Need another word that means the same as “undermined”? Find 30 related words for “undermined” in this overview.
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Associations of "Undermined" (30 Words)
attenuate | Weaken the consistency of (a chemical substance. The filter must severely attenuate frequencies above 10 Hz. |
counteract | Oppose or check by a counteraction. Should we deliberately intervene in the climate system to counteract global warming. |
dampen | Make less strong or intense. Slider switches on the mixers can dampen the drums. |
deaden | Make vague or obscure or make (an image) less visible. The syllabus has deadened the teaching process. |
debilitate | Hinder, delay, or weaken. Hard drugs destroy families and debilitate communities. |
decline | A disease in which the bodily strength gradually fails, especially tuberculosis. The roof declines here. |
destabilize | Make unstable. The accused were charged with conspiracy to destabilize the country. |
dilute | Reduce the value of (a shareholding) by issuing more shares in a company without increasing the values of its assets. Dilute sun. |
diminish | Make or become less. The pain will gradually diminish. |
diminished | Diminished in size or strength as a result of disease or injury or lack of use. A diminished fifth. |
emasculate | Remove the anthers from (a flower). The Senate emasculated the law. |
enervate | Lacking in energy or vitality. The enervate slightness of his frail form. |
enfeeble | Make weak. The breakdown in law and order enfeebled the government s authority. |
fading | Weakening in force or intensity. |
fatigued | Drained of energy or effectiveness; extremely tired; completely exhausted. |
flagging | A walk of flagstones. There was a pile of flagging waiting to be laid in place. |
fragile | (of a person) not strong or sturdy; delicate and vulnerable. A small fragile old lady. |
impotent | Unable to copulate. He was seized with an impotent anger. |
languish | Be forced to remain in an unpleasant place or situation. Kelso languish near the bottom of the Scottish First Division. |
reduce | Reduce in scope while retaining essential elements. The cook reduced the sauce by boiling it for a long time. |
reduced | Made less in size or amount or degree. |
rickety | (of a structure or piece of equipment) poorly made and likely to collapse. We went carefully up the rickety stairs. |
sabotage | The action of sabotaging something. A coordinated campaign of sabotage. |
slowly | Without speed slow is sometimes used informally for slowly. They moved forward slowly. |
subvert | Destroy property or hinder normal operations. We must not let our civil liberties be subverted by the current crisis. |
thinner | A diluting agent. Dampen a clean rag with thinners and carefully wipe any remaining dust from the timber. |
unsettle | Disturb the composure of. The crisis has unsettled financial markets. |
viability | Ability to survive or live successfully. Studies to ensure the viability of the project. |
wane | Become smaller. Interest in his novels waned. |
weaken | Become weaker. The fever weakened his body. |