VICARIOUSLY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for VICARIOUSLY?

Need another word that means the same as “vicariously”? Find 30 related words for “vicariously” in this overview.

Associations of "Vicariously" (30 Words)

accessorySomeone who helps another person commit a crime.
Functionally the maxillae are a pair of accessory jaws.
additionalAdded, extra, or supplementary to what is already present or available.
Called for additional troops.
additiveA substance added to something in small quantities to improve or preserve it.
The combination of these factors has an additive effect.
adjunctA person who is an assistant or subordinate to another.
Computer technology is an adjunct to learning.
alternateOf leaves or shoots placed alternately on the two sides of the stem.
Alternate bouts of intense labour and of idleness.
ancillaryA person whose work provides necessary support to the primary activities of an organization, system, etc.
An ancillary pump.
appendageA part that is joined to something larger.
A pair of feathery appendages through which oxygen is absorbed.
assistantA person who helps in particular work.
A care assistant.
auxiliaryAn auxiliary verb.
Auxiliary airport staff.
byproductA product made during the manufacture of something else.
costsPecuniary reimbursement to the winning party for the expenses of litigation.
extraExcessive or extravagant.
Extra ribs as well as other supernumerary internal parts.
extraneousNot pertinent to the matter under consideration.
Other insects attach extraneous objects or material to themselves.
insignificant(of a person) without power or influence.
A minor insignificant bureaucrat.
insteadAs a substitute or alternative to; in place of.
Used English terms instead of Latin ones.
levyAn act of levying a tax fee or fine.
There will be powers to levy the owner.
minorOf a key or mode based on a minor scale and tending to produce a sad or pensive effect.
A minor poet.
plus(after a grade) rather better than.
A grade of C plus.
secondaryA secondary coil or winding in an electrical transformer.
When a bear eats a plant eating rodent the bear is functioning as a secondary consumer.
standbyThe state of waiting to secure an unreserved place for a journey or performance, allocated on the basis of earliest availability.
Buses were placed on standby for the journey to London.
subordinateMake subordinate dependent or subservient.
In adventure stories character must be subordinate to action.
subsidiaryA company controlled by a holding company.
All the firm s subsidiary companies have to operate under broad general guidelines.
substituteAct or serve as a substitute.
This was substituted by a new clause.
supersedeTake the place of (a person or thing previously in authority or use); supplant.
The older models of car have now been superseded.
supplementaryA supplementary person or thing.
Produced supplementary volumes.
surchargeMark a postage stamp with a surcharge.
Retailers will be able to surcharge credit card users.
tertiaryComing next after the second and just before the fourth in position.
The tertiary consumers must hunt for their food.
tributary(of a stream) flowing into a larger stream.
A tributary colony.
unessentialNot basic or fundamental.
A train has broken down resulting in a call to postpone all unessential travel.
unimportantLacking in importance or significance.
Trivial and unimportant details.

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