Need another word that means the same as “spontaneous”? Find 33 synonyms and 30 related words for “spontaneous” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Spontaneous” are: self-generated, ad-lib, unwritten, unforced, voluntary, unconstrained, unprompted, unbidden, unsolicited, unplanned, unpremeditated, unrehearsed, impulsive, impetuous, unstudied, impromptu, spur-of-the-moment, extempore, extemporaneous, natural, uninhibited, relaxed, unselfconscious, unaffected, easy, free and easy, reflex, automatic, involuntary, unthinking, unconscious, instinctive, instinctual
Spontaneous as an Adjective
Definitions of "Spontaneous" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “spontaneous” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Having an open, natural, and uninhibited manner.
- Said or done without having been planned or written in advance.
- Happening or arising without apparent external cause.
- (of movement or activity in an organism) instinctive or involuntary.
- Performed or occurring as a result of a sudden impulse or inclination and without premeditation or external stimulus.
- (of a plant) growing naturally and without being tended or cultivated.
- (of a process or event) occurring without apparent external cause.

Synonyms of "Spontaneous" as an adjective (33 Words)
ad-lib | Said or done without having been planned or written in advance. |
automatic | (especially of a legal sanction) given or imposed as a necessary and inevitable result of a fixed rule or particular set of circumstances. A budget deficit that caused automatic spending cuts. |
easy | Casual and unrestrained in sexual behavior. Soft light that was easy on the eyes. |
extemporaneous | Spoken or done without preparation. An extemporaneous speech. |
extempore | Spoken or done without preparation. An extempore speech. |
free and easy | Completely wanting or lacking. |
impetuous | Characterized by undue haste and lack of thought or deliberation. She might live to rue this impetuous decision. |
impromptu | Done without being planned, organized, or rehearsed. An impromptu press conference. |
impulsive | Having the power of driving or impelling. The approaching waves contain an impulsive component. |
instinctive | Unthinking; prompted by (or as if by) instinct. An instinctive distaste for conflict. |
instinctual | Relating to or denoting an innate, typically fixed pattern of behaviour; based on instinct. An instinctual survival response. |
involuntary | Not subject to the control of the will- John F.Kennedy. It becoming a hero was involuntary They sank my boat. |
natural | Relating to earthly human or physical nature as distinct from the spiritual or supernatural realm. The bassoon plays G natural instead of A flat. |
reflex | (of an action) performed without conscious thought as an automatic response to a stimulus. A reflex knee jerk. |
relaxed | Without strain or anxiety. Gave the impression of being quite relaxed. |
self-generated | Originating from the self. |
spur-of-the-moment | In response to an unforeseen need. |
unaffected | Free of artificiality; sincere and genuine. The walks are suitable only for people who are unaffected by vertigo. |
unbidden | Without having been commanded or invited. Unbidden tears came to his eyes. |
unconscious | Not conscious; lacking awareness and the capacity for sensory perception as if asleep or dead. He would wipe back his hair in an unconscious gesture of annoyance. |
unconstrained | Free from constraint. The dog was unconstrained. |
unforced | Not compelled or constrained. An unforced cheerfulness. |
uninhibited | Expressing one’s feelings or thoughts unselfconsciously and without restraint. Uninhibited exuberance. |
unplanned | Not done with purpose or intent. An unplanned economy. |
unpremeditated | (of an act, remark, or state) not thought out or planned beforehand. Asked an unpremeditated question. |
unprompted | Said, done, or acting without being encouraged or assisted. An unprompted apology. |
unrehearsed | Not practised before a performance. Spontaneous and unrehearsed music. |
unselfconscious | Not self-conscious. His behaviour was natural and unselfconscious. |
unsolicited | Not requested or sought. Unsolicited junk mail. |
unstudied | Lacking knowledge gained by study often in a particular field. Is unstudied in Latin as he is in may other matters. |
unthinking | Not exhibiting or characterized by careful thought. She was at pains to correct unthinking prejudices. |
unwritten | Not recorded in writing. The unwritten rules of social life. |
voluntary | (of a conveyance or disposition) made without return in money or other consideration. Voluntary motions. |

Usage Examples of "Spontaneous" as an adjective
- The spontaneous mechanical activity of circular smooth muscle.
- Spontaneous miscarriages.
- Spontaneous laughter.
- A spontaneous abortion.
- The audience broke into spontaneous applause.
- Spontaneous combustion.
- A spontaneous display of affection.

Associations of "Spontaneous" (30 Words)
accidental | (in Aristotelian thought) relating to or denoting properties which are not essential to a thing’s nature. Accidental poisoning. |
adventitious | Coming from outside; not native. They had to decide whether his misconduct was adventitious or the result of a flaw in his character. |
compose | Produce a literary work. The first sentence is so hard to compose. |
discretionary | Having or using the ability to act or decide according to your own discretion or judgment. Discretionary funds. |
extemporaneous | With little or no preparation or forethought. An extemporaneous piano recital. |
extempore | Without preparation. An extempore speech. |
extemporize | Perform without preparation. He extemporized a speech at the wedding. |
fitful | Intermittently stopping and starting. Business was fitful. |
freshness | The quality of being pleasantly new or different. The commentary should display freshness of insight. |
immediate | Immediately before or after as in a chain of cause and effect. The immediate result. |
impromptu | Without being planned, organized, or rehearsed. An impromptu speech. |
improvisation | An unplanned expedient. Improvisation is a performer s greatest creative act. |
improvise | Perform without preparation. After the hurricane destroyed our house we had to improvise for weeks. |
improvised | Done or made using whatever is available. An improvised short speech. |
instant | Instant coffee. An instant need. |
instinctive | Relating to or prompted by instinct; done without conscious thought. An instinctive distaste for conflict. |
intention | A thing intended; an aim or plan. His intentions are entirely honorable. |
makeshift | Acting as an interim and temporary measure. The rock served as a makeshift hammer. |
naturalness | The quality of innocent naivete. She demonstrates an ease and naturalness that many actors try hard to project. |
offhand | Casually thoughtless or inconsiderate. Trying to sound offhanded and reassuring. |
opportunist | Opportunistic. Most burglaries are committed by casual opportunists. |
reaction | A force exerted in opposition to an applied force. The law of action and reaction. |
spontaneity | The quality of being spontaneous and coming from natural feelings without constraint. The spontaneity of his laughter. |
spontaneously | In a spontaneous manner. A surprising number of early pregnancies spontaneously abort. |
stopgap | Something contrived to meet an urgent need or emergency. Transplants are only a stopgap until more sophisticated alternatives can work. |
uninhibited | Not inhibited or restrained. A lively and uninhibited girl. |
unreserved | Frank and open. Unreserved grandstand seats. |
unrestrained | Marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion. Unrestrained laughter. |
unrestricted | Not restricted or exclusive. I had unrestricted access. |
voluntary | An organ solo played before, during, or after a church service. Voluntary social workers. |