UNEXPLAINABLE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for UNEXPLAINABLE?

Need another word that means the same as “unexplainable”? Find 29 synonyms for “unexplainable” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Unexplainable” are: unaccountable, inexplicable, insoluble, unsolvable, incomprehensible, unfathomable, impenetrable, puzzling, perplexing, baffling, bewildering, mystifying, mysterious, arcane, inscrutable, peculiar, unusual, curious, strange, freakish, unparalleled, queer, odd, bizarre, extraordinary, astonishing, obscure, abstruse, enigmatic

Unexplainable as an Adjective

Definitions of "Unexplainable" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “unexplainable” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Not to be accounted for or explained.
  • Unable to be explained or accounted for.

Synonyms of "Unexplainable" as an adjective (29 Words)

abstruseDifficult to penetrate; incomprehensible to one of ordinary understanding or knowledge.
An abstruse philosophical inquiry.
arcaneRequiring secret or mysterious knowledge.
The arcane science of dowsing.
astonishingSurprising greatly.
An astonishing achievement.
bafflingMaking great mental demands; hard to comprehend or solve or believe.
The crime is a baffling mystery for the police.
bewilderingConfusing or perplexing.
There is a bewildering array of holidays to choose from.
bizarreVery strange or unusual.
His behaviour became more and more bizarre.
curiousBeyond or deviating from the usual or expected.
Curious about the neighbor s doings.
enigmaticNot clear to the understanding.
Prophetic texts so enigmatic that their meaning has been disputed for centuries.
extraordinary(of an official) specially employed in addition to the usual staff.
An extraordinary achievement.
freakishCharacteristic of a freak.
Freakish weather.
impenetrable(of matter) incapable of occupying the same space as other matter at the same time.
Impenetrable jargon.
incomprehensibleIncapable of being explained or accounted for.
The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible.
inexplicableIncapable of being explained or accounted for.
Inexplicable errors.
inscrutableOf an obscure nature- Rachel.
Guy looked blankly inscrutable.
insolubleIncapable of being dissolved.
An insoluble problem.
mysteriousOf an obscure nature.
His colleague had vanished in mysterious circumstances.
mystifyingOf an obscure nature.
Rituals totally mystifying to visitors from other lands.
obscureRemote and separate physically or socially.
An impulse to go off and fight certain obscure battles of his own spirit.
oddNot easily explained.
It s odd that she didn t recognize me.
peculiarMarkedly different from the usual.
The peculiar character of the Government of the U S.
perplexingLacking clarity of meaning; causing confusion or perplexity.
A perplexing problem.
puzzlingLacking clarity of meaning; causing confusion or perplexity.
A puzzling statement.
strangeRelating to or originating in or characteristic of another place or part of the world.
She was lost in a strange country.
unaccountable(of a person, organization, or institution) not required or expected to justify actions or decisions; not responsible for results or consequences.
A strange and unaccountable fact.
unfathomableImpossible to come to understand.
Mountains of unfathomable scale.
unparalleledRadically distinctive and without equal.
Unparalleled athletic ability.
unsolvableNot solved.
Public finance had long presented problems unsolvable or at least unsolved.
unusualNot usual or common or ordinary.
A man of unusual ability.

Usage Examples of "Unexplainable" as an adjective

  • An unexplainable fear.
  • He was subject to unexplainable rages.

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