INSTANT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for INSTANT?

Need another word that means the same as “instant”? Find 53 synonyms and 30 related words for “instant” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Instant” are: instantaneous, clamant, crying, exigent, insistent, inst, immediate, prompt, direct, swift, speedy, rapid, quick, expeditious, express, lightning, sudden, precipitate, abrupt, ready prepared, ready mixed, fast, easy to prepare, quick to prepare, easy to make, quick to make, current, present, existing, existent, actual, extant, blink of an eye, flash, heartbeat, jiffy, split second, trice, twinkling, wink, minute, moment, second, time, point in time, moment in time, hour, short time, little while, bit, twinkling of an eye, no time, no time at all

Instant as a Noun

Definitions of "Instant" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “instant” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • A precise moment of time.
  • A particular point in time.
  • Instant coffee.
  • A very short time (as the time it takes the eye to blink or the heart to beat.
  • A very short time; a moment.

Synonyms of "Instant" as a noun (21 Words)

bitThe cutting part of a drill usually pointed and threaded and is replaceable in a brace or bitstock or drill press.
He looked around for the right size bit.
blink of an eyeA reflex that closes and opens the eyes rapidly.
flashA newsflash.
She had a flash of inspiration.
heartbeatThe rhythmic contraction and expansion of the arteries with each beat of the heart.
Her heartbeats steadied.
hourThe distance travelled in one hour.
The job will take more than an hour.
jiffyA very short time (as the time it takes the eye to blink or the heart to beat.
We ll be back in a jiffy.
little whileA small amount or duration.
minuteThe distance covered in a minute by someone driving or walking.
I ll be there in ten minutes time.
momentThe n th moment of a distribution is the expected value of the n th power of the deviations from a fixed value.
She was silent for a moment before replying.
moment in timeAn indefinitely short time.
no timeA negative.
no time at allA radioactive transuranic element synthesized by bombarding curium with carbon ions; 7 isotopes are known.
point in timeA very small circular shape.
secondThe fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is stationed near the second of the bases in the infield.
He had to shift down into second to make the hill.
short timeThe fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is stationed between second and third base.
split secondDivision of a group into opposing factions.
timeA reading of a point in time as given by a clock.
The time is 9 30.
triceA very short time (as the time it takes the eye to blink or the heart to beat.
twinklingA very short time (as the time it takes the eye to blink or the heart to beat.
twinkling of an eyeA very short time (as the time it takes the eye to blink or the heart to beat.
winkAn act of winking.
Barney gave him a knowing wink.

Usage Examples of "Instant" as a noun

  • For an instant the moon disappeared.
  • At that instant the sun came out.
  • Come here this instant!

Instant as an Adjective

Definitions of "Instant" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “instant” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Demanding attention- H.L.Mencken.
  • Prepared quickly and with little effort.
  • Of the present moment.
  • Demanding attention.
  • (of food) processed to allow very quick preparation.
  • (of a person) becoming a specified thing immediately.
  • Happening or coming immediately.
  • (in business letters) of the current month.
  • In or of the present month.
  • Urgent; pressing.
  • Occurring with no delay.

Synonyms of "Instant" as an adjective (32 Words)

abruptExtremely steep.
An occasionally abrupt narrative.
actualExisting now; current.
Actual and imagined conditions.
clamantConspicuously and offensively loud; given to vehement outcry.
Clamant needs.
cryingVery great.
A crying baby.
currentBelonging to the present time; happening or being used or done now.
The other meaning of the word is still current.
directMoving from west to east on the celestial sphere or for planets around the sun in the same direction as the Earth.
Ferns like a bright position out of direct sunlight.
easy to makeCasual and unrestrained in sexual behavior.
easy to preparePosing no difficulty; requiring little effort.
exigentRequiring precise accuracy.
Became more exigent over his pronunciation.
existentHaving reality or existence.
An attempt to refine the existent machinery to make it more efficient.
existingExisting in something specified.
Depletion of the oxygen existing in the bloodstream.
expeditiousMarked by speed and efficiency.
An expeditious investigation.
expressNot tacit or implied.
An express shipment.
extantStill in existence; not extinct or destroyed or lost.
An extant letter.
fastPerforming or able to perform a particular action quickly.
They remained fast friends.
immediateImmediately before or after as in a chain of cause and effect.
The immediate result.
insistentRepetitive and persistent.
She was very insistent that I call her.
instIn or of the present month.
Your letter of the 10th inst.
instantaneousOccurring with no delay.
Her reaction was almost instantaneous.
lightningVery quick.
A lightning cure for his hangover.
precipitateDone with very great haste and without due deliberation- Shakespeare- Arthur Geddes.
A precipitate decline in Labour fortunes.
presentExisting or occurring in a place or thing.
The murderer is present in this room.
promptAccording to schedule or without delay; on time.
She is always prompt to help her friends.
quickMoving quickly and lightly.
A quick inspection.
quick to makePerformed with little or no delay.
quick to prepareMoving quickly and lightly.
rapidDone or occurring in a brief period of time.
The country s rapid economic decline.
ready mixedImmediately available.
ready preparedApprehending and responding with speed and sensitivity.
speedyDone or occurring quickly.
A speedy errand boy.
suddenOccurring or done quickly and unexpectedly or without warning.
A sudden decision.
swiftMoving or capable of moving at high speed.
Swift flight of an arrow.

Usage Examples of "Instant" as an adjective

  • The offence justified instant dismissal.
  • Instant gratification.
  • Relief was instantaneous.
  • An instant need.
  • Your letter of the 6th instant.
  • Become an instant millionaire.
  • Instant coffee.
  • An instant desire to blame others when things go wrong.
  • We can't promise instant solutions.

Associations of "Instant" (30 Words)

ambulanceConvey in an ambulance.
We called an ambulance.
briefInstruct a barrister by brief.
A brief bikini.
composePhrase (a letter or piece of writing) with great care and thought.
Compose and draw a still life.
emergencyArising from or used in an emergency.
Survival packs were carried in case of emergency.
exigencyAn urgent need or demand.
He put financial exigency before personal sentiment.
exigentDemanding attention.
The exigent demands of her contemporaries music took a toll on her voice.
extemporaneousSpoken or done without preparation.
An extemporaneous speech.
extemporeSpoken or done without preparation.
An extempore speech.
extemporizeCompose or perform something such as music or a speech without preparation; improvise.
He extemporized at the piano.
freshen(of wind) become stronger and colder.
The yachts picked up a freshening breeze.
immediateImmediately before or after as in a chain of cause and effect.
The immediate revisions.
immediatelyAt once; instantly.
I rang immediately for an ambulance.
imminentClose in time; about to occur.
In imminent danger.
impendingClose in time; about to occur.
My impending departure.
imperativeRelating to verbs in the imperative mood.
Free movement of labour was an economic imperative.
impromptuAn extemporaneous speech or remark.
An impromptu press conference.
improvisePerform without preparation.
After the hurricane destroyed our house we had to improvise for weeks.
improvisedDone or made using whatever is available.
An improvised short speech.
impulsionA strong urge to do something.
The impulsion of the singers to govern the pace.
instantlyWithout delay or hesitation; with no time intervening.
She fell asleep almost instantly.
minuteThe distance covered in a minute by someone driving or walking.
A minute inspection of the grounds.
momentThe n th moment of a distribution is the expected value of the n th power of the deviations from a fixed value.
Virtue is of more moment than security.
nowIndicates a change of subject or activity.
Run along now.
offhandUngraciously or offensively nonchalant or cool in manner.
She had made these remarks offhandedly.
pressingThe act of pressing the exertion of pressure.
Pure grade olive oil is the product of the second or third pressings.
prioritizeDesignate or treat (something) as being very or most important.
The department has failed to prioritize safety within the oil industry.
promptlyAt once (usually modifies an undesirable occurrence.
He promptly forgot the address.
spontaneouslyAs a result of a sudden impulse and without premeditation.
A surprising number of early pregnancies spontaneously abort.
twinklingShining with a gleam that changes from bright to faint.
Twinkling harbour lights.
urgentOf an action or event done or arranged in response to an urgent situation.
Bridges in urgent need of repair.

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