Need another word that means the same as “improvise”? Find 20 synonyms and 30 related words for “improvise” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Improvise” are: ad-lib, extemporise, extemporize, improvize, speak impromptu, make it up as one goes along, think on one's feet, take it as it comes, extemporized, on the spot, contrive, devise, throw together, concoct, rig, put together, thrown together, devised, rigged, rough and ready
Improvise as a Verb
Definitions of "Improvise" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “improvise” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Manage in a makeshift way; do with whatever is at hand.
- Produce or make (something) from whatever is available.
- Perform without preparation.
- Create and perform (music, drama, or verse) spontaneously or without preparation.

Synonyms of "Improvise" as a verb (20 Words)
ad-lib | Perform without preparation. |
concoct | Make a concoction of by mixing. His cronies concocted a simple plan. |
contrive | Put or send forth. You contrived to be alone with me despite the supervision. |
devise | Arrange by systematic planning and united effort. A training programme should be devised. |
devised | Arrange by systematic planning and united effort. |
extemporise | Perform without preparation. |
extemporize | Perform without preparation. He extemporized a speech at the wedding. |
extemporized | Manage in a makeshift way; do with whatever is at hand. |
improvize | Perform without preparation. |
make it up as one goes along | Create or manufacture a man-made product. |
on the spot | Mar or impair with a flaw. |
put together | Adapt. |
rig | Provide a sailing boat with sails and rigging. The power plant of the lifeboat had been rigged to explode. |
rigged | Arrange the outcome of by means of deceit. |
rough and ready | Prepare in preliminary or sketchy form. |
speak impromptu | Use language. |
take it as it comes | Make use of or accept for some purpose. |
think on one's feet | Be capable of conscious thought. |
throw together | Put or send forth. |
thrown together | Organize or be responsible for. |

Usage Examples of "Improvise" as a verb
- He was improvising to a backing of guitar chords.
- I improvised a costume for myself out of an old blue dress.
- He invited actors to improvise dialogue.
- After the hurricane destroyed our house, we had to improvise for weeks.

Associations of "Improvise" (30 Words)
compose | Calm (someone, especially oneself); make quiet. The National Congress is composed of ten senators. |
contiguous | Sharing a common border; touching. Five hundred contiguous dictionary entries. |
corollary | (logic) an inference that follows directly from the proof of another proposition. The court did not answer a corollary question. |
exigent | Demanding attention. Became more exigent over his pronunciation. |
extemporaneous | With little or no preparation or forethought. An extemporaneous piano recital. |
extempore | Without prior preparation. He recited the poem extempore. |
extemporize | Manage in a makeshift way; do with whatever is at hand. He extemporized a speech at the wedding. |
immediate | Immediately before or after as in a chain of cause and effect. No changes are envisaged in the immediate future. |
immediately | Near or close by. She was sitting immediately behind me. |
imminent | Overhanging. They were in imminent danger of being swept away. |
impending | (of an event regarded as threatening or significant) about to happen; forthcoming. The author had returned to his country ahead of the impending war. |
impromptu | An extemporaneous speech or remark. A witty impromptu must not sound premeditated. |
improvised | Done or made using whatever is available; makeshift. We slept on improvised beds. |
impulsively | In an impulsive or impetuous way; without taking cautions. He often acts impulsively and later regrets it. |
instant | Instant coffee. The offence justified instant dismissal. |
instantaneous | Existing or measured at a particular instant. Modern methods of instantaneous communication. |
instantly | Urgently or persistently. She fell asleep almost instantly. |
now | The momentary present. Run along now. |
offhand | Ungraciously or offensively nonchalant or cool in manner. Offhand excuses. |
oratory | Addressing an audience formally (usually a long and rhetorical address and often pompous. He loved the sound of his own oratory. |
pressing | Expressing something strongly or persistently. Pure grade olive oil is the product of the second or third pressings. |
prompt | The time limit for the payment of an account stated on a prompt note. The audience could hear his prompting. |
promptly | At once (usually modifies an undesirable occurrence. Jamie arrived promptly at 8 30. |
quick | At a fast rate quickly. Children like to see quick results from their efforts. |
quickly | With speed. Reg s illness progressed frighteningly quickly. |
song | A musical composition suggestive of a song. The song of the wind. |
speedily | With speed. Your claim will be dealt with as speedily as possible. |
spontaneous | (of a plant) growing naturally and without being tended or cultivated. A spontaneous display of affection. |
spontaneously | Without apparent external cause or stimulus. Mutations can occur spontaneously. |
swiftly | At high speed; quickly. She got up and walked swiftly to the door. |