VEILED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for VEILED?

Need another word that means the same as “veiled”? Find 12 synonyms for “veiled” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Veiled” are: covert, surreptitious, hidden, concealed, disguised, camouflaged, masked, suppressed, underlying, unrevealed, implied, indirect

Veiled as an Adjective

Definitions of "Veiled" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “veiled” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Expressed in an indirect way; not openly declared or expressed.
  • Having or as if having a veil or concealing cover.
  • Muted or unclear.
  • Wearing or covered by a veil.

Synonyms of "Veiled" as an adjective (12 Words)

camouflagedMade invisible by means of protective coloring.
concealedNot accessible to view.
A concealed compartment in his briefcase.
covertNot openly acknowledged or displayed.
Covert actions by the CIA.
disguisedHaving its true character concealed with the intent of misleading.
A disguised reporter.
hiddenDifficult to find.
Hidden valleys.
impliedSuggested but not directly expressed; implicit.
She was aware of his implied criticism.
indirectNot directly caused by or resulting from something.
An indirect attack on the Archbishop.
masked(of one’s true character or feelings) concealed.
Masked dancers.
suppressedKept from public knowledge by various means.
Suppressed laughter.
surreptitiousKept secret, especially because it would not be approved of.
Surreptitious mobilization of troops.
underlyingSignificant as a cause or basis of something but not necessarily manifest or obvious.
Underlying principles.
unrevealedNot revealed; secret.
Some feelings can run so deep that they are better left unrevealed.

Usage Examples of "Veiled" as an adjective

  • The image is veiled or foggy.
  • There were thinly veiled threats of further violence.
  • Veiled sounds.
  • A veiled woman.
  • A young girl with a veiled face.
  • She gave a vague speech, making veiled references to her personal life.

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