UNHEARD: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for UNHEARD?

Need another word that means the same as “unheard”? Find 23 synonyms for “unheard” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Unheard” are: out of earshot, unprecedented, exceptional, extraordinary, out of the ordinary, uncommon, unusual, unparalleled, unrivalled, unmatched, unequalled, singular, unique, unknown, unfamiliar, new, little known, undiscovered, obscure, nameless, unsung, unheralded, groundbreaking

Unheard as an Adjective

Definitions of "Unheard" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “unheard” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Not previously known of or done.
  • Not heard or listened to.
  • Not necessarily inaudible but not heard.

Synonyms of "Unheard" as an adjective (23 Words)

exceptionalUnusual; not typical.
Special educational provisions for exceptional children.
extraordinaryUnusually great.
Extraordinary authority.
groundbreakingInnovative; pioneering.
Groundbreaking research into fertility problems.
little knownSmall in a way that arouses feelings (of tenderness or its opposite depending on the context.
nameless(of a child) illegitimate.
A nameless yearning for transcendence.
newGratuitously new.
New potatoes.
obscureNot clearly expressed or easily understood.
An obscure village.
out of earshotOuter or outlying.
out of the ordinaryOuter or outlying.
singularRelating to or of the nature of singularity.
Such poise is singular in one so young.
uncommonMarked by an uncommon quality especially superlative or extreme of its kind.
Doing an uncommon amount of business.
undiscoveredNot yet discovered.
With earth based telescopes many stars remain undiscovered.
unequalledSuperior to all others in performance or extent.
A range of facilities unequalled in London.
unfamiliarNot known or recognized.
The yellow taxicab was an unfamiliar sight on these roads.
unheraldedWithout warning or announcement.
He was unwilling to make an unheralded entrance.
unique(followed by `to’) applying exclusively to a given category or condition or locality.
Certain types of problems have unique solutions.
unknownBeing or having an unknown or unnamed source.
Unknown artists of the avant garde.
unmatchedOf the remaining member of a pair.
Infamy unmatched in the Western world.
unparalleledRadically distinctive and without equal.
A breakdown of law unparalleled in our history.
unprecedentedHaving no precedent; novel.
An unprecedented expansion in population and industry.
unrivalledEminent beyond or above comparison.
The paper s coverage of foreign news is unrivalled.
unsungNot celebrated or praised.
Unsung heroes of the war.
unusualBeing definitely out of the ordinary and unexpected; slightly odd or even a bit weird.
The government has taken the unusual step of calling home its ambassador.

Usage Examples of "Unheard" as an adjective

  • My protests went unheard.
  • Wines from unheard-of villages.
  • It was unheard of for a boy to miss church.

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