Need another word that means the same as “uneven”? Find 49 synonyms and 30 related words for “uneven” in this overview.
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The synonyms of “Uneven” are: scratchy, spotty, mismatched, odd, bumpy, rough, lumpy, stony, rocky, potholed, holey, rutted, rutty, pitted, jagged, cragged, craggy, dented, indented, knobby, irregular, unequal, differing, dissimilar, unlike, unalike, unbalanced, lopsided, awry, askew, crooked, asymmetrical, unsymmetrical, disproportionate, not matching, inconsistent, variable, varying, changeable, fluctuating, intermittent, wavering, erratic, patchy, bitty, one-sided, unfair, unjust, inequitable
Uneven as an Adjective
Definitions of "Uneven" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “uneven” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Not even or uniform as e.g. in shape or texture.
- Not level or smooth.
- Lacking consistency.
- Not fairly matched as opponents.
- Variable and recurring at irregular intervals.
- Not regular, consistent, or equal.
- (of a contest or contestants) not fairly matched as opponents.
- Not divisible by two.
- (of a contest) not equally balanced.
Synonyms of "Uneven" as an adjective (49 Words)
askew | Turned or twisted toward one side. The plan went sadly askew. |
asymmetrical | Irregular in shape or outline. The church has an asymmetrical plan with an aisle only on one side. |
awry | Turned or twisted toward one side. He was hatless his silver hair awry. |
bitty | Very small. The text is rather bitty. |
bumpy | Covered with or full of bumps. A bumpy country road. |
changeable | Such that alteration is possible; having a marked tendency to change. A changeable climate. |
cragged | Having hills and crags. The cragged features of the fishermen. |
craggy | (of a cliff or rock face) rough and uneven. A craggy coastline. |
crooked | Irregular in shape or outline. It s not you I m crooked on he assured Vivien. |
dented | Of metal e.g. Dented fenders. |
differing | Not the same as each other; dissimilar. Widely differing circumstances. |
disproportionate | Out of proportion. People on lower incomes spend a disproportionate amount of their income on fuel. |
dissimilar | Marked by dissimilarity. A pump not dissimilar to those once found on every farm. |
erratic | Likely to perform unpredictably- Osbert Lancaster. Erratic winds are the bane of a sailor. |
fluctuating | Rising and falling irregularly in number or amount. A fluctuating level of demand. |
holey | Allowing passage in and out. |
inconsistent | Acting at variance with one’s own principles or former behaviour. Inconsistent accounts. |
indented | Divided or edged with a zigzag line. |
inequitable | Unfair; unjust. Inequitable taxation. |
intermittent | Stopping and starting at irregular intervals. Intermittent rain showers. |
irregular | Not having clear dimensions that can be measured; volume must be determined with the principle of liquid displacement. An irregular pair of jeans. |
jagged | Having a sharply uneven surface or outline. The jagged outline of the crags. |
knobby | Having knobs. |
lopsided | Turned or twisted toward one side. A lopsided grin. |
lumpy | (of water) formed by the wind into small waves. There s a lumpy sea running. |
mismatched | Either not matched or unsuitably matched. A pair of mismatched cops. |
not matching | Intentionally matched. |
odd | Denoting a single goal by which one side defeats another, especially where each side scores at least once. It is odd that his name is never mentioned. |
one-sided | Involving only one part or side. |
patchy | Irregular or uneven in quality, texture, etc. My knowledge of Egyptology is patchy. |
pitted | Pitted with cell like cavities as a honeycomb. Pitted black olives. |
potholed | Used of paved surfaces having holes or pits. |
rocky | Difficult and full of problems. Older types of sash windows are a bit rocky. |
rough | (of wine or another alcoholic drink) sharp or harsh in taste. The first day of a job is rough on everyone. |
rutted | Having long deep tracks made by the repeated passage of the wheels of vehicles. A gruelling drive on rutted dirt roads. |
rutty | Full of ruts. Rutty farm roads. |
scratchy | Lacking consistency. Loudspeakers blaring a scratchy record. |
spotty | Lacking consistency. The wall had a spotty speckled effect. |
stony | Made of or resembling stone. Stony ground. |
unalike | (of two or more subjects) differing from each other; not similar. They are unalike in personality. |
unbalanced | Affected with madness or insanity. She considered him to be mentally unbalanced and dangerous. |
unequal | Poorly balanced or matched in quantity or value or measure. She was unequal to the task. |
unfair | Not fair; marked by injustice or partiality or deception. Took an unfair advantage. |
unjust | Not based on or behaving according to what is morally right and fair. Unjust punishment. |
unlike | Not like; different from. They distributed unlike or unequal sums to the various charities. |
unsymmetrical | Having unsymmetrical parts or unequal dimensions or measurements. |
variable | (used of a device) designed so that a property (as e.g. light) can be varied. Variable expenses. |
varying | Differing in size, amount, degree, or nature. Varying degrees of success. |
wavering | Undecided between two opinions or courses of action. She gave a wavering smile. |
Usage Examples of "Uneven" as an adjective
- Wood with an uneven grain.
- Vaudeville…waged an uneven battle against the church.
- The floors are cracked and uneven.
- The uneven distribution of resources.
- Fran struggled briefly but soon gave up the uneven match.
- Uneven margins.
- Uneven spacing.
- Uneven ground.
- An uneven color.
- An uneven gait.
Associations of "Uneven" (30 Words)
askew | Wrong; awry. The judging was a bit askew. |
asymmetric | Characterized by asymmetry in the spatial arrangement or placement of parts or components. |
asymmetrical | Characterized by asymmetry in the spatial arrangement or placement of parts or components. The church has an asymmetrical plan with an aisle only on one side. |
asymmetry | (mathematics) a lack of symmetry. The global system is marked by great asymmetry the most important goods are controlled by groups in a relatively small number of countries. |
crooked | Having the back and shoulders rounded; not erect. Crooked teeth. |
disparity | Inequality or difference in some respect. The arrangements could lead to disparity of treatment between companies. |
disproportionate | Not proportionate. People on lower incomes spend a disproportionate amount of their income on fuel. |
erratic | A rock or boulder that differs from the surrounding rock and is believed to have been brought from a distance by glacial action. An erratic comet. |
imbalance | A lack of symmetry. A hormonal imbalance. |
incapable | Unable to do or achieve (something. He is incapable of understanding the matter. |
inconsistent | Not capable of being made consistent or harmonious. He had done nothing inconsistent with his morality. |
instability | Unreliability attributable to being unstable. Political and economic instability. |
irregular | A member of an irregular military force. An irregular heartbeat. |
irregularity | The state or quality of being irregular. There is evidence that fraud and irregularity continue on a large scale. |
jagged | Having an irregularly notched or toothed margin as though gnawed. Her jagged nerves. |
lopsided | Turned or twisted toward one side- G.K.Chesterton. A lopsided grin. |
oblique | An oblique muscle. It is the obliques and abdominals which create the well trained look. |
patchy | Not of the same quality throughout; inconsistent. A patchy essay. |
quicksilver | Liable to sudden unpredictable change. His quicksilver wit. |
ragged | Suffering from exhaustion or stress. Herded the class into a ragged line. |
serrate | Serrated. Leaves with serrate margins. |
serrated | Notched like a saw with teeth pointing toward the apex. A knife with a serrated edge. |
skew | Neither parallel nor at right angles to a specified or implied line askew crooked. The distributions were skewed to the right. |
toothed | Having an irregularly notched or toothed margin as though gnawed. Saw toothed. |
unbalance | Throw out of balance or equilibrium. There appears to be very little horizontal stress unbalance. |
unequal | A person or thing regarded as unequal to another in status or level. She was unequal to the task. |
unpredictable | Not able to be predicted; changeable. The unpredictable weather of the Scottish islands. |
unsatisfactory | Not giving satisfaction. Our discussion was very unsatisfactory. |
wanting | Lacking in a required or necessary quality. Tested and found wanting. |
wavy | Having a form or edge that smoothly curves in and out. She had long wavy hair. |