VICE VERSA: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for VICE VERSA?

Need another word that means the same as “vice versa”? Find 30 related words for “vice versa” in this overview.

Associations of "Vice versa" (30 Words)

badFeeling physical discomfort or pain tough is occasionally used colloquially for bad.
A bad report card.
betrayerOne who reveals confidential information in return for money.
culpabilityResponsibility for a fault or wrong; blame.
A level of moral culpability.
defectiveA person with mental disabilities.
A defective appliance.
delinquencyNonpayment of a debt when due.
Social causes of crime and delinquency.
demonicRelating to or characteristic of demons or evil spirits.
Her laughter was demonic.
deviltryWicked and cruel behavior.
diabolicShowing the cunning or ingenuity or wickedness typical of a devil.
Diabolical sorcerers under the influence of devils.
errorA wrong action attributable to bad judgment or ignorance or inattention.
The crash was caused by human error.
hellishVery unpleasant.
An unearthly hellish landscape.
immoralDeliberately violating accepted principles of right and wrong.
They considered colonialism immoral.
impiousLacking due respect or dutifulness.
Impious toward one s parents.
improperNot in accordance with accepted standards, especially of morality or honesty.
Improper medication.
inaccurateNot accurate.
An inaccurate translation.
iniquityImmoral or grossly unfair behaviour.
A den of iniquity.
injusticeLack of fairness or justice.
She was taken aback by the injustice of Nora s remark.
malevolenceThe quality of threatening evil.
His eyes were glowing with malevolence.
malevolentWishing or appearing to wish evil to others; arising from intense ill will or hatred.
Failure made him malevolent toward those who were successful.
maliceFeeling a need to see others suffer.
I bear no malice towards anybody.
maliciousnessFeeling a need to see others suffer.
mischiefHarm or trouble caused by someone or something.
She ll make sure Danny doesn t get into mischief.
misinterpretInterpret wrongly.
Don t misinterpret my comments as criticism.
nefarious(typically of an action or activity) wicked or criminal.
The nefarious activities of the organized crime syndicates.
spiteMalevolence by virtue of being malicious or spiteful or nasty.
It seemed as if the wind had a spite at her.
treacherousTending to betray especially having a treacherous character as attributed to the Carthaginians by the Romans.
Memory is particularly treacherous.
uglinessQualities of appearance that do not give pleasure to the senses.
The sheer ugliness of this architectural monstrosity.
unethicalNot conforming to approved standards of social or professional behavior.
Unethical business practices.
unjustViolating principles of justice.
Unjust punishment.
wickednessThe quality of being wicked.
The wickedness of the regime.
wrongTreat unjustly do wrong to.
The wrong side of the road.

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