Need another word that means the same as “insistent”? Find 22 synonyms and 30 related words for “insistent” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Insistent” are: repetitive, clamant, crying, exigent, instant, persistent, determined, adamant, importunate, tenacious, unyielding, obstinate, dogged, unrelenting, unfaltering, unwavering, inexorable, incessant, constant, unremitting, iterative, repeated
Insistent as an Adjective
Definitions of "Insistent" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “insistent” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Repetitive and persistent.
- Demanding attention.
- Demanding attention- H.L.Mencken.
- Continuing in a prolonged and demanding way.
- Insisting on or demanding something; not allowing refusal.

Synonyms of "Insistent" as an adjective (22 Words)
adamant | Impervious to pleas, persuasion, requests, reason- W.Churchill. He is adamant that he is not going to resign. |
clamant | Demanding attention- H.L.Mencken. Clamant needs. |
constant | (of a person) unchangingly faithful and dependable. A constant lover. |
crying | Shedding tears. It would be a crying shame to let it all go to waste. |
determined | Having been learned or found or determined especially by investigation. Alina was determined to be heard. |
dogged | Stubbornly unyielding- T.S.Eliot. Dogged persistence. |
exigent | Pressing; demanding. The exigent demands of her contemporaries music took a toll on her voice. |
importunate | Persistent, especially to the point of annoyance. An importunate job applicant. |
incessant | Uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing. Night and day we live with the incessant noise of the city. |
inexorable | Impossible to stop or prevent. Cynthia was inexorable she would have none of him. |
instant | (of a person) becoming a specified thing immediately. Your letter of the 6th instant. |
iterative | Denoting a grammatical rule that can be applied repeatedly. |
obstinate | (of an unwelcome situation) very difficult to change or overcome. The obstinate problem of unemployment. |
persistent | (of a part of an animal or plant, such as a horn, leaf, etc.) remaining attached instead of falling off in the normal manner. Persistent leaves remain attached past maturity. |
repeated | Recurring again and again. Despite repeated requests neither company gave a satisfactory answer. |
repetitive | Repetitive and persistent. A repetitive task. |
tenacious | Good at remembering. Tenacious memory. |
unfaltering | Not faltering; steady; resolute. Her unfaltering energy and determination. |
unrelenting | Not yielding in strength, severity, or determination. Unrelenting opponents. |
unremitting | Never relaxing or slackening; incessant. Unremitting drizzle. |
unwavering | Marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakable. She fixed him with an unwavering stare. |
unyielding | Stubbornly unyielding T S Eliot. An unyielding head support. |

Usage Examples of "Insistent" as an adjective
- She was very insistent that I call her.
- The bluejay's insistent cry.
- Insistent hunger.
- A telephone started ringing, loud and insistent.
- Tony's soft, insistent questioning.
Associations of "Insistent" (30 Words)
adamant | Very hard native crystalline carbon valued as a gem. He is adamant in his refusal to change his mind. |
crotchety | Having a difficult and contrary disposition- Dorothy Sayers. He was tired and crotchety. |
determined | Having been learned or found or determined especially by investigation. Helen was a determined little girl. |
dissuade | Persuade (someone) not to take a particular course of action. Negative campaigning will only dissuade people. |
dogged | Stubbornly unyielding- T.S.Eliot. Dogged persistence. |
firm | Marked by firm determination or resolution not shakable. We firmly believed it. |
hardheaded | Unreasonably rigid in the face of argument or entreaty or attack. A hardheaded appraisal of our position. |
headstrong | Energetically wilful and determined. The headstrong impulsiveness of youth. |
hidebound | Stubbornly conservative and narrow-minded. They are working to change hidebound corporate cultures. |
imperative | The imperative mood. Requests that grew more and more imperative. |
ingratitude | A discreditable lack of gratitude. He returned his daughter s care with ingratitude and unkindness. |
insistence | The act of insisting on something. The insistence of their hunger. |
intransigence | The trait of being intransigent; stubbornly refusing to compromise. In the face of government intransigence he resigned in disgust. |
intransigent | An intransigent person. Her father had tried persuasion but she was intransigent. |
obduracy | Resoluteness by virtue of being unyielding and inflexible. |
obdurate | Showing unfeeling resistance to tender feelings. I argued this point with him but he was obdurate. |
obstinacy | The trait of being difficult to handle or overcome. His reputation for obstinacy. |
obstinate | Stubbornly refusing to change one’s opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so. An obstinate child with a violent temper. |
opinionated | Characterized by conceited assertiveness and dogmatism. An arrogant and opinionated man. |
ornery | Having a difficult and contrary disposition- Dorothy Sayers. An ornery old military man. |
persistent | (of a part of an animal or plant, such as a horn, leaf, etc.) remaining attached instead of falling off in the normal manner. One of the government s most persistent critics. |
pertinacious | Holding firmly to an opinion or a course of action. The most vocal and pertinacious of all the critics. |
pigheaded | Obstinate and stupid. |
recalcitrance | The trait of being unmanageable. |
refusal | The act of refusing. Dollar Girl hit several fences and had a refusal. |
rigid | Incapable of or resistant to bending. A face rigid with pain. |
stubborn | Not responding to treatment. The removal of stubborn screws. |
tenacious | Persisting in existence; not easily dispelled. A tenacious local legend. |
unshaken | Unshaken in purpose. Their trust in him remained unshaken. |
unyielding | Stubbornly unyielding T S Eliot. His unyielding faith. |