VORACIOUSLY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for VORACIOUSLY?

Need another word that means the same as “voraciously”? Find 30 related words for “voraciously” in this overview.

Associations of "Voraciously" (30 Words)

acquisitiveEager to acquire and possess things especially material possessions or ideas.
An acquisitive society in which the craving for material things seems never satisfied.
addle(of an egg) become rotten, producing no chick.
Being in love must have addled your brain.
appetiteA strong desire or liking for something.
An appetite for life.
covetousHaving or showing a great desire to possess something belonging to someone else.
Jealous of his success and covetous of his possessions.
cravingA powerful desire for something.
A craving for chocolate.
desireExpress a desire for.
A man of many desires.
desirousHaving or characterized by desire.
The Pope was desirous of peace in Europe.
epicureanOf Epicurus or epicureanism.
Epicurean pleasures.
gluttonAn excessively greedy eater.
He s a glutton for adventure.
gluttonousExcessively greedy.
Over fed women and their gluttonous husbands.
gourmandA person who enjoys eating and often eats too much.
graspingThe act of gripping something firmly with the hands (or the tentacles.
The lecture was beyond his most strenuous graspings.
greedyWanting to eat or drink more than one can reasonably consume.
He s scoffed the lot the greedy pig.
hedonisticEngaged in the pursuit of pleasure; sensually self-indulgent.
Lives of unending hedonistic delight.
hungryFeeling hunger; feeling a need or desire to eat food.
A world full of hungry people.
insatiableOf a person having an insatiable appetite or desire for something especially sex.
An insatiable hunger for success.
jealousyZealous vigilance.
Cherish their official political freedom with fierce jealousy.
lecherousHaving or showing excessive or offensive sexual desire.
A lecherous gleam in his eye.
lupineOf or relating to or characteristic of wolves.
miserA stingy hoarder of money and possessions often living miserably.
A typical miser he hid his money in the house in various places.
miserlyCharacterized by or indicative of lack of generosity.
His miserly great uncle proved to be worth nearly 1 million.
moneylenderSomeone who lends money at excessive rates of interest.
prehensileHaving a keen intellect.
Many monkeys have long prehensile tails which they use in swinging through the trees.
rapaciousExcessively greedy and grasping.
A rapacious appetite.
ravening(of a ferocious wild animal) extremely hungry and hunting for prey.
They turned on each other like ravening wolves.
ravenousDevouring or craving food in great quantities.
I d been out all day and was ravenous.
swineA pig.
She had a herd of swine.
tantalizeHarass with persistent criticism or carping.
She still tantalized him.
unquenchableNot able to be quenched.
His enthusiasm was unquenchable.
unscrupulousWithout scruples or principles.
Unscrupulous politicos who would be happy to sell their country in order to gain power.

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