Need another word that means the same as “underdeveloped”? Find 18 synonyms and 30 related words for “underdeveloped” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Underdeveloped” are: developing, stunted, small, short, little, tiny, petite, slight, compact, minuscule, miniature, mini, diminutive, dwarfish, elfin, bantam, runtish, puny
Underdeveloped as an Adjective
Definitions of "Underdeveloped" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “underdeveloped” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- (of a photographic film) not developed sufficiently to give a normal image.
- Not fully developed.
- Not yet fully developed.
- (of a country or region) not advanced economically.
- Relating to societies in which capital needed to industrialize is in short supply.

Synonyms of "Underdeveloped" as an adjective (18 Words)
bantam | Very small. |
compact | (of a person or animal) small, strong, and well proportioned. Compact soil. |
developing | Relating to societies in which capital needed to industrialize is in short supply. This is a rapidly developing field. |
diminutive | (of a word, name, or suffix) implying smallness, either actual or imputed to convey affection, scorn, etc. (e.g. teeny, -let, -kins). A diminutive figure dressed in black. |
dwarfish | Atypically small. |
elfin | Small and delicate. She was an elfin creature graceful and delicate. |
little | Small and of little importance. A little dining room. |
mini | Denoting a miniature version of something. A mini camera. |
miniature | Being on a very small scale. A miniature camera. |
minuscule | Extremely small; tiny. A minuscule amount of rain fell. |
petite | Attractively small and dainty (used of a woman. Her petite figure. |
puny | (used especially of persons) of inferior size. A puny physique. |
runtish | Stunted in growth; undersized. Most animals let their runtish or sickly offspring die. |
short | Of speech sounds or syllables of relatively short duration. Shortsighted critics derided the plan. |
slight | Being of delicate or slender build. A slight ankle injury. |
small | Relatively moderate limited or small. The small hill that sheltered the house. |
stunted | Having been prevented from growing or developing properly. I was emotionally stunted and didn t know how to interact with other people. |
tiny | Very small. Tiny feet. |

Usage Examples of "Underdeveloped" as an adjective
- A recurring issue in all underdeveloped countries is a lack of credit.
- The community services are underfunded and underdeveloped.
- Underdeveloped kidneys.

Associations of "Underdeveloped" (30 Words)
boorish | Rough and bad-mannered; coarse. Was boorish and insensitive. |
broke | Lacking funds. He went broke owing two million pounds. |
churlish | Having a bad disposition; surly. Churlish as a bear. |
country | The people who live in a nation or country. A country lane. |
depopulate | Substantially reduce the population of (an area. The disease could depopulate a town the size of Bournemouth. |
deprived | Suffering a severe and damaging lack of basic material and cultural benefits. A childhood that was unhappy and deprived the family living off charity. |
desolate | Make (a place) appear bleakly empty. I suddenly felt desolate and bereft. |
developing | Relating to societies in which capital needed to industrialize is in short supply. The developing world. |
diaspora | The dispersion or spread of any people from their original homeland. The diaspora of boat people from Asia. |
disadvantaged | Marked by deprivation especially of the necessities of life or healthful environmental influences. Disadvantaged groups such as the unemployed. |
economically | With respect to the economic system. A precis aims to express a passage more economically. |
financially | From a financial point of view. He does not benefit financially from sales of the book. |
frontier | The extreme limit of understanding or achievement in a particular area. His novel of the American frontier. |
idle | Cause an engine to idle. Idle talk. |
immature | Not fully developed. Immature behavior. |
modernization | Making modern in appearance or behavior. The industry is undergoing modernization. |
nomad | A person who does not stay long in the same place; a wanderer. The Magyars were a nomad people of the steppes. |
orphan | Make a child an orphan. John was orphaned at 12. |
penury | The state of being very poor; extreme poverty. He couldn t face another year of penury. |
piteous | Deserving or inciting pity. A piteous cry. |
pitiable | Deserving or inciting pity- Galsworthy. Pitiable homeless children. |
poor | (of a person) deserving of pity or sympathy. The proverbial poor artist living in a garret. |
quarter | A quarter of a hundredweight 28 pounds. Edward III quartered the French royal arms with his own. |
rover | A player who has a rover ball. A lunar rover. |
settler | A person who moves with a group of others to live in a new country or area. The early European settlers in America were often fleeing from religious persecution. |
state | The group of people comprising the government of a sovereign state. A bold theme is stated at the beginning driving the entire ten minute allegro. |
underprivileged | (of a person) not enjoying the same standard of living or rights as the majority of people in a society. Needy and underprivileged members of the community. |
unemployed | (of a person) without a paid job but available to work. You have to put your left foot under the clutch when it is unemployed. |
urban | Denoting or relating to popular dance music associated with black performers. Urban manners. |
wanderer | A computer program that prowls the internet looking for publicly accessible resources that can be added to a database; the database can then be searched with a search engine. He is a longtime seaman a rootless wanderer. |