of an eye, flash, heartbeat, instant, jiffy, split second, trice, wink
Twinkling as a Noun
Definitions of "Twinkling" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “twinkling” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A very short time (as the time it takes the eye to blink or the heart to beat.

Synonyms of "Twinkling" as a noun (8 Words)
blink of an eye | A reflex that closes and opens the eyes rapidly. |
flash | A newsflash. Flap wheels are ideal for grinding off fibreglass flash. |
heartbeat | The pulsation of the heart. His heartbeat quickened as Rose approached. |
instant | Instant coffee. Come here this instant. |
jiffy | A very short time (as the time it takes the eye to blink or the heart to beat. We ll be back in a jiffy. |
split second | An opening made forcibly as by pulling apart. |
trice | A very short time (as the time it takes the eye to blink or the heart to beat. |
wink | An act of winking. Barney gave him a knowing wink. |

Associations of "Twinkling" (30 Words)
approvingly | In a manner resulting from or revealing approval. Several heads nodded approvingly at this concept. |
blink | Force to go away by blinking. She blinked away her tears. |
blinking | Used to express annoyance. I ll sign off however I blinking well like. |
eye | The region of the face surrounding the eyes. He has an artist s eye. |
eyelid | Either of two folds of skin that can be moved to cover or open the eye. |
finery | Elaborate or showy attire and accessories. Officers in their blue gold and scarlet finery. |
flicker | (of a flame) burn fitfully, alternately flaring up and dying down. The flicker of a candle flame caught our eyes. |
flickering | Shining unsteadily. The flickering flames cast long shadows. |
freshen | (of wind) become stronger and colder. The westerly wind freshened and howled dismally. |
glimmer | Shine faintly with a wavering light. There is one glimmer of hope for Becky. |
glint | A small flash of light, especially a reflected one. His eyes glinted angrily. |
glistening | Shining with a sparkling light. Glistening bodies of swimmers. |
grin | Express with a broad smile. A silly grin. |
instant | Instant coffee. For an instant the moon disappeared. |
jewel | A person who is as brilliant and precious as a piece of jewelry. Jeweled dresses. |
laugh | A facial expression characteristic of a person laughing. She gave a loud silly laugh. |
mischievous | (of an action or statement) causing or intended to cause harm or trouble. Mischievous rumors and falsehoods. |
moment | The n th moment of a distribution is the expected value of the n th power of the deviations from a fixed value. I was waiting for the right moment to tell him. |
nod | Signify or express greeting assent or understanding by nodding. The flowers were nodding in the breeze. |
polish | Improve or perfect by pruning or polishing. Polish my shoes. |
shine | Make a surface shine. His talent shines. |
shiny | Having a shiny surface or coating. Shiny black patents. |
smile | Express with a smile. He smiled at Shelley. |
smiling | Smiling with happiness or optimism Lewis Carroll. It s nice to see everyone s smiling faces. |
spark | Produce sparks at the point where an electric circuit is interrupted. There was a spark of light. |
sparkle | Shine brightly with flashes of light. Unquarried marble sparkled on the hillside. |
sparkling | Lively and witty. Sparkling water. |
trigger | Release or pull the trigger on. People ask how much I weigh but I won t talk about numbers because I know that triggers me. |
twinkle | (of a star or light, or a shiny object) shine with a gleam that changes constantly from bright to faint. She looked at me with a grin and a twinkle in her eye. |
wink | Signal by winking. Barney gave him a knowing wink. |