Need another word that means the same as “undo”? Find 63 synonyms and 30 related words for “undo” in this overview.
The synonyms of “Undo” are: unmake, unwrap, loosen, untie, unfasten, unbutton, unhook, unlace, revoke, overrule, overturn, repeal, rescind, reverse, retract, take back, rule against, disallow, veto, countermand, cancel, annul, nullify, render null and void, invalidate, render invalid, negate, abrogate, disestablish, make ineffective, set aside, do away with, wipe out, bring to an end, ruin, undermine, put an end to, put at risk, subvert, topple, scupper, scotch, sabotage, spoil, mess up, make a mess of, quash, squelch, crush, harm, cripple, impair, mar, destroy, devastate, play havoc with, wreck, smash, shatter, annihilate, eradicate, obliterate, defeat
Undo as a Verb
Definitions of "Undo" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “undo” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Cause the ruin or downfall of.
- Unfasten, untie, or loosen (something.
- Cancel (the last command executed by a computer.
- Cancel or reverse the effects or results of (a previous action or measure.
- Deprive of certain characteristics.
- Cancel, annul, or reverse an action or its effect.
- Cause to become loose.
- Cause the downfall or ruin of.
- Remove the outer cover or wrapping of.

Synonyms of "Undo" as a verb (63 Words)
abrogate | Revoke formally. A proposal to abrogate temporarily the right to strike. |
annihilate | Kill in large numbers. The stronger force annihilated its opponent virtually without loss. |
annul | Cancel officially. Her first marriage was finally annulled by His Holiness. |
bring to an end | Cause to happen or to occur as a consequence. |
cancel | Make up for. The electric fields may cancel each other out. |
countermand | Revoke or cancel (an order. He was already countermanding her. |
crush | Crush or bruise. He crushed the paper in his hands. |
defeat | Reject or block (a motion or proposal. She was defeated by the last steep hill. |
destroy | Destroy completely damage irreparably. Northants have the batting to destroy anyone. |
devastate | Cause extensive destruction or ruin utterly. She was devastated by the loss of Damian. |
disallow | Refuse to declare valid. He was offside and the goal was disallowed. |
disestablish | Deprive (an established church) of its status. The Anglican Church in Wales was disestablished in 1919. |
do away with | Create or design, often in a certain way. |
eradicate | Destroy completely; put an end to. This disease has been eradicated from the world. |
harm | Cause or do harm to. The villains didn t harm him. |
impair | Make imperfect. A noisy job could permanently impair their hearing. |
invalidate | Make or prove (an argument, statement, or theory) unsound or erroneous. A technical flaw in her papers invalidated her nomination. |
loosen | Become loose or looser or less tight. The stiffness in his shoulders had loosened. |
make a mess of | Induce to have sex. |
make ineffective | Make by combining materials and parts. |
mar | Destroy or injure severely. Nothing marred her beauty. |
mess up | Eat in a mess hall. |
negate | Make ineffective; nullify. This action will negate the effect of my efforts. |
nullify | Make legally null and void; invalidate. Judges were unwilling to nullify government decisions. |
obliterate | Mark for deletion, rub off, or erase. The special stamp should be placed on the left hand side and not be used to obliterate the postage stamp. |
overrule | Reject or disallow by exercising one’s superior authority. The Republicans were overruled when the House voted on the bill. |
overturn | Cause to overturn from an upright or normal position. The big vase overturned. |
play havoc with | Engage in an activity as if it were a game rather than take it seriously. |
put an end to | Formulate in a particular style or language. |
put at risk | Make an investment. |
quash | Reject as invalid, especially by legal procedure. The government quashes any attempt of an uprising. |
render invalid | Coat with plastic or cement. |
render null and void | Cause to become. |
repeal | Cancel officially. The legislation was repealed five months later. |
rescind | Revoke, cancel, or repeal (a law, order, or agreement. The government eventually rescinded the directive. |
retract | Pull inward or towards a center. He retracted his allegations. |
reverse | Reverse the position order relation or condition of. The damage done to the ozone layer may be reversed. |
revoke | (in bridge, whist, and other card games) fail to follow suit despite being able to do so. The men appealed and the sentence was revoked. |
ruin | Reduce to ruins. You have ruined my car by pouring sugar in the tank. |
rule against | Be larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance. |
sabotage | Destroy property or hinder normal operations. The Resistance sabotaged railroad operations during the war. |
scotch | Make a small cut or score into. Feudal power in France was scotched though far from killed. |
scupper | Wait in hiding to attack. |
set aside | Disappear beyond the horizon. |
shatter | Cause to break into many pieces. Everyone was shattered by the news. |
smash | Hit hard. The death of her son smashed her. |
spoil | Be extremely or aggressively eager for. The group called on its supporters to spoil their papers. |
squelch | Make a soft sucking sound such as that made by treading heavily through mud. Bedraggled guests squelched across the lawn to seek shelter. |
subvert | Cause the downfall of; of rulers. An attempt to subvert democratic government. |
take back | Take on a certain form, attribute, or aspect. |
topple | Cause to topple or tumble by pushing. She toppled over when I touched her. |
unbutton | Unfasten the buttons of (a garment. Unbutton a little Molly. |
undermine | Destroy property or hinder normal operations. The demolition engineers did eventually undermine two of the tower s six sides. |
unfasten | Open the fastening of; undo (something. Unfasten your belt. |
unhook | Take off a hook. She unhooked a towelling robe from behind the door. |
unlace | Undo the laces of (a shoe or garment. She unlaced her boots. |
unmake | Deprive of certain characteristics. Parliament can make and unmake any law. |
untie | Undo or unfasten (something that is tied or tied up. They untied the prisoner. |
unwrap | Remove the outer cover or wrapping of. Let s unwrap the gifts. |
veto | Exercise a veto against a decision or proposal. The president vetoed the bill. |
wipe out | Rub with a circular motion. |
wreck | Involve someone in a shipwreck. My letters were in one of the vessels that wreck d. |

Usage Examples of "Undo" as a verb
- The knot was difficult to undo.
- There wasn't any way Evelyn could undo the damage.
- You can frequently undo the error if you notice it in time.
- I wish I could undo my actions.
- Undo the shoelace.
- Undo the parcel.
- Iago's hatred of women undoes him.

Associations of "Undo" (30 Words)
aerate | Aerate sewage so as to favor the growth of organisms that decompose organic matter. Aerate your old sneakers. |
bare | Just barely adequate or within a lower limit. A bare blade. |
belt | A belt of a specified colour marking the attainment of a particular level in judo karate or similar sports. He belted out of the side door. |
decompression | A gradual reduction of air pressure on a person who has been experiencing high pressure while diving. Itching and rashes often occur following decompression. |
denudation | The removal of covering. |
denude | Lay bare. Almost overnight the Arctic was denuded of animals. |
disengage | Separate or release (someone or something) from something to which they are attached or connected. I want to disengage myself from his influence. |
disentangle | Separate the tangles of. How can I disentangle myself from her personal affairs. |
disrobe | Get undressed. I slipped into the adjoining bathroom to disrobe. |
divest | Relieve someone of (a garment. She divested him of his coat. |
exposed | Not covered or hidden; visible. The venue featured beautiful hardwood floors and exposed brick walls. |
giveaway | Inadvertently revealing something. Giveaway CDs. |
loose | Become loose or looser or less tight. A loose tongue. |
loosely | In a careless and indiscreet manner. Kirby bowled loosely. |
loosen | Cause to become loose. Loosen the necktie. |
peel | Get undressed. Oranges that peel easily. |
relax | Cause to feel relaxed. Don t relax your efforts now. |
reveal | Disclose directly or through prophets. Brenda was forced to reveal Robbie s whereabouts. |
slacken | Become slow or slower. He slackened his pace as he got tired. |
unaided | Carried out without aid or assistance. His first unaided walk through the park. |
undress | Get undressed. A state of undress. |
unfasten | Cause to become undone. Allie stands before the mirror unfastening her earrings. |
unknot | Become or cause to become undone by separating the fibers or threads of. He swiftly unknotted his tie. |
unpainted | Not having a coat of paint or badly in need of a fresh coat. Unpainted furniture. |
unravel | (of an intricate process, system, or arrangement) disintegrate or be destroyed. Can you unravel the mystery. |
untie | Undo or unfasten (something that is tied or tied up. They untied the prisoner. |
unwrap | Remove the wrapping from (a package. Unwrap the evidence in the murder case. |